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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Amygdala Ayamari
Song title
Romaji: Amigudaara Ayamari
English: Amygdala Apology
Original Upload Date
August 27, 2023
ia shoumonai (music, lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT) / Bandcamp Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
なぜまだ私が笑うか? naze mada atashi ga warau ka? Why do I continue to smile?
いい子ぶる劇といえども ii ko buru geki to ie domo Despite these polite words,
くだらない同情ながらも kudaranai doujou nagara mo Despite this worthless compassion,
まだ爪弾きされている mada tsumahajikisarete iru You continue to glare at me in such a way

私は善人じゃないよな? atashi wa zennin janai yo na? I’m not a good person, am I?
この持ちつ持たれつも kono mochitsu motaretsu mo This give and take,
この意味不明な愛憎も kono imifumei na aizou mo This incomprehensible love-hate,
僕が何を望んでしまった? boku ga nani o nozondeshimatta? What is it that I want?

「嫌われたくない」 "kirawaretakunai" “I don’t wish to be hated”
「痛められたくない」 "itameraretakunai" “I don’t wish to be hurt”
誰もが私を愛していない daremo ga atashi o aishite inai There isn’t anybody that loves me—

ねえ、アミグダーラ nee, amigudaara Hey, Amygdala
つらい万病薬をくれ tsurai manbyouyaku o kure Give me a painful panacea
正真正銘の夢 shoushinshoumei no yume My true self
を無駄にしてしまえ o muda ni shiteshimae Bring it to naught

ねえ、どうかどうか nee, douka douka Hey, please, please
最愛の傷をくれ saiai no kizu o kure Grant me a beloved scar
災厄の弁明 saiyaku no benmei An excuse for my misfortune
ごめんね gomen ne I’m sorry

なぜまだ貴方が笑うか? naze mada anata ga warau ka? How can you continue to smile?
誤りに溺れるだのに ayamari ni oboreru da no ni Despite being buried under errors,
汚れの心臓あるなのに kegare no shinzou aru nano ni Despite an impure heart,
地獄へ導いてくれ jigoku e michibiite kure Show me where hell is

幼い理想、根性論 osanai risou, konjouron Immature ideals, willpower
性悪説、性善説 seiakusetsu, seizensetsu Cynicism, optimism
シャーデンフロイデ、匿名 shaadenfuroide, tokumei Schadenfreude, anonymity
もう教えてくれ! mou oshiete kure! Just tell me already!

「僕は死にたくない」 "boku wa shinitakunai" “I don’t want to die”
「それでも生きたくない」 "soredemo ikitakunai" “But I don’t want to live”
幸せとは何色かい? shiawase to wa nani iro kai? What color is happiness?

ねえ、神様 nee, kami-sama Hey, God
声を詰まらせて koe o tsumarasete In a choked voice
救われたいと願う私 sukuwaretai to negau atashi The me that hopes to be saved
を殺してほしい o koroshite hoshii I want you to kill it

アミグダーラ amigudaara Hey, Amygdala
優しい安楽死をくれ yasashii anrakushi o kure Give me a gentle euthanasia
正真正銘の僕を shoushinshoumei no boku o My true self
見せて misete Show it to me

ごめんね gomen ne I’m sorry

English translation by Anonymous

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