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From a Dark Blue Sky
Song title
Romaji: Mayuzumi no You na Sora kara
English: From A Sky Resembling Distant Mountains
Original Upload Date
November 3, 2012
Owata-P (music, lyrics)
48,000+ (NN), 9,000+ (YT), 700+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube)


Japanese Romaji English
かけたティーカップと kaketa tiikappu to A hoisted teacup,
くすんだクッキーで kusunda kukkii de along with a darkened cookie,
ひとり静かに お茶会 hitori shizuka ni ochakai a quiet tea party all alone.

話し相手は 誰も居ないよ hanashiaite wa daremo inai yo There's no one here to talk to
ああ楽しい楽しい aa tanoshii tanoshii Ah, so fun, so fun.
楽しいナ tanoshii na It's so fun, isn't it?

まゆずみのような空から mayuzumi no you na sora kara From a dark blue sky
降り注ぐは永久の囁きよ furisosogu wa towa no sasayaki yo what pours down is the murmurs of the eternal
まゆずみのような空から mayuzumi no you na sora kara From a dark blue sky
舞い落ちるは誰の調べか maiochiru wa dare no shirabe ka that which dances and falls is whose melody?

風に揺られて kaze ni yurarete Swaying in the wind,
花びら舞うよ hanabira mau yo a dance of petals
ひとり静かに 眺める hitori shizuka ni nagameru gazing quietly alone

遊び相手は 誰も居ないよ asobiaite wa daremo inai yo There's no one here to play with
ああ楽しい楽しい aa tanoshii tanoshii Ah, so fun, so fun,
楽しいナ tanoshii na It's so fun isn't it?

まゆずみのような空から mayuzumi no you na sora kara From a dark blue sky
旅立つは深き罪人たち tabidatsu wa fukaki zainintachi those who begin a journey are profound sinners
まゆずみのような空から mayuzumi no you na sora kara From a dark blue sky
救いを求め消え去るのみ sukui o motome kiesaru nomi a cry for help simply fades away

まゆずみのような空から mayuzumi no you na sora kara From a dark blue sky
生まれた意味を尋ねられても umareta imi o tazunerarete mo even if I ask for the meaning that was born,
まゆずみのような空から mayuzumi no you na sora kara From a dark blue sky
這い上がることは許されない haiagaru koto wa yurusarenai climbing up is forbidden

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following album:

External Links[]
