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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Pink Rabbit
Song title
Romaji: Momoiro Usagi
English: Pink Rabbit
Original Upload Date
July 26, 2008
Kagamine Len
Healing-P (music, lyrics)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
ボクはうさぎ ももいろうさぎ boku wa usagi momoiro usagi I'm a rabbit, a pink rabbit
この遊園地の 人気者さ kono yuuenchi no ninkimono sa A popular character in this amusement park

迷子をさがす 放送のこえ maigo o sagasu housou no koe A voice is broadcast that is searching for a missing child
みんなママから はなれないでね minna mama kara hanarenaide ne Everyone, don't separate from Mommy, 'kay?

ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
ナイフ片手に naifu katate ni With a knife in hand
ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
子どもの笑顔 kodomo no egao Children's smiling faces
ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
刺さる感触 sasaru kanshoku A piercing sensation
ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
悲鳴は嫌い himei wa kirai I hate the screams

ボクはうさぎ ももいろうさぎ boku wa usagi momoiro usagi I'm a rabbit, a pink rabbit
すこし赤い sukoshi akai A little red

ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
ナイフ片手に naifu katate ni With a knife in hand
ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
やわらかい肌 yawarakai hada A limp body
ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
首もとぐさり kubimoto gusari Deep in the neck
ボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎボクはうさぎ boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi boku wa usagi I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit I'm a rabbit
血しぶき嫌い chishibuki kirai I hate the blood spray

ボクはうさぎ ももいろうさぎ boku wa usagi momoiro usagi I'm a rabbit, a pink rabbit
次はきみが ボクと遊ぼう tsugi wa kimi ga boku to asobou You and I will play together next

English translation by Anonymous

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