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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Iyowa - apricot
Song title
Romaji: Apurikotto
Official English: apricot
Original Upload Date
December 12, 2021
Hatsune Miku
Iyowa (music, lyrics, video)
1,300,000+ (NN), 8,800,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
ゆりかごから墓場まで yurikago kara hakaba made From the cradle to the grave
行きと帰りのうたた寝 yuki to kaeri no utatane I snooze on the way there and back
夕暮れの素敵な雨 yuugure no suteki na ame The wonderful rain at dusk
無垢なる切符の片割れ muku naru kippu no kataware One of the pair of innocent tickets—
握りしめてみた nigirishimete mita I tried clasping it

理科室からセレナーデ rikashitsu kara serenaade Serenade coming out from the science lab
おともだちも右回れ otomodachi mo migi maware My friends, too, do an about-face
あんずの香りふわりと anzu no kaori fuwari to The smell of apricots comes wafting in

指先から頭まで yubisaki kara atama made Because I’m warming up my
はやる気持ちあたためているから hayaru kimochi atatamete iru kara Enthusiasm running from the tips of my toes to my head
大事な大事な宝箱に daiji na daiji na takarabako ni In my precious, precious treasure box
かわいいかわいい日々をしまった kawaii kawaii hibi o shimatta I stowed my cute, cute days
想い出ごと引き出しで飼いましょう omoidegoto hikidashi de kaimashou Let me keep them together with my memories in the drawer

小さくなった公園へ chiisaku natta kouen e Towards the park that has grown small
口を開いていた影 kuchi o hiraite ita kage A shadow was opening its mouth wide
鬼が笑っている oni ga waratte iru The demon is laughing
あしたてんきになあれ ashita tenki ni naare Rain, rain, go away

カラスが運ぶ逆撫で karasu ga hakobu sakanade The irritation brought by a crow
時の流れが爛れているから toki no nagare ga tadarete iru kara Because the flux of time is festering
大事な大事な宝箱に daiji na daiji na takarabako ni My precious, precious treasure box
かわいいかわいい手垢がついた kawaii kawaii teaka ga tsuita Has been soiled with the cute, cute finger marks
大人になるだけの日が来るでしょう otona ni naru dake no hi ga kuru deshou The day shall come when I’ll only become an adult

ごめんねとは言わないで gomenne to wa iwanaide Do not be sorry
脳の裏をあたためているから nou no ura o atatamete iru kara Because I’m warming up the back of my brain
大事な大事な宝箱に daiji na daiji na takarabako ni My precious, precious treasure box
かわいいかわいいゴミが詰まった kawaii kawaii gomi ga tsumatta Has been crammed with some cute, cute trash
大好きとは言えないわ daisuki to wa ienai wa I can’t say I love it—
そうでしょう sou deshou Can I?

濁る心の香りがするでしょう nigoru kokoro no kaori ga suru deshou There shall be a scent of my heart growing cloudy
身を正して mi o tadashite Straighten up!
やがて来たるその日から yagate kitaru sono hi kara From the day that’s coming before long
逃げましょう愛しましょう nigemashou aishimashou Let me escape, let me love it
ああ 逃げましょう aa nigemashou Aah, let me escape
English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Japanese Romaji English
ゆりかごから墓場まで yurikago kara hakaba made While I've been in a slumber all my life
行きと帰りのうたた寝 yuki to kaeri no utatane from the cradle to the grave
夕暮れの素敵な雨 yuugure no suteki na ame I tried to cling onto any shred left of that purified ticket
無垢なる切符の片割れ muku naru kippu no kataware while covered in rain that shimmered
握りしめてみた nigirishimete mita in the sunset glow

理科室からセレナーデ rikashitsu kara serenaade A serenade plays from science class
おともだちも右回れ otomodachi mo migi maware My friends change like the hands of time
あんずの香りふわりと anzu no kaori fuwari to as the gentle scent of apricot lingers

指先から頭まで yubisaki kara atama made Emotions wash over me
はやる気持ちあたためているから hayaru kimochi atatamete iru kara sending warmth from the tips of my fingers to the top of my head
大事な大事な宝箱に daiji na daiji na takarabako ni Lots of cute, cute days went by
かわいいかわいい日々をしまった kawaii kawaii hibi o shimatta in my precious, precious treasure chest
想い出ごと引き出しで飼いましょう omoidegoto hikidashi de kaimashou Let's rip out those memories and keep them on a tight leash, shall we?

小さくなった公園へ chiisaku natta kouen e There was a shadow with an open mouth
口を開いていた影 kuchi o hiraite ita kage at the park that looked smaller than before
鬼が笑っている oni ga waratte iru The demon smiled
あしたてんきになあれ ashita tenki ni naare Rain, rain go away, come again some other day

カラスが運ぶ逆撫で karasu ga hakobu sakanade The eeriness that comes with crows
時の流れが爛れているから toki no nagare ga tadarete iru kara is what makes the sands of time run out.
大事な大事な宝箱に daiji na daiji na takarabako ni Lots of cute, cute fingerprints, were all over
かわいいかわいい手垢がついた kawaii kawaii teaka ga tsuita my precious, precious treasure chest
大人になるだけの日が来るでしょう otona ni naru dake no hi ga kuru deshou The days where I'll just be an adult are coming, aren't they?

ごめんねとは言わないで gomenne to wa iwanaide I won't say I'm sorry
脳の裏をあたためているから nou no ura o atatamete iru kara because it warms the backside of my heart
大事な大事な宝箱に daiji na daiji na takarabako ni Lots of cute, cute trash, piled up in
かわいいかわいいゴミが詰まった kawaii kawaii gomi ga tsumatta my precious, precious treasure chest
大好きとは言えないわ daisuki to wa ienai wa I can't say "I love you"
そうでしょう sou deshou you know that, right?

濁る心の香りがするでしょう nigoru kokoro no kaori ga suru deshou You can smell the stench of my rotten heart, right?
身を正して mi o tadashite I know the day
やがて来たるその日から yagate kitaru sono hi kara my body will change is fast approaching, so until then
逃げましょう愛しましょう nigemashou aishimashou I'll keep running, keep loving
ああ 逃げましょう aa nigemashou Ahh, run as far as I can
English translation by Spicy Sweets


This song was featured on the following album:

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