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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Violence); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Nakiso - Minagoroshi
Song title
Romaji: Minagoroshi
English: Massacre
Original Upload Date
February 7, 2024
Kaai Yuki
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Samejima Nurie (illustration)
120,000+ (NN), 510,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
3 7 5 6 4 mi na go ro shi Massacre[1]

「これにて君と終わりでして」 "kore nite kimi to owari deshite" “With this, we’re done for good.”
「ざまぁないね」Na "zamaanai ne" Na “Serves you right.” Na…
「ごめんね、未練は一切ない」 "gomen ne, miren wa issai nai" “I’m sorry, but I have no regrets about you.”
「ざまぁないね」Na "zamaanai ne" Na “Serves you right.” Na…

あら素敵 不敵な笑み ara suteki futeki na emi How lovely that fearless smile is.
黙ってて まとめて damattete matomete Shut up, and in one go,
みなごろし minagoroshi I’ll massacre you.

ねぇねぇ 教えて nee nee oshiete Dear, dear, tell me.
教えてくれないの? oshiete kurenai no? Won’t you tell me?
なぁぜ? naaze? Why not?[2]
ねぇねぇ 教えて nee nee oshiete Dear, dear, tell me.
白状しましょ hakujou shimasho Just own up to it.

これにて君は終わりでして kore nite kimi wa owari deshite With this, you’re done for good.
ざまぁないね Na zamaanai ne Na Serves you right. Na…
ご覧の通り 救われない… goran no toori sukuwarenai… As you can see, you won’t be saved…
ざまぁないね Na zamaanai ne Na Serves you right. Na…

あら素敵 お花畑 ara suteki ohanabatake How lovely, your head in the clouds.[3]

ねぇねぇ 教えて nee nee oshiete Dear, dear, tell me.
教えてくれないの? oshiete kurenai no? Won’t you tell me?
なぁぜ? naaze? Why not?
ねぇねぇ 教えて nee nee oshiete Dear, dear, tell me.

教えてくれないの… oshiete kurenai no… You won’t tell me…

じゃあ みなごろしだから jaa minagoroshi dakara Then, I’ll have to massacre you!
聞いちゃったから! kiichatta kara! I’ve heard it already!
誤魔化さないで 償って gomakasanaide tsugunatte Don’t try to get around me. Atone for it.
手と手を繋いで? te to te o tsunaide? Let me hold your hand and…

切り落とす kiriotosu Cut it off.

これにて君は終わりでして kore nite kimi wa owari deshite With this, you’re done for good.
ざまぁないね zamaanai ne Serves you right.
ご覧の通り 救われない… goran no toori sukuwarenai… As you can see, you won’t be saved…
ざまぁないね zamaanai ne Serves you right.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Translation Notes

  1. 3 = mi 7 = na(na) 5 = go 6 = ro(ku) 4 = shi (Plagiarization by Aquatheories)
  2. Could be related to なぁぜなぁぜ (lit. Why, why?), an Internet meme that one might use when they cutely ask a question, though in most cases it just sounds cutesy and makes many people cringe.
  3. お花畑 is “flower field/garden” literally, but when used like 脳内お花畑 (lit. there’s a flower garden inside one’s brain) or 頭がお花畑 (one’s head is a flower garden), it means they’re an airhead or happy-go-lucky.

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