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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Cat Ear Switch
Song title
Romaji: Nekomimi Suicchi
English: Cat Ear Switch
Original Upload Date
September 14, 2009 (NN)
PV Retake: December 22, 2012 (YT)
Hatsune Miku
Daniwell (music, lyrics)
Milo (video, PV Retake)
720,000+ (NN), 7,100+ (PP)
25,000+ (PV Retake)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)
PV Retake: YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
君と私で ヒュー↑ヒュー↑ kimi to watashi de hyuu hyuu You and I together, pant pant
アツい鼓動刻んだら atsui kodou kizandara If we engrave this hot beat
かわいいねこみみつけて kawaii nekomimi tsukete Let's put on cute cat ears
ふたりでゴロゴロしましょ futari de gorogoro shimasho And just roll around together

ナツいアツだね フー→フー→ natsui atsu da ne fuu fuu It's blistering hot, huff huff
扇風機の風浴びたら senpuuki no kaze abitara We bask in the breeze from the fan
アイスが溶けてポタポタ aisu ga tokete potapota Our ice cream melts, drip drip
あらら ちょっぴりせつないね arara choppiri setsunai ne Huh, I'm a little bit sad

ねぼけまなこでウトウト nebokemanako de utouto Sleepy-eyed, we doze off
定休日の昼下がり teikyuubi no hirusagari On this vacation afternoon
ねまき姿でウロウロ nemaki sugata de urouro In our pajamas, we laze around
アツアツの甘い香り atsuatsu no amai kaori With a sweet, hot smell

鉄分 ミネラル 要らないけど tetsubun mineraru iranai kedo We don't need iron or minerals
寝覚めのカフェイン いつものこと nezame no kafein itsumo no koto We just need caffeine to wake us up, as always
「おはよう」 挨拶交わす君の頭上にねこみみ "ohayou" aisatsu kawasu kimi no zujou ni nekomimi As we exchange "good mornings" there are cat ears on your head
寝ぼけてるのさ neboketeru no sa We're still sleepy

君と私で ニャーニャー kimi to watashi de nyaa nyaa You and I together, meow meow
ねこみみは量子力学 nekomimi wa ryoushirikigaku Cat ears are quantum mechanics
△×¥○@%&$#☆□!(トテカチテトカチカテタチ) totekachitetokachikatetachi Totekachitetokachikatetachi
「落ち着け、カフェオレ飲もう」 "ochitsuke, kafeore nomou" "Let's calm down and have some cafe au lait"

メモリ不足でアタフタ Memori-busoku de atafuta In a hurry with insufficient memory
頭がオーバーフローする atama ga oobaafuroo suru My head's overflowing
11次元のスケール juuichi-jigen no sukeeru On an eleven dimensional scale
宇宙の神秘が加速する uchuu no shinpi ga kasoku suru The mysteries of the universe are speeding up

夢か現か幻 yume ka utsutsu ka maboroshi Is this illusion real or a dream?
ナツばて誘う太陽 natsubate sasou taiyou The sun beckons us towards heat exhaustion
コドモみたいな笑顔で kodomo mitai na egao de With a smile like a child's
見つめる先に向日葵 mitsumeru saki ni himawari You gaze at a sunflower

ねこみみ姿が似合う君の横顔 nekomimi sugata ga niau kimi no yokogao Cat ears suit your profile
ああ クラクラする aa karakura suru Ah, we're getting lightheaded
例えば非科学的なことも tatoeba hikagakuteki na koto mo Even if it's unscientific
信じてしまう夕暮れどきには shinjite shimau yuuguredoki ni wa This evening I could believe anything

君と私でフラフラ kimi to watashi de furafura You and I together, getting dizzy
すかさず片手繋いだら sukasazu katate tsunaidara If we join hands without delay
ふたりの相乗効果で futari no soujoukouka de Then our synergy
世界が動転してる sekai ga douten shiteru Can move the world

オレンジ色の雲間に orenji-iro no kumoma ni In the orange gap in the clouds
しましま模様の光線 shimashima moyou no kousen There are stripy rays of light
頭の上でピカピカ atama no ue de pikapika Above our head they twinkle twinkle
いちばん星とにばん星 ichibanboshi to nibanboshi The first star and the second star

真夏の夜の帳がおりる頃に manatsu no yoru no tobari ga oriru koro ni When the curtain comes down on this midsummer night
君と私で見つけた kimi to watashi de mitsuketa You and I together found
謎めいた黄色いスイッチ nazomeita kiiroi suitchi A mysterious yellow switch
ためしに押した tameshi ni oshita We pushed it to test it out
だけど地球崩壊だとか dakedo chikyuu houkai da to ka But it probably won't
起こるはずないね okoru hazu nai ne Cause the destruction of the world or anything
だから安心しておやすみ dakara anshin shite oyasumi So don't worry, sweet dreams!

君と私で ヒュー↑ヒュー↑ kimi to watashi de hyuu hyuu You and I together, pant pant
アツい鼓動刻んだら atsui kodou kizandara If we engrave this hot beat
かわいいねこみみつけて kawaii nekomimi tsukete Let's put on cute cat ears
ふたりでゴロゴロしましょ futari de gorogoro shimasho And just roll around together

ナツいアツだね フー→フー→ natsui atsu da ne fuu fuu It's blistering hot, huff huff
扇風機の風浴びたら senpuuki no kaze abitara We bask in the breeze from the fan
アイスが溶けてポタポタ aisu ga tokete potapota Our ice cream melts, drip drip
あらら ちょっぴりせつないね arara choppiri setsunai ne Huh, I'm a little bit sad

English translation by bluepenguin

Notable Derivatives

Cat Ear Switch
hino's MMD animation
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): hino (animation), Aguu (choreography)

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