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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Song title
Romaji: Fumin
English: Insomnia
Original Upload Date
May 13, 2023
flower and Aoki Lapis
Kaai Yuki and SF-A2 miki (chorus)
NMKK (music, lyrics)
11,000+ (NN), 49,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
すぐ入眠出来てもすぐ起きる sugu nyuumin dekite mo sugu okiru Even if I fall asleep quickly, I wake up immediately.
眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
続けて8時間くらい寝たい tsuzukete hachi jikan kurai netai I wish I could sleep for eight hours in a row.

薬を飲んでもすぐ起きる kusuri o nonde mo sugu okiru Even if I take pills, I wake up immediately.
ニ、三時間経てばすぐ起きる ni, san jikan tateba sugu okiru I wake up immediately in a couple of hours.
そんでそのまま眠れず朝になる sonde sono mama nemurezu asa ni naru And then I can’t go back to sleep until it’s morning.
きっと どこか壊れてるの kitto dokoka kowareteru no There must be something wrong with me.

多分 薬は一番強いやつ tabun kusuri wa ichiban tsuyoi yatsu I guess I’m on the strongest pill,
補助の薬も付いてます hojo no kusuri mo tsuitemasu Accompanied with an adjuvant.
1日4時間散歩をしても ichinichi yon jikan sanpo o shitemo Even if I walk four hours a day,
体は疲れを知らないの karada wa tsukare o shiranai no My body never seems to get tired.

眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
すぐ入眠出来てもすぐ起きる sugu nyuumin dekite mo sugu okiru Even if I fall asleep quickly, I wake up immediately.
眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
中途覚醒から二度寝出来ない chuuto kakusei kara nidone dekinai Sleep interrupted, and I can’t fall back asleep.

睡眠時間が足りないの suimin jikan ga tarinai no I don’t get enough sleep.
私にはもっと必要なの watashi ni wa motto hitsuyou na no I definitely need more.
もうどこが悪いかも分からない mou doko ga warui ka mo wakaranai Now I don’t even know what part of me is wrong.
不穏 不安 不穏 繰り返し fuon fuan fuon kurikaeshi Disquiet, anxiety, disquiet. A repeat of them.

眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
すぐ入眠出来てもすぐ起きる sugu nyuumin dekite mo sugu okiru Even if I fall asleep quickly, I wake up immediately.
眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
続けて8時間くらい寝たい tsuzukete hachi jikan kurai netai I wish I could sleep for eight hours in a row.

眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
すぐ入眠出来てもすぐ起きる sugu nyuumin dekite mo sugu okiru Even if I fall asleep quickly, I wake up immediately.
眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
続けて8時間くらい寝たい tsuzukete hachi jikan kurai netai I wish I could sleep for eight hours in a row.

眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
すぐ入眠出来てもすぐ起きる sugu nyuumin dekite mo sugu okiru Even if I fall asleep quickly, I wake up immediately.
眠れない 寝られない 眠れない nemurenai nerarenai nemurenai I can’t sleep. I can’t fall asleep. I can’t sleep.
中途覚醒から二度寝出来ない chuuto kakusei kara nidone dekinai Sleep interrupted, and I can’t fall back asleep.

泣いて 泣いて 泣いて 過ごして naite naite naite sugoshite I cry, I cry, I cry as I live.
泣いて 泣いて 泣いて 過ごして naite naite naite sugoshite I cry, I cry, I cry as I live.
泣いて 泣いて 泣いて 過ごして naite naite naite sugoshite I cry, I cry, I cry as I live.
泣いて 泣いて 泣いて 過ごして naite naite naite sugoshite I cry, I cry, I cry as I live.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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