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Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Giga NobosemonHERO
Song title
Romaji: Nobosemon HERO
English: Adrenaline-High Hero
Original Upload Date
March 1, 2024
Kagamine Len and Zundamon (Seiren Voice and VOICEVOX)
ChibaNyan (music, lyrics)
Giga (music)
Miwashiba (illustration)
Meri (video)
YouTube Broadcast


Singer Len Zundamon Both
Japanese Romaji English
(チバニャン~) (chibanyan~) (Chibanyan~)
(ギ’ガー⤵) (gigaa⤵) (Gi'gaa⤵)

You got a fire deep inside. Oh, let out
No need to limit yourself. We just break out
冷めない夢の中気取って samenai yume no naka kidotte Pretending to be in a dream that won't cool down
Feel everything
You make me so blind

完・全・燃・焼バリアゲ波動↑↑ kan zen nen shou bariage hadou↑↑ Com・plete com・bustion barrage wave↑↑
典型的な嘘つきの披露 tenkeiteki na usotsuki no hirou A typical liar's preformance
(Oh Oh)
ガったれちゃって gattarechatte I'm shooting glares
(Oh Oh)
ガったれちゃって gattarechatte I'm shooting glares
ハイそこの子 hai soko no ko Hey, you over there
ひんむいてBreak it out!! hinmuite Break it out!! Shed your skin and break it out

I wanna get so crazy
ハジけトべ Wake up hajike tobe Wake up Pop off and Wake up
I wanna get so crazy
どうしようもないゲリラ doushiyou mo nai gerira The uncontrollable guerilla
放て hanate Release it

燥ぎたいほらFlyもう天の上 hashagitai hora Fly mou ten no ue I wanna Fly up high beyond the heavens
飾りたいほらFlyツヤこいてけ kazaritai hora Fly tsuya koiteke Pimp it up Go ahead Bling it out
最低な民度でトビラ開けたら saitei na mindo de tobira aketara If you open the doors for the lowest of people
Dancing all night カマさねぇ? Dancing all night kamasa nee? Dancing all night, don't that sound nice?

瞳が合う hitomi ga au Our eyes meet
瞳が合う hitomi ga au Our eyes meet
Hit on me!! God
かなりSavage kanari Savage The OG Savage
まさに××(ちょめちょめ) masa ni chomechome It's like we're xx*

ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
(オレオレ) (oreore) (Me! Me!)
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Aint that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
(オレオレ) (oreore) (Me! Me!)
やっちゃって (Hey!!) yacchatte (Hey!!) Do it! (Hey!!)
トんじゃって(Hey!!) tonjatte (Hey!!) Just do it! (Hey!!)
単純に(Hey!!) tanjun ni (Hey!!) It's simple! (Hey!!)
お花畑のアタマで ohanabatake no atama de Like a bunch of basketheads
Pon Pon Pon HERO

V・I・C・E ガン無視だもん V・I・C・E gan mushi da mon V・I・C・E Ignore 'em all
フェーダー振りきるボクのぼせもん feedaa furi kiru boku nobosemon Swinging a fader I'm the NOBOSEMON*
合戦のエゴ gassen no ego A battle of EGO's
じっとなんてしねぇよ jitto nante shinee yo I ain't gonna sit still
恐縮なパンピなら kyoushuku na panpi nara Shy 'lil normies need to
Get out!! Get out!! Get out!!

You got a fire deep inside. Oh, let out
No need to limit yourself. We just break out
冴えないサイクルを超えて saenai saikuru o koete Reaching beyond the dull cycle
(⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ブーン) (⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃buun) (⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃Vroom)
巻き起こるStorm 今Way out makiokoru Storm ima Way out The storm is rolling in, Now's your WAY OUT

(さっきから何ばずんだれとーとや? (sakki kara nani bazun dare tootoya? (What are ya' waitin' for!
ちかっぱ気合い入れてはよ chikappa kiai irete wa yo C'mon! Get your butt in gear!
のぼせもんヒーローにならんかきさん! nobosemon hiiroo ni narankaki-san! You'll never become a NOBOSEMON HERO like that!
人生は一回しかなかろーもん) jinsei wa ikkai shikanakaroo mon) You only live once after all!)

この雷鳴よ響け kono raimei yo hibike Let this thunder resound!
まさにHighほらFlyもう天の上 masa ni High hora Fly mou ten no ue Totally Fly up high beyond the heavens
変わりたいのは辛いこの現の世 kawaritai no wa tsurai kono gen no se It's so hard to change this world
禁断の果実は見せかけだから kindan no kajitsu wa misekake dakara The forbidden fruit is a complete sham
Dancing all night カマさねぇ? Dancing all night kamasa nee? Dancing all night don't it sound nice?
アガりたいこの位もうイイんじゃね agaritai kono kurai mou ii nja ne Reach the top not gonna stop
愛されたいと願い揺れてく風 aisaretai to negai yureteku kaze To be loved is what I want, swaying in the wind
最高の便乗で唸るハリケーン saikou no binjou de unaru harikeen A roaring hurricane in it's best flight!
Dancing all night カマさねぇ? Dancing all night kamasa nee? Dancing all night how about that?

瞳が合う hitomi ga au Our eyes meet
瞳が合う hitomi ga au Our eyes meet
Hit on me!! God
ガチのSavage gachi no Savage Hardcore Savage
最強に××(ちょめちょめ) saikyou ni chomechome The biggest xx*

ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
(オレオレ) (oreore) (Me! Me!)
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Aint that nice
ええじゃないか ee janai ka Ain't that nice
(オレオレ) (oreore) (Me! Me!)
やっちゃって (Hey!!) yacchatte (Hey!!) Do it! (Hey!!)
トんじゃって(Hey!!) tonjatte (Hey!!) Just do it! (Hey!!)
単純に(Hey!!) tanjun ni (Hey!!) It's simple! (Hey!!)
お花畑のアタマで ohanabatake no atama de Like a bunch of basketheads
Pon Pon Pon HERO

You got a fire deep inside oh let out
ハジけトべ Freak out hajike tobe freak out Pop off and Freak out
イカれてる ikareteru We're the crazy
Pon Pon Pon HERO

English translation by BOUBETO

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