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Song title
English: In My Head
Original Upload Date
March 6, 2013 (album release)
Hatsune Miku Append
Powapowa-P (music, lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast (autogenerated by YT)


The following translation was made by Releska, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
君と地平線に陽をつけた kimi to chiheisen ni hi o tsuketa I set fire to you and the horizon
コンビニ 100円のライターで konbini hyaku en no raitaa de with a 100-yen lighter from the convenience store.
ウィスキー 飲み干して見える wisukii nomihoshite mieru I drank my whisky and could see it—
境目の縫い目の乱れは sakaime no nuime no midare wa The unrest at the boundary’s seams
やがて▽に yagate sankaku ni became a triangle in the end: ▽

ファミレス前でタバコの火を famiresu mae de tabako no hi wo I stood on my lit cigarette
踏み千切って捨てたあの時には fumichigitte suteta ano toki ni wa and threw it away in front of the family restaurant.
戻れないね 戻れないね modorenai ne modorenai ne I can’t return. I can’t return.
なんて区切りつけたフリしてみたって nante kugiritsuketa furu shite mita tte With those words, I wanted to pretend to put a full stop on things.
かき混ぜておどるロキソニンさ kakimazete odoru rokisonin sa The Loxonin dances when it’s mixed in.
銀紙間違って口に含んだ gingami machigatte kuchi ni fukunda I held the aluminium foil in my mouth by mistake.

噛み砕いて 噛み砕いて kamikudaite kamikudaite Crunch, crunch.
しけた道でうたうミュージシャンさ shiketa michi de utau myuujishan sa I’m a musician, singing on a hard path.

僕は五線譜に火を着けた boku wa gosenfu ni hi o tsuketa I set fire to my sheet music
コンビニ 100円のライターで konbini hyaku en no raitaa de with a 100-yen lighter from the convenience store.
ウィスキー 空になった瓶に wisukii kara ni natta bin ni I cram seashells from the beach
砂浜の貝殻詰めて sunahama no kaigara tsumete into my empty whisky bottle.
やがて忘れてく yagate wasureteku I eventually start to forget.

呼吸器が灼かれる感覚と kokyuuki ga yakareru kankaku to With burning lungs
手をとって踊るステップはワン・ツー・スリー te o totte odoru suteppu wa wan tsuu surii I take your hand and dance these steps: “one, two, three…”

躓いたって 躓いたって tsumazuita tte tsumazuita tte Though I stumbled, though I stumbled,
「ボクがたすけてあげるよ」 "boku ga tasukete ageru yo" “I’ll help you out!”
すまし顔ね sumashi kao ne You looked so composed.
マドラーで回る大好きと madoraa de mawaru daisuki to I love that drink when stirred
ガムシロップ加わる大嫌いで gamu shiroppu kuwawaru daikirai de and hate it when gum syrup is added.
愛してるって 愛してるって aishiteru tte aishiteru tte I love you, I love you.
湿気った言葉うたうミュージシャンさ shiketta kotoba utau myuujishan sa I’m a musician, singing such soppy words.

昔から「ふり」がうまくって mukashi kara "furi" ga umaku tte I’ve been good at ‘pretending’ since long ago
それでも隠せないこともあって soredemo kakusenai koto mo atte but there are some things I can’t hide.
うまくいかない うまくいかない umaku ikanai umaku ikanai It’s not going well. It’s not going well.
そんで変な踊りおどってみたり sonde hen na odori odotte mitari So, I thought I’d try dancing a weird dance.

しわくちゃなワルツはインマイヘッド shiwakucha na warutsu wa in mai heddo This crumpled waltz is in my head.
手をとって踊るステップはワン・ツー・スリー te o totte odoru suteppu wa wan tsuu surii I take your hand and dance these steps: “one, two, three…”
目眩がした 目眩がした memai ga shita memai ga shita I felt dizzy. I felt dizzy.
転んで傷がついたミュージシャンさ koronde kizu ga tsuita myuujishan sa I’m a musician who fell over and injured themselves.

English translation by Releska


This song was featured on the following albums:

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