Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Atorakuto Raito
Official English: Attract Light
Original Upload Date
April 13, 2019
Kagamine Len
*Luna (music, lyrics)
Haluo (mix)
Bibi (tuning)
Omutatsu (illustration)
Nontan (video)
780,000+ (NN)
99,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (autogenerated by YT)

Alternate Versions

Yuaru Attract Light
Yuaru's version
Upload date: April 13, 2019
Featuring: Yuaru
Producer(s): *Luna (music, lyrics), Haluo (mix), Omutatsu (illustration), Nontan (video)
Leoneed Attract Light
Leo/need × Kagamine Len version
Upload date: November 9, 2023
Featuring: Leo/need, and Kagamine Len
Producer(s): Omutatsu (illustration), ヨルジ (video)


Japanese Romaji English
まだ青くて拙い 脆くて足りない mada aokute tsutanai morokute tarinai Still naïve and inept, fragile and insufficient,
小さくて弱くて どうしようもない 僕だ chiisakute yowakute doushiyou mo nai boku da The one so small and weak that it's helpless, it's me.

知りたかったんだ 成功と失敗 マルとバツの shiritakatta nda seikou to shippai maru to batsu no I wanted to know, between success and failure, or right and wrong,
境界線を引くとしたらどこだろう kyoukaisen o hiku to shitara doko darou If I were to draw a boundary line, then where should I do it?

それじゃあバツがマルになって sore jaa batsu ga maru ni natte If my "wrongs" transform into my "rights"
失敗を乗り越えたとしたら shippai o norikoeta to shitara And I managed to overcome my failures,
それをなんと呼ぶんだい sore o nanto yobundai I wonder, what would you call that?
いつか名前をつけよう itsuka namae o tsukeyou Someday, let's find a name for it.

夢は叶わない 願いは届かない yume wa kanawanai negai wa todokanai The dreams can't come true, the wishes can't be delivered,
だから歩くのを止めてしまうのか dakara aruku no o yamete shimau no ka So that's why you stopped walking forward?
努力は報われない 誰も認めてくれない doryoku wa mukuwarenai dare mo mitomete kurenai No one recognizes your effort, no one will reward you,
だから走るのを止めてしまうのか dakara hashiru no o yamete shimau no ka So that's why you stopped running forward?
止まってしまうのか tomatte shimau no ka Is that why you ended up stopping?

辞めてしまいたい理由なら10も100も1000もあった yamete shimaitai riyuu nara juu mo hyaku mo sen mo atta There're 10, 100, even 1000 reasons for me to have quit,
でもその全てがちっぽけに見える一つがあった demo sono subete ga chippoke ni mieru hitotsu ga atta But in their midst was one that made them all seems so small.
逃げ出すための言葉なら飽きるほど浮かんだ nigedasu tame no kotoba nara akiru hodo ukanda Encouragements to run away pop up so much in my mind that I grew tired,
でもそれを零さないだけの輝きがあった demo sore o kobosanai dake no kagayaki ga atta But there was just enough brilliance to keep it from spilling out.

知りたかったんだ明日と今日の大人と子供の shiritakatta nda ashita to kyou no otona to kodomo no I wanted to know, between today and tomorrow, or adults and children,
境界線を引くとしたらどこだろう kyoukaisen o hiku to shitara doko darou If I were to draw a boundary line, where should I do it?

大人になったらあれに成りたいって otona ni nattara are ni naritai tte "I want to be like that adult when I grow up."
みんな言うんだけれど minna iun dakeredo Everyone says that, but,
じゃあ何にもなれないんだろうか今日の僕は jaa nani ni mo narenain darou ka kyou no boku wa Here I am today, thinking that I must be amounting to nothing.

三年前 誰かが夕空に投げた言い訳は sannenmae dareka ga yuuzora ni nageta iiwake wa Three years ago, someone tossed an excuse into the evening sky, it was...

もう忘れた 必要のない言葉だ mou wasureta hitsuyou no nai kotoba da Something I've already forgotten, they're unnecessary words anyway.
いつか口ずさむ歌にでもしよう itsuka kuchizusamu uta ni demo shiyou Someday, let's make a song I'll hum to myself.
道標なんてない誰も教えてくれない michishirube nante nai dare mo oshiete kurenai There are no signposts anywhere, no one's gonna tell you where to go,
だから足跡は交わったんだ 出会えたんだ dakara ashiato wa majiwatta nda deaeta nda That's why our footprints crossed paths, why we were able to meet.

壊してしまいたい夜なら10も100も1000もあった kowashite shimaitai yoru nara juu mo hyaku mo sen mo atta There're 10, 100, even 1000 nights I wanted to completely destroy,
でもその全てを飛び越える羽を持っていたんだ demo sono subete o tobikoeru hane o motte ita nda But the wings I carry with me let me fly over them all.
あの日始まった物語はどこに向かうんだろうか ano hi hajimatta monogatari wa doko ni mukau ndarou ka The story that started on that day, where is it heading towards?
明日からの僕に課す宿題が増えたみたいだ asu kara no boku ni kasu shukudai ga fueta mitai da Seems like I have more homework to do tomorrow.

横一列でスタートを切った yokoichiretsu de sutaato o kitta The version of us that stand side by side each other,
あの日の僕らはもういない ano hi no bokura wa mou inai When we started off on that day is no longer here.
君の行く場所に 僕の行く場所に kimi no yuku basho ni boku no yuku basho ni The place you want to go, the place I want to go,
それぞれは必要ないから sorezore wa hitsuyou nai kara Neither of them are necessary anymore, right?

いくつもの挫折を超えて いくつもの冬を超えて ikutsu mo no zasetsu o koete ikutsu mo no fuyu o koete Beyond the many setbacks, the many winters we overcome,
花が開くように 青い宝石が輝くように hana ga hiraku you ni aoi houseki ga kagayaku you ni Just like a flower that's blooming, a blue gem that's shining,
だって見つけたんだ 眩しくて仕方ないんだ datte mitsuketa nda mabushikute shikatanai nda I found it after all, it was just so dazzling that it was inevitable.
その光の正体は… sono hikari no shoutai wa… Now, that light's true identity is...

辞めてしまいたい理由なら10も100も1000もあった yamete shimaitai riyuu nara juu mo hyaku mo sen mo atta There're 10, 100, even 1000 reasons for me to have quit,
でもその全てがちっぽけに見えたのはどうして demo sono subete ga chippoke ni mieta no wa doushite But now I wonder, what made them all seems so small?
あの日始まった物語が向かう先で僕ら ano hi hajimatta monogatari ga mukau saki de bokura Where the story that started on that day is heading towards, we
見つけた光を照らし合わせて 答え合わせをしよう mitsuketa hikari o terashi awasete kotaeawase o shiyou Check our answers by comparing the lights we found together.
思い思い描くたった一つの omoi omoi egakutatta hitotsu no Something we each envision in our own way,
青く光る一瞬の煌めきを aoku hikaru isshun no kirameki o That one and only momentary glimmer that shines so blue.

English translation by Thai1210, with edits by Violet and Aquatheories


This song was featured on the following album:

A cover of this song for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku was featured on the following albums:

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