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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
JMira Baaaka
Song title
Romaji: Baaaka♡
English: You Dummy♡
Original Upload Date
July 28, 2022
Hatsune Miku
J Mira (music, lyrics)
奏汰 (guitar)
鈴夏 (illustration)
85,000+ (NN), 20,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
好き嫌いと善悪を分けれない人 suki kirai to zen'aku o wakerenai hito Those who can’t separate their preferences from justice;
陰口が三度の飯より好きな人 kageguchi ga sando no meshi yori suki na hito Those who enjoy gossips as their meat and drink;
新しい源氏名で生まれ変わる人 atarashii genji na de umarekawaru hito Those who are reborn with a new pseudonym;
一つ覚えでそのまま続ける人 hitotsu oboe de sono mama tsuzukeru hito Those who continue with all they know.

おちゃめな人 曲名で釣られる人 ochame na hito kyokumei de tsurareru hito Those who are mischievous; those who get baited by the song title;
粗捜しがお得意な人 arasagashi ga otokui na hito Those who are excellent at nitpicking;
努力する人 報われて欲しい人 doryoku suru hito mukuwarete hoshii hito Those who make efforts; those who deserve to be rewarded;
みんな奇麗で醜い愛おしい minna kirei de minikui itooshii So beautiful, ugly, and adorable, they’re all—

おばかなひと obaka na hito A bunch of dummies!

ずっと真面目な奴より zutto majime na yatsu yori Society always cherishes
ちょっぴり悪い奴が choppiri warui yatsu ga The guys who’re a bit naughty
社会では重宝される shakai de wa chouhou sareru More than the guys who’re serious all along.
なんだかんだで愛される nandaka nda de aisareru All in all, they receive more love.

※自主規制 ※jishu kisei [CENSORED]

うっ…… u…… Ugh……
ヘイ、メルシー 知り合えた 阿呆 阿呆 hei, merushii shiriaeta aho aho Hey, merci! Nice meeting you, you idiot! Idiot!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
また自分を殺す mata jibun o korosu And I’ll choke the life out of myself again.

否否否 否否否 否否否 否否否否 inainaina inainaina inainaina inainainaina No no no, no no no, no no no, no no no no!
無無無 無無無 無無無 無無無無 nanana nanana nanana nananana Nay nay nay, nay nay nay, nay nay nay, nay nay nay nay!
亡亡亡 亡亡亡 亡亡亡 亡亡亡亡 nanana nanana nanana nananana Dead dead dead, dead dead dead, dead dead dead, dead dead dead dead!
成奴納 泣儺鳴 奈内為 nanana nanana nanana Na na na, na na na, na na na,
らたたた らたたた らたたた らたたた ratatata ratatata ratatata ratatata Rat-a-tat-a, rat-a-tat-a, rat-a-tat-a, rat-a-tat-a…

世の中は生き辛いね yo no naka wa ikizurai ne It’s a tough place to live in, right?
今じゃこんな道化 両手だけじゃ顔隠せないね ima ja konna douke ryoute dake ja kao kakusenai ne And now you’re a clown like that, you can’t hide your face just with your hands, right?
世の中は息しづらいね yo no naka wa ikishizurai ne It’s a tough place to breathe in, right?
だらだら家でゲームばっか したいけど daradara ie de geemu bakka shitai kedo Although we wanna laze around and play video games all the time,

やらなくちゃいけない事あるんだ yaranakucha ikenai koto aru nda We have something that we must do.
人は皆それを夢と呼ぶんだ hito wa mina sore o yume to yobu nda People call it a “dream” with no exception.
ぼくらは同じデブリの海のムジナ bokura wa onaji deburi no umi no mujina We’re all birds of a sea of debris.[1]
ぼくもあなたも boku mo anata mo I am one of them, and so are you—

おばかなひと obaka na hito A bunch of dummies!

つま先立ちして生きてる人 tsumasakidachi shite ikiteru hito Those who live standing on tiptoe;
お風呂場で歌とか歌っちゃう人 ofuroba de uta toka utacchau hito Those who sing some songs when taking a bath;
誰にでもいい顔する芯がない人 dare ni demo ii kao suru shin ga nai hito Those who aren’t strong enough to try to be everyone’s friend;
本気(マジ)で自分を天才だって信じれる人 maji de jibun o tensai datte shinjireru hito Those who actually believe themselves to be a genius.

笑う人 違いを認めない人 warau hito chigai o mitomenai hito Those who laugh; those who don’t acknowledge differences;
人々(ひと)の心を動かせる人 hito no kokoro o ugokaseru hito Those who can touch people’s hearts;
寄り添える人 人の痛みが分かるのも yorisoeru hito hito no itami ga wakaru no mo Those who empathize; being able to imagine other people’s pain,
今を生きるあなたは ima o ikiru anata wa You, living in the moment, are one of those—

愛おしいひと itooshii hito Adorable people!
おばかなひと obaka na hito A bunch of dummies!

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Translation Notes

  1. Based on the idiom 同じ穴の狢 (onaji ana no mujina; badgers in the same burrow), equivalent to the English “birds of a feather.”

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