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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Ijiwaru na Deai
Song title
Romaji: Ijiwaru na Deai
English: Mean Encounter
Original Upload Date
July 3, 2015
Hatsune Miku
shito (music, bass)
shito, Gom (lyrics)
HoneyWorks (arrangements)
Oji (Kaizoukuou) (guitar)
cake (piano)
AtsuyuK! (drums)
Yamako (video)
550,000+ (NN), 18,000,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
いつも心揺らす君の言葉はチクチクで itsumo kokoro yurasu kimi no kotoba wa chikuchiku de You always shake up my heart, but your words sting,
優しさ詰め込んで少しイジワルなんだ yasashisa tsumekonde sukoshi ijiwaru nanda So I’ll be a little mean to you, yet still packed with gentleness.

感情なんて簡単に操って kanjou nante kantan ni ayatsutte It was easy for me to manipulate anyone’s feelings,
泣き虫な過去に少し笑って見せた nakimushi na kako ni sukoshi waratte miseta And I smiled a little at my tearful past.

本気になんてならないよ?だってそうじゃん honki ni nante naranai yo? datte sou jan I’m not gonna get serious, okay? ‘Cause, that’s right, this is
楽しんだ人が勝てる“恋愛(ゲーム)”なんだから tanoshinda hito ga kateru “geemu” nan dakara A love game where those who enjoy themselves win it big, after all.

いつでも同じ様なセリフ選択して itsu demo onaji you na serifu sentaku shite Even though I’m picking the same lines as always
全部うまくいくはずなのに zenbu umaku iku hazu nano ni And everything’s going so well...

君は突然言い放った kimi wa totsuzen iihanatta All of a sudden, you declared,
「きっとそれじゃ“つまんない”」って "kitto sore ja “tsumannai”" tte “That must be the ‘dullest’ hobby on the planet.”
気づかない振りして笑っていた kizukanai furi shite waratte ita Pretending not to notice, I was smiling.

僕の心揺らす君の言葉はチクチクで boku no kokoro yurasu kimi no kotoba wa chikuchiku de You shake up my heart, but your words sting,
優しさ詰め込んで少しイジワルなんだ yasashisa tsumekonde sukoshi ijiwaru nanda So I’ll be a little mean to you, yet still packed with gentleness.

懲りずに今日もセリフで挑んでみる korizu ni kyou mo serifu de idonde miru Undaunted, I’ll try throwing down the gauntlet today too with my lines.
不機嫌に君は口を膨らませてる fukigen ni kimi wa kuchi o fukuramaseteru You puff out your cheeks in a sullen pout.

毎日「かける言葉と理由」検索ゼロ mainichi "kakeru kotoba to riyuu" kensaku zero Every day, I get zero search results for “words to say and why.”
慣れないアドリブできなくて narenai adoribu dekinakute It’s not like I can whip out an unfamiliar ad-lib!

君は一瞬クスっとして kimi wa isshun kusutto shite You let a chuckle slip out for a moment,
そっぽ向いて「ありがとう」って soppo muite "arigatou" tte Turned around, and said, “Thank you.”
気づかないフリした恋に出会う kizukanai furi shita koi ni deau I encounter my love when I was pretending not to notice.

いつも心乱す君の言葉はチクチクで itsumo kokoro midasu kimi no kotoba wa chikuchiku de You always disturb my heart, but your words sting,
優しさ詰め込んだ少し苦めの薬 yasashisa tsumekonda sukoshi nigame no kusuri And this slightly bitter-ish medicine is packed with gentleness.

君の心揺らす僕の言葉はありますか? kimi no kokoro yurasu boku no kotoba wa arimasu ka? Are there words I can say that would shake up your heart?
心の片隅に僕がいるなら… kokoro no katasumi ni boku ga iru nara… If I’m there in a corner of your heart...

君の心揺らせ僕の言葉で引き寄せて kimi no kokoro yurase boku no kotoba de hikiyosete How about this for shaking up your heart! I’m pulling you close with my words,
本気を詰め込んだ少し真面目な愛で honki o tsumekonda sukoshi majime na ai de With a love that’s a little sincere and packed with seriousness.

僕の心揺らす boku no kokoro yurasu You shake up my heart.
優しさ詰め込んで少しイジワルなんだ yasashisa tsumekonde sukoshi ijiwaru nanda I’ll be a little mean to you, yet still packed with gentleness.

English translation by MeaningfulUsername


This song was featured on the following albums:

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