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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

! Warning: This song contains questionable elements (suicidal ideation); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page are found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

Song title
Romaji: Anchi Biito
English: Anti Beat
Original Upload Date
April 28, 2014
Hatsune Miku
DECO*27 (music, lyrics)
akka (illustration)
kous (arrangement)
1,600,000+ (NN), 2,300,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Milgram kotoko anti beat
MILGRAM arrangement
Upload date: September 29, 2021
Featuring: Kotoko (CV: Aimi)
Producer(s): DECO*27 (music, lyrics), Rockwell (arrange), Takuya Yamanaka and T.Sakai (production)
YT (auto-gen)


Japanese Romaji English
背中が痒いんだ senaka ga kayui nda My back gets itchy
君がギュッとするから kimi ga gyutto suru kara When you try to put your arms around me
好意を寄せるその目 koui o yoseru sono me Those eyes which look on me so kindly,
抉り出していいかな eguridashite ii kana Can I gouge them out?

抉り出したその目を eguridashita sono me o Plucked from their sockets,
飾り付けてください kazaritsukete kudasai Please hang them up for all to see
痛いほどに不快だ itai hodo ni fukai da Painfully unpleasant,
さあ僕を愛した罰を受けろ saa boku o aishita batsu o ukero Come and receive this punishment for loving me

アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
もう早く死んじゃいたい mou hayaku shinjaitai I just want to die already,
楽になりたいんだ raku ni naritai nda So I can finally be at ease
アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
でもでも「痛い痛い」 demo demo "itai itai" But all I know is pain
どこにも逝けないよ doko ni mo ikenai yo And there’s nowhere to run
アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat

ご飯が不味いんだ gohan ga mazui nda This rice tastes terrible
君とのキスの後は kimi to no kisu no ato wa Having just kissed you
空気が不味いんだ kuuki ga mazui nda The atmosphere is terrible
君が隣にいるとさ kimi ga tonari ni iru to sa When you are nearby

「 “愛してる” に吐き気を覚えました。」 "'aishiteru' ni hakike o oboemashita." "Thinking about 'I love you' reminds me of that nauseous feeling"
「触れるだけで僕が僕じゃなくなります。」 "fureru dake de boku ga boku ja naku narimasu." "Just being near you turns me into a different person"
そう、何度だって君に伝えよう sou, nando datte kimi ni tsutaeyou Yeah, I tried telling you this so many times
どうだ?罪の味は dou da? tsumi no aji wa How is it? The taste of these sins

アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
もう早く脱いじゃいたい mou hayaku nuijaitai I want to lose
借り物の表情も karimono no hyoujou mo That “borrowed” expression of mine already
アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
そろそろ限界だ sorosoro genkai da It’s gradually reaching its limit,
君が住む世界は kimi ga sumu sekai wa This world where you exist
アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat

君は僕のどこが好きなの? kimi wa boku no doko ga suki na no? What part of me do you like?
教えてくれたらナンデモしてあげる oshiete kuretara nan demo shite ageru If you tell me, I'll do anything for you
「全部全部全部もう全部」なんて言われたら もう僕は "zenbu zenbu zenbu mou zenbu" nante iwaretara mou boku wa If I’m told “I love all of you, every single part”,
嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い嫌い kirai kirai kirai kirai kirai kirai kirai kirai I’ll just be filled with hate
君が好きな僕のすべてが 大嫌いだ kimi ga suki na boku no subete ga daikirai da I absolutely detest the “me” that you love

我儘聞いてよ wagamama kiite yo Listen to this selfishness of mine!

アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
命じます オンビート刻みませ meiji masu on biito kizamimase I command you, note that on-beat carefully
アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
止まらない 制御不能のビートを tomaranai seigyo funou no biito o This unstoppable, uncontrollable beat…
アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
もう早く死んじゃいたい mou hayaku shinjaitai I just want to die already,
楽になりたいんだ raku ni naritai nda So I can finally be at ease
アンチビート anchi biito Anti Beat
でもでも「痛い痛い」 demo demo "itai itai" But all I know is pain and
どこにも逝けないんだ僕は doko ni mo ikenai nda boku wa I’m stuck with no way to escape

ねえねえ 君が笑うたびに nee nee kimi ga warau tabi ni Hey, hey, every time you smile
僕の鼓動が二倍速になるんだ boku no kodou ga nibaisoku ni naru nda These heartbeats of mine double in speed
君がくれたすべてが僕を、僕を kimi ga kureta subete ga boku o, boku o nee All that you’ve done for me, all that you’ve given me, it just, it just…
ねえねえ 僕が探していた nee nee boku ga sagashite ita Hey, hey where the heck
君の穴は一体どこにあるんだ kimi no ana wa ittai doko ni aru nda Is that “hole” of yours I was searching for
君がくれたすべてが僕をグチャグチャに kimi ga kureta subete ga boku o guchagucha ni All that you’ve done for me, all that you’ve given me, it has turned me into such a mess

グチャグチャに guchagucha ni Everything is just such a mess…

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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