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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song contains explicit elements (Suicide, Ableism); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Watashi mo Menhera ni Naritai
Song title
Romaji: Watashi mo Menhera ni Naritai
English: I Want to be Mentally Ill too
Original Upload Date
July 2, 2017
Kasane Teto
Aoya (music, lyrics)
94,000+ (NN), 690,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
もしも失敗しても許してくれるらしい moshimo shippai shite mo yurushite kureru rashii It seems that even if I fail you, you’ll forgive me
もしも裏切っても諦めてくれるらしい moshimo uragitte mo akiramete kureru rashii It seems that even if I betray you, you’ll back down
か弱い免罪符をわたしにちょうだい kayowai menzaifu o watashi ni choudai Please give me that weak indulgence![1]

ららら やんやんやんややんやんだ rarara yan yan yan ya yan yan da La-la-la, wahh wahh wahhh wahh, no way![2]
ららら やんやんやんややんやーよ rarara yan yan yan ya yan yaa yo La-la-la, no no no no no way!
やんやんやんややんやんだ yan yan yan ya yan yan da Wahh wahh wahhh wahh, I don’t want to!
わたしも あの子みたいになりたいな watashi mo ano ko mitai ni naritai na I want to be like that girl[3] too!

それは対人恐怖症で人格破綻らしい sore wa taijin kyoufushou de jinkaku hatan rashii That[4] seems like a disordered personality due to social phobia
これは社会生活不適合ではないらしい kore wa shakai seikatsu futekigou dewa nai rashii This doesn’t seem to be incompatible with my social life
首を吊って生き永らえてるあの子ずるいんじゃない kubi o tsutte ikinagaraeteru ano ko zuruin ja nai Isn’t it unfair that the girl who hung herself survived?

ららら やんやんやんややんやんだ rarara yan yan yan ya yan yan da La-la-la, wahh wahh wahhh wahh, no way!
ららら やんやんやんややんやーよ rarara yan yan yan ya yan yaa yo La-la-la, no no no no no way!
やんやんやんややんやんだ yan yan yan ya yan yan da Wahh wahh wahhh wahh, I don’t want to!
わたしも あの子みたいに watashi mo ano ko mitai ni I want to be like that girl!

おかしい人はあっちで 普通の人はこっちで okashii hito wa acchi de futsuu no hito wa kocchi de The weird people are over there, the ordinary people are over here
多分私はここらへん 可もないけど不可もないんだね tabun watashi wa kokorahen ka mo nai kedo fuka mo nain da ne I’m probably around here, not good, but not bad, either

いっそ やんやんやんややん 病んで isso yan yan yan ya yan yande Better yet[5], I’m so so so so so unstable!
もう やんやんやんや 嫌んなって mou yan yan yan ya iyan natte I don’t don’t don’t like it anymore!
やんやんやんや 病んでる yan yan yan ya yanderu I’m so so so mentally unstable!
わたしも あの子みたいになりたいな watashi mo ano ko mitai ni naritai na I want to be like that girl too!
わたしも あの子みたいになりたいな watashi mo ano ko mitai ni naritai na I want to be like that girl too!

English translation by Reiri

Translation Notes

  1. Indulgence in this case likely refers to the Catholic use of the term, which is “the remission of punishment caused”.
  2. This part is incredibly interpretive. Firstly, “やんやんやんややんやんだ”, which is phonetically “yan-yan-yan-ya-yan-yanda”, can be interpreted as the cries of a child throwing a tantrum. This could allude to the singer having a more childish disposition, and letting out sobs of refusal. “やんだ / yanda” is an alternate way to say “やだ / yada”, (which means “no / I don’t want to”) but in a more childish way, which is what contributes to the fact that this is a protest towards something. However, another way to interpret this “やんだ / yanda” is a term that means “cease”, like ceasing to cry. This is why I chose to end the sobs with “no way!” –– to allow it to be interpreted either way, a protest, or a sudden stop of crying. In the last version of the chorus, they finally use a kanji for “yanda”, which signifies mental instability. It can be interpreted that the choruses before that could also be a proclamation of being mentally unstable, but as there was deliberately no use of the kanji, I chose to interpret it in a different way.
  3. “あの子” is technically gender-neutral, signifying “that kid/person”. However, in Japanese, this subtext is often used to refer to a girl, and for the sake of fluidity, I used that instead. Just note that this can be completely gender neutral and interpreted either way.
  4. Likely, in this case, “それ / That” is referring to the person from the previous line. An envious comparison that the other person has disorders like anxiety, which could be interpreted as the singer’s feeling of lack and not being ‘sick enough’. “これ / This” is most likely referring to themself, feeling as if they aren’t sick enough due to it not even impacting their social life.
  5. “いっそ / Better yet” can be interpreted as ‘rather’, which could be sarcastic in this case. It could also be connected to the previous line, about how the singer feels they are around the middle between ‘ordinary’ people and ‘weird’ (mentally ill) people. This could depict a repressed feeling of feeling mentally ill yet not being recognised as such.


This song was featured on the following album:

External Links

