! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Suggestive); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"ぴんこすてぃっくLuv" Romaji: Pinko Sutikku Luv English: Pinko[1] Stick Luv | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
April 19, 2013 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
530,000+ (NN), 390,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"╰U╯Those who desire the dangerous pinkost will go to the ocean╰U╯" |
Main Singer | Rin | Len |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
時計のハリが 12から12に回るまで | tokei no hari ga juu ni kara juu ni ni mawaru made | The clock’s hands spin from 12 to 12 |
頭ん中が 染められていくぴんこすてぃっくLuv | ataman naka ga somerareteiku pinko sutikku Luv | The inside of my head is being dyed by pinko stick luv |
すれ違ったり ふと目と目が交わるだけで | sure chigattari futo me to me ga majiwaru dakede | While passing by each other, our eyes accidentally meet |
宙に浮いてる気分になる でもそんなこと君は知らないし | chuu ni uiteru kibun ni naru demo sonna koto kimi wa shiranaishi | and I feel like I’m floating in the air, but of course, you don’t know that |
手を繋ぎたいキスをしたい 君と半径10メートル以内 | te o tsunagitai kisu o shitai kimi to hankei juu meetoru inai | I want to hold hands, I want to kiss, I want to be within a 10-meter radius of you |
でも叶わないだから妄想で 今日も蛇口とキスの練習day | demo kanawanai dakara mousou de kyou mo jyaguchi to kisu no renshuu day | But that wish won’t come true, so today’s another day of practicing kissing in my delusions with a faucet |
君のことに一喜一憂 だって好きだから | kimi no koto ni ikki ichi yuu datte suki dakara | I keep being happy and sad because of you, since I like you |
こっち向いて まってまって やっぱ向いて 独り占めしたいの | kocchi muite matte matte yappa muite hitorijime shitai no | Look over here! Wait, wait! I mean, look! I want to monopolize you |
こっち向いて わがままだってわかってるけどだってだってだってだって | kocchi muite wagamama datte wakatteru kedo datte datte datte datte | Look over here! I know I’m selfish, but, but, but, but, but |
目が合って 高鳴って 赤くなって 百面相してるの | me ga atte takanatte akaku natte hyakumensou shiteru no | Our eyes meet, and my heart starts pounding, and I turn red, I keep making different faces |
今日だって 君のせいでドキドキ忙しいどうしてくれるの | kyou datte kimi no sei de dokidoki isogashii doushite kureru no | Today, too, I’m busy with my heart pounding because of you, how has this happened? |
Ye Yo! Sunday Monday ちゅーして ぎゅーして | Ye Yo! Sunday Monday chuushite gyuushite | Ye Yo! Sunday Monday, kissing, hugging, |
毎日 クリンチ 射抜いてけ窮地 | mainichi kurinchi imeiteke kyuuchi | Every day’s a clinch, shooting through a dilemma |
健気さCutey 一途にWatch | kenagesa Cutey ichizu ni Watch | Praiseworthy cutey, watch with a single mind |
あっちそっちこっち向いてどっち | acchi socchi kocchi muite docchi | Over there, there, face this way, which way? |
早まる鼓動のBPM 日に日に好きになるSML | hayamaru kodou no BPM hi ni hi ni suki ni naru SML | The BPM of my speeding up heartbeat, I like you even more and more day by day, SML |
わかってよなんて自分勝手 やっぱりきっぱりとびっきりのLuv | wakkate yo nante jibun katte yappari kippari to bikkiri no Luv | I know I’m really selfish. Like I thought, this is a decisive, choice luv |
新鮮なこの思いトゥインクル 君に伝えたい「ぴんこす」 | shinsen na kono omoi tuinkuru kimi ni tsutaetai "pinkosu" | These fresh emotions twinkle, I want to tell you, "pinko st" |
脳内占拠 レベルは最強 手付かず勉強 許して?ご愛嬌 | nounai senkyo reberu wa saikyou tetsu ga zu benkyou yurushite? goaikyou | Brain occupation, rebels are the strongest, could you forgive me for not touching my studies? Entertainment |
胸のトキメキも絶頂 待ちに待った今日 | mune no to kimeki mo zecchou machi ni matta kyou | The throbbing in my heart also climaxes, I’ve waited for today for a long time |
君とランデブーご一緒 なんて妄想ですます憂いのShow | kimi to randebuu go issho nante mousou de sumasu urei no Show | Going to a rendezvous with you is such a delusion, finish the unhappy show |
こっち向いて まってまって やっぱ向いて 恥ずかしいだけど | kocchi muite matte matte yappa muite hazukashii dakedo | Look over here! Wait, wait! I mean, look! It’s embarrassing, |
こっち向いて 君の目に映った自分の顔が赤い気がして | kocchi muite kimi no me ni utsutta jibun no kao ga akai ki ga shite | but look over here! Myself reflected in your eyes has a red face |
目が合った 手が触れた それだけで 一大事なんだもん | me ga atta te ga fureta sore dake de ichidaiji na nda mon | Our eyes met, and our hands touched. Just that is a serious affair |
ねぇだって 「君のことが」この先がどうしてなの言えないの | nee datte "kimi no koto ga" kono saki ga doushite nano ienai no | Hey, but, after “I like”, why can’t I say anything? |
まぶたの裏思い浮かべて 好きだよ好きなの ねぇ | mabuta no ura omoi ukabete suki da yo suki na no nee | I’m reminded on other side of my eyelids, I like you, I like you, hey |
思うだけで幸せなの ほんとはちょっと切ない | omou dakede shiawase na no honto wa chotto setsunai | Just thinking about it makes me happy, but it’s really a bit painful |
口を出る強がり 見抜いて寂しがり | kuchi o deru tsuyogari mimeite samishigari | I pretend to be strong when speaking, but seeing through it, I’m lonely |
実はもう限界越えてんの だけど言えるはずない 言えるわけない | jitsu wa mou genkai koetenno dakedo ieru hazunai ieru wakenai | To be honest, I’ve already surpassed the limit, but there’s no way I can say it, no way I can say it |
臆病なハートに後押ししてWant me? | okubyou na haato ni atooshi shite Want me? | Push this timid heart, want me? |
こっち向いて まってまって やっぱ向いて 独り占めしたいの | kocchi muite matte matte yappa muite hitorijime shitai no | Look over here! Wait, wait! I mean, look! I want to monopolize you |
こっち向いて わがままだってわかってるけどだってだってだってだって | kocchi muite wagamama datte wakatteru kedo datte datte datte datte | Look over here! I know I’m selfish, but, but, but, but, but |
目が合って 高鳴って 赤くなって 百面相してるの | me ga atte takanatte akaku natte hyakumensou shiteru no | Our eyes meet, and my heart starts pounding, and I turn red, I keep making different faces |
今日だって 君のせいでドキドキ忙しい | kyou datte kimi no sei de dokidoki isogashii | Today, too, I’m busy with my heart pounding because of you |
神様お願い ちょっとでいいから 勇気をください 「カジキマグロ」 | kamisama onegai chotto de ii kara yuuki o kudasai "kajiki maguro" | Dear God, please listen to my request, just a bit’s fine, please give me courage, "swordfish" |
English translation by Coleena Wu
Translation Notes
- ↑ So, pink is pink in Japanese, and chinko is dick in Japanese. That’s all I’ll say.
External Links
- Axfc - Karaoke