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Song title | |||
"まゆずみのような空から" Romaji: Mayuzumi no You na Sora kara English: From A Sky Resembling Distant Mountains | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 3, 2012 | |||
Singer | |||
MAYU | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Owata-P (music, lyrics)
| |||
Views | |||
48,000+ (NN), 9,000+ (YT), 700+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube) | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
かけたティーカップと | kaketa tiikappu to | A hoisted teacup, |
くすんだクッキーで | kusunda kukkii de | along with a darkened cookie, |
ひとり静かに お茶会 | hitori shizuka ni ochakai | a quiet tea party all alone. |
話し相手は 誰も居ないよ | hanashiaite wa daremo inai yo | There's no one here to talk to |
ああ楽しい楽しい | aa tanoshii tanoshii | Ah, so fun, so fun. |
楽しいナ | tanoshii na | It's so fun, isn't it? |
まゆずみのような空から | mayuzumi no you na sora kara | From a dark blue sky |
降り注ぐは永久の囁きよ | furisosogu wa towa no sasayaki yo | what pours down is the murmurs of the eternal |
まゆずみのような空から | mayuzumi no you na sora kara | From a dark blue sky |
舞い落ちるは誰の調べか | maiochiru wa dare no shirabe ka | that which dances and falls is whose melody? |
風に揺られて | kaze ni yurarete | Swaying in the wind, |
花びら舞うよ | hanabira mau yo | a dance of petals |
ひとり静かに 眺める | hitori shizuka ni nagameru | gazing quietly alone |
遊び相手は 誰も居ないよ | asobiaite wa daremo inai yo | There's no one here to play with |
ああ楽しい楽しい | aa tanoshii tanoshii | Ah, so fun, so fun, |
楽しいナ | tanoshii na | It's so fun isn't it? |
まゆずみのような空から | mayuzumi no you na sora kara | From a dark blue sky |
旅立つは深き罪人たち | tabidatsu wa fukaki zainintachi | those who begin a journey are profound sinners |
まゆずみのような空から | mayuzumi no you na sora kara | From a dark blue sky |
救いを求め消え去るのみ | sukui o motome kiesaru nomi | a cry for help simply fades away |
まゆずみのような空から | mayuzumi no you na sora kara | From a dark blue sky |
生まれた意味を尋ねられても | umareta imi o tazunerarete mo | even if I ask for the meaning that was born, |
まゆずみのような空から | mayuzumi no you na sora kara | From a dark blue sky |
這い上がることは許されない | haiagaru koto wa yurusarenai | climbing up is forbidden |
English translation by descentsubs
This song was featured on the following album:
- ジエンド\(^o^)/ (The End \(^o^)/) (album)
- 月刊eta Vol.04