! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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Song title | |||
"ふぁうんどふってーじ" Romaji: Faundo Futteeji English: Found Footage | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
May 15, 2022 | |||
Singer | |||
IA | |||
Producer(s) | |||
■37 (music, lyrics, video, illustration)
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Views | |||
120,000+ (NN), 970,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
“Dull yellow” - Niconico description |
Alternate Versions[]
2024 Remake |
Upload date: May 15, 2024 |
Featuring: IA |
Producer(s): ■37 (music, lyrics, video, illustration) |
NN / YT |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
愛されたいと願っていた | aisaretai to negatte ita | I had a great wish to be loved. |
見たくないものばかり見方を覚えた | mitakunai mono bakari mikata o oboeta | I was only good at remembering how to see what I didn’t want to see. |
伝えたいことは一つもなかった | tsutaetai koto wa hitotsu mo nakatta | There wasn’t a single thing I wanted to tell you. |
然れども鮮やかに奇を衒う世界観 | saredomo azayaka ni ki o terau sekaikan | Despite that, my worldview was so vividly trying to be different. |
盲目的想像からすべてがすべてと乖離して | moumokuteki souzou kara subete ga subete to kairi shite | My blind imagination has made all diverge from another all, |
至らない壁裏掻き消す | itaranai kabeura kakikesu | Drowning out the unsatisfactory back of the wall. |
鳴りやまないビージーエム | nariyamanai biijiiemu | Never will the BGM stop blowing; |
壊れ揺らぐ夢模様の次元 | koware yuragu yumemoyou no jigen | Broken and wavering is the dreamlike dimension. |
どこからどこまでもくすんだイエローの | doko kara doko made mo kusunda ieroo no | No matter how you look at it, it’s dull yellow here; |
終わりなき孤独に踊る | owari naki kodoku ni odoru | This endless loneliness is, in which I’m waltzing. |
ここでは何もかもが満たされて | koko de wa nanimokamo ga mitasarete | Down here, I’m fulfilled in every possible way, |
無邪気に狭い浴槽に浸かっている | mujaki ni semai yokusou ni tsukatte iru | Innocently soaking myself in the small bathtub. |
すべて知っていたあの頃を | subete o shitte ita ano koro o | That time when I was omniscient, |
大人になるまでは見えた煌めく情景を | otona ni naru made wa mieta kirameku joukei o | And that glittering scenery I was able to see until I grew up... |
痛ましく期待ばかりの美学が | itamashiku kitai bakari no bigaku ga | The aesthetics, so painfully full of expectations, |
誰もがこれだと語る | daremo ga kore dato kataru | Is referred to by everyone as by far the best. |
無自覚ばかりがと妬む程に | mujikaku bakari ga to netamu hodo ni | “A bunch of careless bastards,” the more I get envious like that, |
無意味になるような | muimi ni naru you na | The more pointless this part of me becomes; |
ここが夢でないならば | koko ga yume de nai naraba | If any by chance it were not a dream... |
愛せるほど何もないんだと | aiseru hodo nanimo nai nda to | Convinced that I’m too empty to be able to love, |
嫌いになれないままいたいんだ思うまま | kirai ni narenai mama itai nda omou mama | I wish to stay incapable of disliking myself; all the music |
書いた音楽はノイズみたいに | kaita ongaku wa noizu mitai ni | I’ve written on my own terms becomes like noise... |
要らない心情 | iranai shinjou | Unneeded feelings, |
言わない真相枉げて | iwanai shinsou magete | Unspoken truth; twist them, |
取り違えたように雑音に堕ちてゆく | torichigaeta you ni zatsuon ni ochite yuku | And you’ll fall into the static as if you’d misconstrued it. |
盲目的想像からすべてがすべてと乖離して | moumokuteki souzou kara subete ga subete to kairi shite | My blind imagination has made all diverge from another all, |
至らない壁裏掻き消す | itaranai kabeura kakikesu | Drowning out the unsatisfactory back of the wall. |
冷めやらない404 | sameyaranai yon-maru-yon | Never will the 404 cool off; |
壊れ揺らぐ夢模様の事実 | koware yuragu yumemoyou no jijitsu | Broken and wavering is the dreamlike fact. |
どこからどこまでもくすんだイエローの | doko kara doko made mo kusunda ieroo no | No matter how you look at it, it’s dull yellow here; |
終わりなき孤独に踊る | owari naki kodoku ni odoru | This endless loneliness is, in which I’m waltzing. |
ここでは何者かもわからないまま | koko de wa nanimonokamo wakaranai mama | Down here, I still have no idea who I am, |
無邪気に狭い浴槽に浸かっている | mujaki ni semai yokusou ni tsukatte iru | Innocently soaking myself in the small bathtub. |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
External Links[]
- Dropbox - Instrumental
- TuneCore Japan - Streaming
- VocaDB
- VocaDB - 2024 Remake
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source