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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Undead Enemy
Song title
Romaji: Andeddo Enemii
English: Undead Enemy
Original Upload Date
June 20, 2014
Kagamine Rin
Suzumu (music, lyrics, arrangement)
Giga-P (music, arrangement)
Miwashiba (illustration, video)
Niconico Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
どうしてか 昔憧れた doushite ka mukashi akogareta For whatever reason, he put on a mask symbolizing
主役の象徴お面付けた 次の日から shuyaku no shouchou omen tsuketa tsugi no hi kara the leading role he had yearned for in the past. And from the next day onward,
ずっと笑顔崩れる事無く zutto egao kuzureru koto naku the unhappy boy's smile did not falter,
誰からだって愛されてた 不幸な少年は dare kara datte aisareteta fukou na shounen wa he was even loved by someone.

機会仕掛けの ブリキの心臓 kikai jikake no buriki no shinzou A tin plate heart mechanized by chance.
蓋し眩々 千歳も待てば futashi kurakura chitose mo mateba Perhaps if I dizzily wait as much as one thousand years,
何処からか 笑い方忘れ doko kara ka waraikata wasure I'll forget how to smile along the way.
算盤式 続き柄カタカタ soroban shiki tsudzukigara katakata An equation on the abacus, connections rattle and clatter.

1点?100点?10点? あらら赤点 itten? hyaku? jutten? arara akaten 1 mark? 100 marks? 10 marks? Oh my, a failing mark?
1点?100点?10点? ――キミは? itten? hyakutten? jutten? ――kimi wa? 1 mark? 100 marks? 10 marks? ...and how about you?

嗤え 嗤え 囚人達 warae warae shuujintachi Laugh, sneer, you prisoners,
門に来た福も その使いも kado ni kita fuku mo sono tsukai mo at the good fortune that came to those who smiled, and its messengers too.
謗れ 謗れ そして 誰も soshire soshire soshite dare mo Slander and criticize, and then,
いらないんだよ ボクをほっといてくれ iranainda yo boku o hottoite kure I won't need anyone else. Just leave me alone.

(だだ だだだだ) 惰性じゃもう何も助かりゃしない (da da da da da da) dasei ja mou nan mo tasukarya shinai (Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo) Forces of habits won't save anything anymore.
限界寸前スリリング どうでしょうね? genkai sunzen suriringu dou deshou ne? It's thrilling to be on the verge of your limits. How do you like it?

どうしてか 昔憧れた doushite ka mukashi akogareta For whatever reason, he put on a mask symbolizing
主役の象徴お面付けた 次の日から shuyaku no shouchou omen tsuketa tsugi no hi kara the leading role he had yearned for in the past. And from the net day onwards,
ずっと笑顔崩れる事無く zutto egao kuzureru koto naku the kind boy's smile did not falter,
誰でもずっと好きしていた 優しい少年は dare demo zutto suki shite ita yasashii shounen wa he loved everyone.

行方知らずの 感情ガサゴソ yukue shirazu no kanjou gasagoso Emotions with unknown whereabouts make rattling sounds.
不貞腐れ々 千里も歩きゃ futekusare sare senri mo arukya If I sulk around and walk a long, long distance,
何処からか 愛し方忘れ doko kara ka aishikata wasure I'll forget how to love along the way.
算盤式 胸積もりカチカチ soroban shiki mune tsumori kachikachi An equation on the abacus, I calculate it in my head, click clack.

1点?100点?10点? そこが落点 itten? hyaku? jutten? soko ga rakuten 1 mark? 100 marks? 10 marks? That's the falling point.
1点?100点?10点? ――キミは? itten? hyaku? jutten? ――kimi wa ? 1 mark? 100 marks? 10 marks? ...and how about you?

踊れ 踊れ ダンスナンバー odore odore dansu nanbaa Dance, dance, it's a dance number.
愛想尽かしては 愛想笑い aiso tsukashite wa aiso warai I act spitefully in disgust and force a smile.
外れ 外れ 発明者も hazure hazure hatsumeisha mo Even an inventor at wit's end
うんざりなんだ まやかしそそのかし unzari nanda mayakashi sosonokashi is tedious, deceiving and instigating.

(どどどどどど) 努力じゃもう何も報わりゃしない (do do do do do do) doryoku ja mou nan mo mukuwarya shinai (G G G G G G) Great efforts aren't rewarded with anything.
崩壊寸前スリリング どうもこうも houkai sunzen suriringu doumo kou mo It's thrilling to be on the brink of collapse. There's no other way.

誰か頼みの 飯事信託 dareka tanomi no mamagoto shintaku Someone requested I play house and trust them.
不協和音は 今日も止まずに fukyou waon wa kyou mo yamazu ni The dissonance not stopping today either,
どこからか 休み方を忘れ doko kara ka yasumikata o wasure I forgot how to rest along the way.
漏電気味 クチャクチャのカタカタ rouden gimi kuchakucha no katakata It feels like short circuiting, crunching and rattling.

1点?100点?10点? あららあらあら itten? hyaku? jutten? arara ara ara 1 mark? 100 marks? 10 marks? Oh, wow, oh.
1点?11点? あれれあれあれ itten? juuitten? arere are are 1 mark? 11 marks? Oh my, oh my, oh my.
1点?もう1点? 1.11? itten? mou itten? itten ichi ichi? 1 mark? Ugh, 1 mark? 1.11.?
1000 11000 ――ボクは? issen juuissen ――boku wa? 1000 11000? ――me?

遠く 遠く 聞こえるんだ tooku tooku kikoerunda I can hear it from far away,
怒号に 塗 まみれた咽び泣きが dogou ni mamireta musebi naki ga sobbing choked-up tears stained by angry roars.
やめてみんな yamete yamete minna minna Just stop it everybody.
ボクをひとりぼっちにしないでよ boku o hitori bocchi ni shinaide yo Don't leave me alone.

笑え 笑え 囚人達 warae warae shuujintachi Laugh and sneer, you prisoners.
ママの言うことは 聞けたのかな? mama no iu koto wa kiketa no ka na? I wonder, could you hear what mama said?
踊れ 踊れ 大人達の odore odore otonatachi no Dance, you and I,
手の平ダンサーなんだ キミもボクも tenohira dansaa nanda kimi mo boku mo we're just dancers in the palms of adults' hands.

(だだ だだだだ) 打算的悲劇 奇跡も 疎 おろか (da da da da da da) dasanteki higeki kiseki mo oroka (A A A A A A) A calculated tragedy, miracles are foolish.
刺激的なチキンレース どうでしょうね? shigekiteki na chikin reesu dou deshou ne? It's a stimulating chicken race, how do you like it?
それの解答は? sore no kaitou wa? And the solution to this is?

English translation by OccasionalSubs

Notable Derivatives

Undead Enemy
Ikasan's cover
Featuring: Ikasan

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