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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
40mPxsasakure.UK - Hajimari no Mirai
Song title
Romaji: Hajimari no Mirai
English: Future of Beginnings
Original Upload Date
December 27, 2024
Hatsune Miku
40mP, sasakure.UK (music, lyrics, arrangement)
[TEST] (guitar)
Nikamoto Ryousuke (bass)
Kishida Yuuki (strings arrangement support)
P.A. Works (animation production)
"Project SEKAI the Movie: Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU" Production Committee (production)
YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions[]

40mPxsasakure.UK - Hajimari no Mirai full ver
Full ver.
Upload date: January 17, 2025
Featuring: Hatsune Miku (SP)
Producer(s): 40mP, sasakure.UK (music, lyrics, arrangement)
[TEST] (guitar)
Nikamoto Ryousuke (bass)
Kishida Yuuki (strings arrangement support)
P.A. Works (animation production)
"Project SEKAI the Movie: Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU" Production Committee (production)
The full version after the movie release.
40mPxsasakureUK-Hajimari no Mirai-Ergo-ver
Ergo ver.
Upload date: January 28, 2025
Featuring: Hatsune Miku (SP)
Producer(s): 40mP, sasakure.UK (music, lyrics, arrangement)
[TEST] (guitar)
Nikamoto Ryousuke (bass)
TreasureBooru, Watari (illustration, animation)
Totorika (Background illustration)
Miyazawaesora (movie)
Yu Aoki(B-PILOT) (mixing)
MV uploaded by one of the producers.


Japanese Romaji English
光、未来 相のうた追う hikari, mirai ai no uta ou Chasing after that light, the song of our future,
迂回、出逢い ハジメマシテ ukai, deai hajimemashite We meet each other by chance on a detour.
問うからまたね 舞台の裏 tou kara mata ne butai no ura Because I ask if we can see each other again,
添う続いてゆく未知の sou tsuzuite yuku michi no The unknown we held continues on behind the scenes.

君が笑う景色の砂が kimi ga warau keshiki no suna ga I love the sands of the place where you laugh,
好き、で色づくように ね suki, de irozuku you ni ne And that fills them with color.
嬉しい日も悲しい日も ureshii hi mo kanashii hi mo On both happy days and sad days,
うたと共にいるよ uta to tomo ni iru yo I'll be together with this song.

あの坂道も 回り道も ano sakamichi mo mawarimichi mo On that incline and these detours,
君と居れば ほらね、ミュージック kimi to ireba hora ne, myuujikku When I'm with you, there, I can hear music!
え そんな日常? どんな日常? e sonna nichijou? donna nichijou? Eh, that's a regular thing? What kind of regular thing?
答案に、収まらないね 不思議 touan ni, osamaranai ne fushigi It isn't on the answer sheet, huh...? Weird...

風に溶けた音符の群れが kaze ni toketa onpu no mure ga That group of musical notes that melted into the wind
渇いた心の声とハモって kawaita kokoro no koe to hamotte Is harmonizing with the voice of my thirsty heart.
隠してきた本当の嘘が kakushite kita hontou no uso ga The lies of truth I've been hiding
ヘッドフォンに響いた heddofon ni hibiita Echoed in my headphones.

内緒話も独り言も naishobanashi mo hitorigoto mo During our secret talk, or when you speak to yourself,
君の手にかかれば、ミュージック kimi no te ni kakareba, myuujikku Within your hand, I can see music!
息継ぎしたら生まれたての ikitsugi shitara umaretate no As I took in a breath,
季節を吸い込んだ kisetsu o suikonda I breathed in the newly born seasons.

変わりゆく景色の空白を kawari yuku keshiki no kuuhaku o I color the blank space of the changing scenery
変わらない歌声が彩るよ kawaranai utagoe ga irodoru yo With my unchanging singing voice.
忘れ物に気づいた通学路 wasuremono ni kizuita tsuugakuro On my way to school, I realized I forgot something.
躓いた問いを絡まった過去を tsumazuita toi o karamatta kako o When I solved the stumbling question and the entwined past,
解いたら、一歩先 hodoitara, ippo saki I was one step ahead.

走り出す未来のすぐそばで hashiridasu mirai no sugu soba de I embrace the present that is painted in dreams,
夢にまみれて今を抱く yume ni mamirete ima o daku That is right next to the speeding future.
信号踏切いつでも shingou fumikiri itsudemo Forever by the lights at the railroad crossing,
音楽は もう、とまらない ongaku wa mou, tomaranai The music won't stop anymore.

あの笑顔もナミダも君のうた ano egao mo namida mo kimi no uta That smile, those tears and your song,
まだ、歌えるよ mada, utaeru yo I can still sing them!
青空の下でこの夏を再生 aozora no shita de kono natsu o saisei This summer comes back under the blue sky,

聴いてよ こんなうたどう? kiite yo konna uta dou? Listening to it, how do you feel about such a song?
「無題」 デモ ワンフレーズの衝動 "mudai" demo wan fureezu no shoudou It's "Untitled", but I have the impulse to sing one phrase from it.
じゃあ、またね 1秒後に会おう jaa, mata ne ichibyougo ni aou Well, see you, let's meet after 1 second
終わらない未知で owaranai michi de In this never-ending unknown.
English translation by Thai1210

Japanese Romaji English
光、未来 相のうた追う hikari, mirai ai no uta ou Chasing after that light, the song of our future,
迂回、出会い ハジメマシテ ukai, deai hajimemashite We meet each other by chance on a detour.
問うからまたね 舞台の裏 tou kara mata ne butai no ura Because I ask if we can see each other again,
添う続いてゆく未知の sou tsuzuite yuku michi no The unknown we held continues on behind the scenes.

君が笑う景色の砂が kimi ga warau keshiki no suna ga I love the sands of the place where you laugh,
好き、で色づくように ね suki, de irozuku you ni ne And that fills them with color.
嬉しい日も悲しい日も ureshii hi mo kanashii hi mo On both happy days and sad days,
うたと共にいるよ uta to tomo ni iru yo I'll be together with this song.

あの坂道も 回り道も ano sakamichi mo mawarimichi mo On that incline and these detours,
君と居れば ほらね、ミュージック kimi to ireba hora ne, myuujikku When I'm with you, there, I can hear music!
え そんな日常? どんな日常? e sonna nichijou? donna nichijou? Eh, that's a regular thing? What kind of regular thing?
答案に、収まらないね 不思議 touan ni, osamaranai ne fushigi It isn't on the answer sheet, huh...? Weird...

風に溶けた音符の群れが sora ni toketa onpu no mure ga That group of musical notes that melted into the wind
渇いた心の声とハモって kawaita kokoro no koe to hamotte Is harmonizing with the voice of my thirsty heart.
隠してきた本当の嘘が kakushite kita hontou no uso ga The lies of truth I've been hiding
ヘッドフォンに響いた heddofon ni hibiita Echoed in my headphones.

内緒話も独り言も naishobanashi mo hitorigoto mo During our secret talk, or when you speak to yourself,
君の手にかかれば、ミュージック kimi no te ni kakareba, myuujikku Within your hand, I can see music!
息継ぎしたら生まれたての ikitsugi shitara umaretate no As I took in a breath,
季節を吸い込んだ kisetsu o suikonda I breathed in the newly born seasons.

変わりゆく景色の空白を kawari yuku keshiki no kuuhaku o I color the blank space of the changing scenery
変わらない歌声が彩るよ kawaranai utagoe ga irodoru yo With my unchanging singing voice.
忘れ物に気づいた通学路 wasuremono ni kizuita tsuugakuro On my way to school, I realized I forgot something.
躓いた問いを絡まった過去を tsumazuita toi o karamatta kako o When I solved the stumbling question and the entwined past,
解いたら、一歩 先 hodoitara, ippo saki I was one step ahead.

走り出す未来のすぐそばで hashiridasu mirai no sugu soba de I embrace the present that is painted in dreams,
夢にまみれた今を抱く yume ni mamireta ima o daku That is right next to the speeding future.
信号踏切いつでも shingou fumikiri itsudemo Forever by the lights at the railroad crossing,
音楽は もう、とまらない ongaku wa mou, tomaranai The music won't stop anymore.

あの笑顔もナミダも君のうた ano egao mo namida mo kimi no uta That smile, those tears and your song,
まだ、歌えるよ mada, utaeru yo I can still sing them!

青空の下でこの夏を再生 aozora no shita de kono natsu o saisei This summer comes back under the blue sky,
聴いてよ こんなうたどう? kiite yo konna uta dou? Listening to it, how do you feel about such a song?
無題 デモワンフレーズの衝動 mudai demo wanfureezu no shoudou It's "Untitled", but I have the impulse to sing one phrase from it.
じゃあ、またね1秒後に会おう jaa, mata ne ichibyou go ni aou Well, see you, let's meet after 1 second
終わらない未知で owaranai michi de In this never-ending unknown.

オトで擦る星空の軌跡 oto de nazoru hoshizora no kiseki Your bud, dressed in beauty and seeking happiness,
幸せ探す綺麗を纏う芽 shiawase sagasu kirei o matou me Follows the path of the starry sky with your sound.
君が”君”で居てくれたから kimi ga "kimi" de ite kureta kara Because you were the way "you" were,
ここにいる、今日だった koko ni iru, kyou datta I'm still here, even to this day.

1.2.3 で煌めくファンタジーを 1.2.3 de kirameku fantajii o A sparkling fantasy on a 1, 2, and 3,
夜に翳すインターリュードを yoru ni kazasu intaaryuudo o An interlude we hold towards the night sky,
街を染めてゆくリリックを machi o somete yuku ririkku o And lyrics that paint the city,
繋いでゆく、世界(セカイ) tsunaide yuku, sekai Connecting them together, we have our SEKAI.

はじまりの景色の空白を hajimari no keshiki no kuuhaku o The blankness of the beginning scenery
隣り合わせの君が彩るよ tonariawase no kimi ga irodoru yo Is painted by you, sitting next to me.
互い違い、間違い、すれ違い⋯? tagaichigai, machigai, surechigai...? Failing to align, failing to get it right, failing to meet...?

足りないくらいの tarinai kurai no To the point that it's not enough,
消えないくらいの kienai kurai no To the point that it won't go away,
滲んだ色を はみ出した色を nijinda iro o hamidashita iro o When I grow to love the colors that blur and stick out,
愛したら 一歩 先 aishitara ippo saki I am one step ahead.

綺麗な未来になれなくても kirei na mirai ni nare nakute mo Even if I can't head towards that beautiful future,
夢が零れてしまっても yume ga koborete shimatte mo Even if my dream overflows,
誰かの想いが届くまで dareka no omoi ga todoku made Until someone's feeling reaches me,
音楽はそう、止めどなく溢れてく ongaku wa sou, tomedo naku afureteku Seems like the music will continue to overflow.

走り出す未来のすぐそばで hashiridasu mirai no sugu soba de I embrace the present that is painted in dreams,
夢にまみれた今を抱く yume ni mamireta ima o daku That is right next to the speeding future.
水溜りクラッシュ弾けて mizu tamari kurasshu hajikete The water puddle splashes when we step in them,
音楽は もう、止まらない ongaku wa mou, tomaranai The music won't stop anymore.

後悔も願いも 君のうた koukai mo negai mo kimi no uta Your regrets, wishes and songs,
ほら、聴こえるよ hora, kikoeru yo There, I can hear it!
青空に映る aozora ni utsuru Reflected upon the blue sky
あの日々の残像 ano hibi no zanzou Are the afterimages of those days.

「覚えてる? 僕のうたを」 "oboeteru? boku no uta o" "Do you remember my song?"
重ね合うオーケストラ模様 kasaneau ookesutora moyou The orchestral patterns pile up.
サヨナラのあと 手を繋ごう sayonara no ato te o tsunagou Let's hold hands after our farewells,
はじまる未知と― hajimaru michi to― In this beginning unknown-

終わらない未知で― owaranai michi de― And this never-ending unknown.
English translation by Thai1210

Media Appearances[]

This song was featured in the following media:

External Links[]

