Song title | |||
"やっぱ最強!" Romaji: Yappa Saikyou! English: It is the Strongest After All! | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
January 15, 2019 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku and GUMI halyosy (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
中西 (guitar) shito (bass) cake (keyboard) Yuuki Leon (drums) 堤 博明 (strings arrange) 門脇大輔ストリングス (strings) Yamako (video) | |||
Views | |||
180,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast | |||
Originally sung by LIPxLIP. |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
大好きってやっぱ最強 | daisuki tte yappa saikyou | After all, love is the strongest feeling |
さあ青春撒き散らして | saa seishun makichirashite | So spread this youth |
恥をかいて泣いて学んで | haji o kaite naite manande | Through your shame, tears and growth, |
ララライバル蹴散らしてけ | rararaibaru kechirashiteke | Blow your rivals away! |
本気出して打ち込むもの | honki dashite uchikomu mono | Whatever drives you to try your best |
胸を熱くさせるもの | mune o atsuku saseru mono | Whatever lights a fire in your heart |
Wowがむしゃらな想い一つ持ってけ | Wow gamushara na omoi hitotsu motteke | Wow Hold on to that one reckless feeling |
届かなくてやるせないこと | todokanakute yarusenai koto | Whatever you can't afford not to reach |
胸が締め付けられること | mune ga shimetsukerareru koto | Whatever causes your chest to tighten |
Wowがむしゃらじゃなきゃ味わえないだろう? | Wow gamushara ja nakya ajiwaenai darou? | Wow If you aren’t reckless, you’ll never get a taste of your goal |
Ride On失恋だって人生にはスパイス | Ride On shitsuren datte jinsei ni wa supaisu | Ride on! Heartbreak is just the spice of life |
失敗だってあるさ笑い合おう | shippai datte aru sa waraiaou | Failure is just something we can laugh about together |
大げさだって声を上げて喜べ | oogesa datte koe o agete yorokobe | Raise your voices loud and cheer |
僕達はど真ん中 | bokutachi wa domannaka | We're on center stage! |
大好きってやっぱ最強 | daisuki tte yappa saikyou | After all, love is the strongest feeling |
さあ青春撒き散らして | saa seishun makichirashite | So spread this youth |
恥をかいて泣いて学んで | haji o kaite naite manande | Through your shame, tears and growth, |
ララライバル蹴散らしてけ | rararaibaru kechirashiteke | Blow your rivals away! |
大好きってやっぱ最強 | daisukitte yappa saikyou | After all, passion is the strongest feeling |
言いたいやつにゃ言わせとけ | iitai yatsu nya iwasetoke | Let them say whatever they want |
食いしばって耐えて学んで | kuishibatte taete manande | clenching our teeth, enduring, and learning |
ララライバル高め合え | rararaibaru takameae | To reach the same heights as our rivals |
輝いてよ眩しいくらい | kagayaite yo mabushii kurai | To shine so bright that it’s dazzling |
どうせ無理と諦めたこと | douse muri to akirameta koto | That impossible thing you gave up on anyhow |
それを笑っていたこと | sore o waratte ita koto | That thing you laughed at |
Wow言い訳が当たり前になってた | Wow iiwake ga atarimae ni natteta | Wow Excuses have gotten common |
仕方ないよ苦手なもの | shikatanai yo nigate na mono | It’s only natural that there are things you're bad at |
僕らそう人間だもの | bokura sou ningen da mono | We’re only human, after all |
Wow助け合う仲間いつか出会う | Wow tasukeau nakama itsuka deau | Wow But someday you'll meet a friend who will be there to help you |
Hey yo経験だって油断してちゃトラップ | Hey yo keiken datte yudan shitecha torappu | Hey yo! Don’t let your guard down because you’re more experienced, it's a trap |
結果を気にしすぎじゃ楽しくない | kekka o ki ni shisugi ja tanoshikunai | It's no fun if you're too worried about how things will turn out |
やっぱり ”好きこそ物の上手なれ” | yappari ”suki koso mono no jouzu nare” | After all, "If you have something you like, get good at it." |
僕達はど真ん中 | bokutachi wa domannaka | We're on center stage! |
大好きってやっぱ最強やりたいことは隠さないで | daisuki tte yappa saikyou yaritai koto wa kakusanaide | After all, love is the strongest feeling
Don't hide the things you want to do. |
苦手だってちょっとチャレンジ | nigate datte chotto charenji | is a bit of a challenge |
ラララストはハッピーにね | rararasuto wa happii ni ne | Let’s do this last one happily! |
大好きってやっぱ最強 | daisuki tte yappa saikyou | After all, passion is the strongest feeling |
照れてる君巻き込んでけ | tereteru kimi makikondeke | Even if you're embarrassed, hurl yourself into it |
意地を張ってないでおいでよ | iji o hattenaide oide yo | Don’t be so stubborn, come on! |
ララライトは照らしてる | rararaito wa terashiteru | The light is shining on us |
輝いてよ眩しいくらい | kagayaite yo mabushii kurai | Shining so bright that it’s dazzling |
見せてくれよ本気の姿を | misetekure yo honki no sugata o | Please show it to me, the shape of your dedication |
君は枯れぬ青春の花 | kimi wa karenu seishun no hana | You are an unwilting flower of youth |
弾む強い胸の音 | hazumu tsuyoi mune no oto | This pounding sound in my chest |
真っ直ぐな想いここに | massugu na omoi koko ni | And my honest feelings are right here |
大好きってやっぱ最強 | daisuki tte yappa saikyou | After all, love is the strongest feeling |
さあ青春撒き散らして | saa seishun maki chirashite | So spread this youth |
恥をかいて泣いて学んで | haji o kaite naite manande | Through your shame, tears and growth, |
ララライバル蹴散らしてけ | rararaibaru kechirashiteke | Blow your rivals away! |
大好きってやっぱ最強 | daisuki tte yappa saikyou | After all, love is the strongest feeling |
言いたいやつにゃ言わせとけ | iitai yatsu nya iwasetoke | Let them say whatever they want |
食いしばって耐えて学んで | kuishibatte taete manande | Clenching our teeth, enduring, and learning |
ララライバル高め合え | rararaibaru takameae | To reach the same heights as my rivals |
輝いてよ眩しいくらい | kagayaite yo mabushii kurai | To shine so bright that it’s dazzling! |
English translation by Risako, checked and approved by Damesukekun and corrected by RandomAir BGM
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