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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Mimukauwa Naisu Torai
Song title
Original Title: み む かゥ わ ナ イ ス ト ラ イ
Romaji: Mimukauwa Naisu Torai
English: Pwetty Miku Nice Try
Official English: Mimukauwa Nice Try
Original Upload Date
December 6, 2024
Hatsune Miku
Zundamon and Shikoku Metan (vocal support)
Nunununununununununununununununu (music, lyrics, illustration, video)
Saburou (mix, mastering)
Momi Agewo (organizer)
1,600,000+ (NN), 22,000,000+ (YT), 12,000,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
遂に始まりました!!、ボカコレです!!。 tsui ni hajimarimashita!!, bokakore desu!!. The video has begun!!, This is a VocaColle song!!.[1]


【手札の数】 【tefuda no kazu】 【Card count】
こやつ13枚 koyatsu 13 mai This loser: 13 cards
初音ミク1枚 hatsune miku 1 mai Hatsune Miku: 1 Card

【注意事項】 【chuuijikou】 【Things to keep in mind】
本MVにおけるカードゲーム『UN〇』のルールにつきまして、公式ルールと一部異なる内容がございます。 hon MV ni okeru kaado geemu "UN〇" no ruuru ni tsukimashite, koushiki ruuru to ichibu kotonaru ga gozaimasu. In this MV, a part of the rules for the card game "UN〇" differs from the official rules.
例えば 『記号カードあがりは不可。』 『ドロー2・ドロー4同時出しは可。』 など。 tatoeba "kigou kaado agari wa fuka." "doroo 2・doroo 4 douji dashi wa ka." nado. For instance, “Action cards cannot be used to win.” or “Stacking multiple +2 and +4 cards and playing them at the same time is allowed.” And so on.

おやぁ?、 oyaa?, Well weeeeell?,
手札多過ぎクッソワロタw tefuda oosugi kusso warota w You’ve got way too many cards in your hand, I’m cracking up here LMAOO~!
次のターンで私が勝ちまちゅね♡。 tsugi no taan de watashi ga kachimachu ne♡. On the next turn ima weeeeen, okay?♡.
そのザコさの秘訣を教えてちょ♡♡。 sono zakosa no hiketsu o oshiete cho ♡♡. Tell meee the secret of your utter noobiness♡.
う•じ•む•し•ちゃ•ん、♡。 ujimushi-chan,♡. You • little • wriggly • maggot,♡.

ねェカッコわるく負けちゃアだぁ〜めっ。 nee kakkowaruku makecha daaame. Hey, don’t be losing so pathetically, now.
ほら が~んばれっ♡、が~んばれっ♡。 hora gaanbare♡, gaanbare♡. Come onnn! Do your best♡, do your best♡.
ホンキ出したら勝てるんでしょ(笑)、 honki dashitara kateru ndesho (wara), You can totally win if you go all out, right? (lol)
は・や・く・み・せ・て、?♡、(煽り)。 hayaku misete?♡, (aori). Hurry ・ up ・ and ・ show ・ me, ?♡, (Taunting).

𠦩︙、ズ干Cャ kuzubocha You’re so trash
丄丶"㐴団" /\ yochiyochi trembling like a toddler!
吖︙、㾎ヅKャ misozukya You’re trying so hard,
1了‹‹ 10 ‹ノ1/\ koshikoshi yet playing so feebly.[2]
此奴はイわずと知れた koyatsu wa iwazu to shireta It goes without saying,
い•く•じ•な•し、♡。 ikujinashi,♡. you’re • a • coward,♡.

ジャケラ jakera So insignificant.
《Ha Ha Ha、》 ぴえん越えてだっさぁ♡、 《Ha Ha Ha、》 pien koete dassaa♡, <<Ha Ha Ha,>> You’re so pathetic, I’m beyond sobbing♡,
《Ow Ow Ow、》 ぱおん越えてざっまぁ♡、 《Ow Ow Ow、》paon koete zammaa♡, <<Ow Ow Ow,>> This serves you right, I’m beyond bawling♡,
《Beh Beh Beh、》 You're an idiot☻
されどその場しのぎは→、 saredo sono ba shinogi wa → , But even so, your stalling is just →,

ジャケラ jakera So insignificant.
《Ha Ha Ha、》 ぴえん越えてだっさぁ♡、 《Ha Ha Ha、》 pien koete dassaa♡, <<Ha Ha Ha,>> You’re so pathetic, I’m beyond sobbing♡,
《Ow Ow Ow、》 ぱおん越えてざっまぁ♡、 《Ow Ow Ow、》 paon koete zammaa♡, <<Ow Ow Ow,>> This serves you right, I’m beyond bawling♡,
《Beh Beh Beh、》 GAME SET! ハイ!、 《Beh Beh Beh、》 GAME SET! hai!, <<Beh Beh Beh,>> GAME SET! ʸᵉᵖ!,

みむかゥわ、ナイストライ♡。 mimukauwa, naisu torai♡. Pwetty Miku, nice try♡.[3]

ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••たぁ♡。 ...taa♡. …You’reee♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••わぁ♡。 ...waa♡. …Annn♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••けぇ♡。 ...kee♡. …Idiottt♡.

酸性雨に埋まっちゃえ♡、《Cla-Cla-Clap。》 sanseiu ni umacchae ♡,《Cla-Cla-Clap。》 Get buried under the acid rain♡, <<Cla-Cla-Clap.>>

ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••ばぁ♡。 ...baa♡. …You’reee♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••か♡。 ...ka♡. …Stupid♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
33-4!。 sanjuu san tai yon!. 33-4!.[4]

うわっ•••私の手札ヤバすぎ。 uwa... watashi no tefuda yaba sugi. Yikes… my hand is fucked up.

•••なんで手札出さねえの?。 ...nande tefuda dasanee no?. ...Why aren’t you playing any cards?.
•••ひょっとしてひよってんの?。 ...hyotto shite hiyotten no?. ...could it be that you’re chickening out?.
•••まじくっそだせえな ...maji kusso dasee na ...You’re seriously fucking pathetic
あ•く•し•ろ•よ。 aku shiro yo. Hurry • up • already.

•••(・д・)チッ ...(・д・) chi …(・д・)ₜₛₖ
《舌打ちざこざこASMR》 《shitauchi zakozako ASMR》 <<tongue clicking newbie newbie ASMR>>
(ざこざこざこざこ (zakozakozakozako (newbie newbie newbie newbie
ざこざこざこざこ zakozakozakozako newbie newbie newbie newbie
ざこざこざこざこ zakozakozakozako newbie newbie newbie newbie
ざこざこざこざこ zakozakozakozako newbie newbie newbie newbie
ざこざこざこざこ zakozakozakozako newbie newbie newbie newbie
ざこざこざこざこ) zakozakozakozako) newbie newbie newbie newbie)

ね 早く出そ?。 ne hayaku daso?. Hey, hurry up and play your card?.

もし私に勝ったら此奴の言うことを moshi watashi ni kattara koyatsu no iu koto o If you can beat me
なんでも聞いたげるよ♡、 nan demo kiitageru yo♡, I’ll do whatever you say♡,
…まあ勝てないけどっ♡、(笑)。 …maa katenai kedo ♡, (wara). ...Well, you can’t win though♡, (lol).

噛ませ犬に抜擢!、 kamase inu ni batteki!, You’re appointed to be the throwaway character!,[5]
よわよわ此奴ァわ♡、 yowayowa koyatsua wa♡, So weak, so weak—that’s what you are♡,
所詮・・・先の時代の shosen...sen no jidai no After all...you’re just a relic of a past era,
は・い • ぼ・く・しゃ♡。 haibokusha♡. a ・ bygone ・ loser♡.      

ジャケエラ jakeera So insignificant.
《Ha Ha Ha、》 ぴえん越えてだっさぁ♡、 《Ha Ha Ha、》 pien koete dassaa♡, <<Ha Ha Ha,>> You’re so pathetic, I’m beyond sobbing♡,
《Ow Ow Ow、 》 ぱおん越えてざっまぁ♡、 《Ow Ow Ow、 》 paon koete zammaa♡, <<Ow Ow Ow,>> This serves you right, I’m beyond bawling♡,
《Beh Beh Beh、》 You're an idiot☻
されどその場しのぎは→、 saredo sono ba shinogi wa → , But even so, your stalling is just →,

ジャケエラ jakeera So insignificant.
《Ha Ha Ha、》 ぴえん越えてだっさぁ♡、 《Ha Ha Ha、》 pien koete dassaa♡, <<Ha Ha Ha,>> You’re so pathetic, I’m beyond sobbing♡,
《Ow Ow Ow、 》 ぱおん越えてざっまぁ♡、 《Ow Ow Ow、 》 paon koete zammaa♡, <<Ow Ow Ow,>> This serves you right, I’m beyond bawling♡,
《Beh Beh Beh、》 GAME SET! ハイ!、 《Beh Beh Beh、》 GAME SET! hai!, <<Beh Beh Beh,>> GAME SET! ʸᵉᵖ!,
みむかゥわ、ナイストライ♡。《Cla-Cla-Clap。》 mimukauwa, naisu torai♡.《Cla-Cla-Clap。》 Pwetty Miku, nice try♡. <<Cla-Cla-Clap.>>

ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••たぁ♡。 ...taa♡. …You’reee♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••わぁ♡。 ...waa♡. …Annn♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••けぇ♡。 ...kee♡. …Idiottt♡.

酸性雨に埋まっちゃえ♡ sanseiu ni umacchae♡ Get buried under the acid rain♡,

ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••ばぁ♡。 ...baa♡. …You’reee♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
•••か♡。 ...ka♡. …Stupid♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
たわいない最終回 tawainai saishuukai An easy finale!
(対ヨロ) (tai yoro) (glhf)

ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
ざぁーこ♡、ざぁーこ♡。 zaaako♡, zaaako♡. Newwbie ♡,  newwbie ♡.
33-4!。 sanjuu san tai yon!. 33-4!.

負けちゃお?♡、 負けちゃお?♡、 makechao?♡, makechao?♡, Ready to lose?♡, ready to lose?♡,
…ね?、みじめに生きさらしちゃお?、♡。 …ne?, mijime ni ikisarashichao?,♡. Expose yourself pathetically to ridicule, kay?♡.
出せっ♡、出せっ♡ 出せっ♡、出せっ♡ dase♡, dase♡, dase♡, dase♡ Let it out♡, let it out♡, let it out♡, let it out♡
〝敗北宣言〟ぶちまけろっっ!!。 "haiboku sengen" buchimakero!!. Shout out your "declaration of defeat"!!.

う"わ"あ"あ"あ"あ"あ"あ"あ"あ"あ"あ"ん"ん"!!。(豆腐メンタル) u"wa"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"n"n"!!. (toufu mentaru) w"a""a""h""h""h""h""h""h""h""h""h""h"!!. (Glass mentality)

English translation by Paino

Translation Notes

  1. VocaColle is The Vocaloid Collection! (To Clarify: No, The Vocaloid Collection event never started nor this song says it started, It was just there as a producer's gimmick.)
  2. The producer said that they had no idea what they were talking about when writing this on twitter! I'm going off what you can put together with the spoken words. They did ask to decipher this, so maybe it does has meaning?!
  3. "みむかゥわ" is a playful version of "みくかわ" (Miku kawaii, meaning "cute Miku"). The baby talk style gives it a cutesy feel, so I translated it as "pwetty Miku" to match the tone. The offical chinese translation has something along the lines of "Come face me!" The offical English TL doesnt have this part TLed to reference, so either could be off.
  4. This is in reference to The 2005 Japan Series, where the Marines beat the Tigers 33-4.
  5. "噛ませ犬に抜擢!" literally means "You've been appointed to be the dog made to be bitten (噛ませ犬)." In this context, it refers to being chosen as a "throwaway character" or "sacrificial loser"—someone whose role is to lose or die to highlight others' strength or importance.

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