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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Pokapoka no hoshi
Song title
Romaji: Pokapoka no Hoshi
Official English: Poka Poka Planet
Original Upload Date
December 21, 2019
Hatsune Miku
Studio Gohan (video):
Harumaki Gohan (music, lyrics, director, key animation, background illustration)
Komugiko2000 (key & inbetween animation)
◯gaki (key & inbetween animation)
Shannon (inbetween animation)
yamada (inbetween animation)
440,000+ (NN), 2,200,000+ (YT), 710,000+ (BB)
110,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube)

Alternate Version

Futarino harumakigohan
Self-cover version
Upload date: August 26, 2020 (album release date)
Featuring: Harumaki Gohan
YT (auto-gen)
Featured on "Futari no".


Japanese Romaji English
ねえ知ってる nee shitteru Inside the huts made of snow
かまくらの中は暖かいんだよ kamakura no naka wa attakai nda yo it's so wonderfully warm
思わず眠れちゃうかもね omowazu nemurechau kamo ne I bet you could even fall asleep unexpectedly

ねえ知ってる nee shitteru On this snowy night
雪の夜は静かなんだよ yuki no yoru wa shizuka nanda yo it's so peacefully quiet
違う星にきたみたいだ chigau hoshi ni kita mitai da Almost like we went to another planet

すぐに転んじゃうけど sugu ni koronjau kedo I might fall over before long
ぽかぽかのココアでがんばろう pokapoka no kokoa de ganbarou But I'll keep going with this nice hot cocoa
今日はそれがいいよね kyou wa sore ga ii yo ne That will be fine for today
故郷でも旅人でもあかりを灯す furusato demo tabibito demo akari o tomosu Residents and travelers alike, I'll turn the lights on for you

美しいのさ笑うも泣くもその全てを utsukushii no sa warau mo naku mo sono subete o Beauty, laughter, tears,
振り返るのは今日くらいだから贈るよ furikaeru no wa kyou kurai dakara okuru yo I'll let you reminisce on all of it this day
らららぼくらが歌えば rarara bokura ga utaeba Lalala, if we can sing
きみに届くかい kimi ni todoku kai will it make its way to you?
らららぼくらの軌跡を rarara bokura no kiseki o Lalala, let's hope that
またいつか思い出せますように mata itsuka omoidasemasu you ni we can remember how we got here again some day

ねぇ聞いてる nee kiiteru I can hear it coming
また退屈になっちゃうんだよ mata taikutsu ni nacchau nda yo When the ice finally melts,
氷が溶けてしまえば kouri ga tokete shimaeba things will get boring again

すぐに転んじゃうけど sugu ni koronjau kedo I might fall over before long
ふかふかのコートで平気だぞ fukafuka no kooto de heiki da zo But I'll be fine in this nice soft coat
みんなそれでいいのに minna sore de ii no ni It's great when everyone is around,
何故かいつもひとりになると寂しくなる nazeka itsumo hitori ni naru to sabishiku naru but for some reason I always get sad when I'm alone

美しいとは笑うことだけじゃないんだろう utsukushii to wa warau koto dake ja nai ndarou Beauty isn't something that's always happy, it seems
覚えておこう道標となる時まで oboete okou michishirube to naru toki made Let's be sure to remember that, so it can eventually guide us
らららぼくらが描けば rarara bokura ga egakeba Lalala, if we can sketch it out
きみに届くかい kimi ni todoku kai will it make its way to you?
らららぼくらの足跡 rarara bokura no ashiato Lalala, our tracks made in the snow
また明日消えてしまうけど mata ashita kiete shimau kedo will disappear again tomorrow...
消えてしまうけれど kiete shimau keredo will disappear again tomorrow...

不思議な話なんだよ fushigi na hanashi nanda yo It's a strange story
幾年経てば ikunen tateba that will come into view again
また見えるようになるのさ mata mieru you ni naru no sa many years from now
風になる言葉と一緒に kaze ni naru kotoba to issho ni along with those words that turned into wind

そしたらまた思い出そうよ soshitara mata omoidasou yo So when that time comes,
この寒い日を kono samui hi o let's remember this cold day once again
転んだ後に気付くものよ ぽかぽかの星 koronda ato ni kizuku mono yo pokapoka no hoshi And take notice of this nice warm planet after falling down
それで良いのさどこにも sore de ii no sa doko ni mo If we can do that, we'll be alright wherever we are
完璧な人なんて居ないのだ kanpeki na hito nante inai no da Nobody is perfect, after all
また歌おうこんな雪の夜に mata utaou konna yuki no yoru ni Let's sing once again on a snowy night just like this

English translation by Migu39


This song was featured in the following albums:

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