Song title | |||
"インテグラル" Romaji: Integuraru Official English: Integral | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
March 1, 2024 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
290,000+ (YT), 100,000+ (YT, autogen) | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT) | |||
“I produced the Leo/need unit song! |
Alternate Versions[]
Leo/need × Hatsune Miku ver. |
Upload date: March 1, 2024 |
Featuring: Leo/need, and Hatsune Miku |
Producer(s): *Luna (music, lyrics) Mele (illustration) Shiroi Mode (Roly) (video) Kakimoji Design (design) Amedamato (storyboard) |
NN / YT |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
初めは一人だった 誰も言い出せなかった | hajime wa hitori datta dare mo iidasenakatta | “At first, I was alone,” No one could bring that up. |
そんな言葉たちを持って 差し出した掌 | sonna kotobatachi o motte sashidashita tenohira | Carrying such words, I held out my hands. |
それは次第に響いていった 弱々しく震えた | sore wa shidai ni hibiite itta yowayowashiku furueta | They gradually started to resound, they trembled weakly. |
手と手を重ねて 物語は走り出したんだ | te to te o kasanete monogatari wa hashiridashita nda | You place your hand on top of mine, and our story began to run. |
傷付け合ってすれ違って 居場所を失くしてしまうのが | kizutsukeatte surechigatte ibasho o nakushite shimau no ga | I can't help being scared that we'll hurt each other, misunderstand each other, |
怖くてしょうがないんだよ もう泣きそうだ | kowakute shouganai nda yo mou nakisou da | and end up losing the place where we belong. I’m already on the verge of tears. |
それでも 僕らが 選び取った未来だ | soredemo bokura ga erabitotta mirai da | Even so, we chose this future. |
そこに見えるのは いつかの忘れ物だ | soko ni mieru no wa itsuka no wasuremono da | What we can see there is something we'd once forgotten. |
あぁきっと 何度だって僕らは思い出すんだろう | aa kitto nando datte bokura wa omoidasu ndarou | Ah, surely, we’ll remember this many times over. |
そうやって 何度だって僕らは確かめ合うんだろう | sou yatte nando datte bokura wa tashikameau ndarou | And in that way, we’ll reaffirm each other many times over. |
その痛みも その弱さも あの悔しさも涙も | sono itami mo sono yowasa mo ano kuyashisa mo namida mo | That pain, that weakness, the frustration, and our tears |
この「今」を見つけてくれた宝物なんだ | kono "ima" o mitsukete kureta takaramono nanda | are all treasures that have lead us to "now." |
ぎこちない音だった それさえも愛しくて | gikochinai oto datta sore sae mo itoshikute | It was a constrained sound. The reason even that was so dear to me |
夢中になれたのは そう 君がいたから | muchuu ni nareta no wa sou kimi ga ita kara | that I lost myself in it was, yes, because you were there. |
自信が無くて見失って 道がぼやけてしまう度 | jishin ga nakute miushinatte michi ga boyakete shimau tabi | Every time I lost my confidence, lost sight of myself, and the road became a blur before me |
誰かがまた強くなれたんだ | dareka ga mata tsuyokunareta nda | someone else could become strong. |
変わっていく 未来を かき鳴らしてやるんだ | kawatte iku mirai o kakinarashite yaru nda | I strum the changing future for us. |
積み上げたのは メジャーな僕らの音色だった | tsumiageta no wa mejaa na bokura no neiro datta | What we'd built up was our major tone. |
あぁやっと わかったんだ心がぶつかった意味が | aa yatto wakatta nda kokoro ga butsukatta imi ga | Ah, I finally understood the significance of our hearts clashing. |
そうやっと 気付けたんだ心が叫んでいること | sou yatto kizuketa nda kokoro ga sakende iru koto | So, I finally could realize that my heart is screaming. |
その理由が その時間が あの日見た夜の空へ | sono riyuu ga sono jikan ga ano hi mita yoru no sora e | Because that reason, that time will forever connect us |
いつまでも繋げてくれる から | itsu made mo tsunagete kureru kara | to the night sky we saw that day. |
追いつけないと嘆いて | oitsukenai to nageite | I lament how I can't catch up, |
諦めるのは簡単だ そんな未来はどうだろう | akirameru no wa kantan da sonna mirai wa dou darou | it’s so easy to give up. What sort of future would I have? |
いや もう戻れないよ 僕らが夢を託したのは | iya mou modorenai yo bokura ga yume o takushita no wa | No way! I can’t turn back now! The place we've entrusted our dreams to is, |
そう この道の先なんだ | sou kono michi no saki nanda | yes, just beyond this road. |
あぁずっと 「自分なんて」とばかり悩んでいたけど | aa zutto "jibun nante" to bakari nayande ita kedo | Ah, all this time, I did nothing but worry about “someone like me” but |
そうきっと 「君じゃなきゃ」と今は伝えたいんだよ | sou kitto "kimi ja nakya" to ima wa tsutaetai nda yo | I see, I’m sure I want to tell you now, “If it weren’t for you.” |
その言葉で その響きで ここまで歩いてこれた | sono kotoba de sono hibiki de koko made aruite koreta | From those words, those sounds, I was able to walk to here. |
もう何も怖くないよ | mou nani mo kowakunai yo | I'm not afraid of anything anymore! |
あぁもっと 僕らのセカイを歌おう | aa motto bokura no sekai o utaou | Ah, let’s sing more about our world! |
一度だって後悔したくないから | ichido datte koukai shitakunai kara | Because I don't want to regret it even once. |
そうきっと もう二度とこんな気持ち出逢えないから | sou kitto mou nidoto konna kimochi deaenai kara | Right, I'm sure I’ll never again meet with this feeling, |
ここしかない 代わりはない 答えはすぐそこだった | koko shika nai kawari wa nai kotae wa sugu soko datta | it has to be here. There’s no replacement, our answer was so close by. |
この「今」を見つけてくれた | kono "ima" o mitsukete kureta | It found this “now” for us. |
その笑顔も その強さも あの優しさも歌声も | sono egao mo sono tsuyosa mo ano yasashisa mo utagoe mo | That smile, that strength, that kindness, and those singing voices |
この「今」を奏でてくれた宝物なんだ | kono "ima" o kanadete kureta takaramono nanda | are all treasures that played "now" for us. |
さぁ次の音へ 初めまして | saa tsugi no oto e hajimemashite | Now, it’s nice to meet you, our next sound. |
English translation by Violet Lights, with edits by Violet
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