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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Eyesight Love
Song title
Romaji: Aisaito Rabu
Official English: EYESIGHT LOVE
Original Upload Date
October 31, 2023
xaneiro (music, lyrics)
melodynade (video)
150,000+ (NN), 150,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
視界の影が shikai no kage ga The shadow of my eyesight
消えない消えない kienai kienai Won’t go away, won’t go away.
時計の針が tokei no hari ga The hands of the clock
見えない見えない mienai mienai Can’t be seen, can’t be seen.
強い光が tsuyoi hikari ga Wounds that
癒えない癒えない ienai ienai Won’t be healed, won’t be healed
傷を作ってしまったんだ kizu wo tsukutte shimatten da Have been made by the strong light.

廃寝忘食暴走系 haishin boushoku bousoukei Utterly devoted, uncontrollable type.
食いついた画面は kuitsuita gamen wa The screen that I jumped at—

夢ん中に落ちていた yumennaka ni ochiteita Was found in a dream.
疲れの取れない目をこすって tsukare no torenai me wo kosutte Rubbing my fatigued eyes,
手探りで掴んだ tesaguri de tsukanda I groped for and grasped
殻になったフレーム kara ni natta fureemu The frame that had turned into a shell.

半醒半睡で hanseihansui de Half-asleep and half-awake,
普段なら映らん fudan nara utsuran With an eyesight outside the—

枠ん外側の視野で wakun sotogawa no shiya de Usually invisible frame,
猫背で睨みつける時刻表 nekoze de niramitsukeru jikokuhyou I slouch forward and stare at the timetable.
手探りで tesaguri de When I grope for
フラフラと道行けば furafura to michi yukeba And totter along the path—

塗りつぶされた人間と nuritsubusareta ningen to The scenery made
不可解になった看板の fukakai ni natta kanban no By tracing over the warped boundaries
歪んだ輪郭線なぞって yuganda rinkakusen nazotte Of painted out humans
出来た情景 dekita joukei And incomprehensible signboards
が神経に流れ込む ga shinkei ni nagarekomu Will flow into my nerves.

視界の影が shikai no kage ga The shadow of my eyesight
消えない消えない kienai kienai Won’t go away, won’t go away.
時計の針が tokei no hari ga The hands of the clock
見えない見えない mienai mienai Can’t be seen, can’t be seen.
強い光が tsuyoi hikari ga Wounds that
癒えない癒えない ienai ienai Won’t be healed, won’t be healed
傷を作って kizu wo tsukutte Were made by the strong light,
今坦々 ima tantan And now just—

と過ごすだけでは to sugosu dakе de wa By leading a humdrum life,
知れない知れない shirenai shirenai You won’t know, you won’t know.
所定の街は shotei no machi wa The designated city
見えない見えない mienai mienai Can’t be seen, can’t be seen.
記号の向きは kigou no muki wa The direction of the signal
言えない言えない ienai ienai Can’t be said, can’t be said.
傷を作ってきた判断 kizu wo tsukuttekita handan The decision that made the wounds
も揺らいで許してしまったんだ mo yuraite yurushite shimatta nda Has wavered, and somehow, I’ve forgiven it.

挽回 打開 は無い bankai dakai wa nai There’s no recovery nor breakthrough.
買い替えなど効かない機械 後悔 kai kae nado kikanai kikai koukai Noninterchangeable machines and regrets.
乖離した未解 奇っ怪な視界 kairishita mikai kikai na shikai The diverged dangle. The eerie eyesight.
けったいなこったい 引っ掻いた kettai na kottai hikkaita What horrible gobbledygook! I scratched.

回答 夜盛らない奴も kaitou yomoriranai yatsu mo Response. A determination so steeled that
下位上等のヤバイ覚悟 kai joutou no yabai kakugo Nocturnal non-exaggerators are fine with subordinance.
解問う脳の魔剤爆走! Kai tou nou no mazai bousou! In a solution-asking brain, crunk runs amok!
解像度の破壊活動 ! kaizoudo no hakaikatsudou ! Destruction of resolution!

壊 体して退廃 kaitai shite taihai Wrecking: obey it and go degenerate.
大して相対して無い taishi te aitaishi te nai It does not conflict much.
配信していたいが haishin shiteitai ga While I would like to stream it,
大概な体内外 taigai na tainaigai The inside and outside of my body are such a mess.
泣いた痛い naita itai I cried. It hurts!
R,G,Bで光る R,G,B de hikaru Sparkling in R, G, B—

媒体ドラッグ baitai doraggu Is a medium drug.
遺灰のタイマーにおかしなスコア ihai no taimaa ni okashina sukoa There’s a weird score on the timer of the ashes.
リライト 害は以後磊磊と riraito gai wa igo rairai to Rewrite. The damage will come in piles later.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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