Song title | |||
"なんて物騒な時代だ" Romaji: Nante Bussou na Jidai da English: What a Terrible Era | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
March 28, 2018 (album release date) | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Neru (music, lyrics)
スドウ創太 (album illustration) | |||
Views | |||
78,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT) | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
報道は偏狭 サイバーテロ 仮想現実 スラックティビズム | houdou wa henkyou saibaatero kasou genjitsu surakkutibizumu | Prejudiced news reports, cyberterrorism, virtual reality, slacktivism, |
たった数バイト程度に拉致られた仰山な憎悪とBBS | tatta suu baito teido ni rachirareta gyousan na zouo to BBS | Myriad hatreds and a BBS that was abducted by just a few bytes |
AIのオート運転が僕等の理性と接触事故を起こしたって話さ | AI no ooto unten ga bokura no risei to sesshoku jiko o okoshita tte hanashi sa | It is said that the autopilot of AI has caused a traffic collision with our intellects |
なんて物騒な時代だ | nante bussou na jidai da | What a terrible era |
タイムマシンの密造 バイオスフィアと移住計画 | taimu mashin no mitsuzou baiosufia to ijuu keikaku | Secret development of a time machine, biosphere and plans for immigration |
そんなんじゃない 僕が望むモノは | sonna nja nai boku ga nozomu mono wa | Those aren’t what I wanted |
強いて言うならそうだなあ | shiite iu nara sou da naa | If I had to say, well, |
この千切れた未来をせめてくっ付ける接着剤の方が 僕は嬉しいんだ | kono chigireta mirai o semete kuttsukeru secchakuzai no hou ga boku wa ureshii nda | I’d prefer a glue that, at least, connects my torn future |
心臓はどうやらフェイクだった 愛を歌う資格ももう無いや | shinzou wa douyara feiku datta ai o utau shikaku mo mou nai ya | Hearts seemed to be fake; I don’t deserve to sing a song about love anymore |
ホントは命とやらは無かった 単なる信号源だった | honto wa inochi to yara wa nakatta tannaru shingougen datta | In fact, there were no things called lives; it was just a source of signals |
虚しさや辟易はそいつの 欠損のようだ | munashisa ya hekieki wa soitsu no kesson no you da | Emptiness and fatigue seemed to be flaws of it |
強いて言うとするなら人類は 失敗作だった | shiite iu to suru nara jinrui wa shippaisaku datta | "If I had to say, mankind was a poor work" |
最近学者がそう言っていたんだ なんて物騒な時代だ | saikin gakusha ga sou itte ita nda nante bussou na jidai da | That’s what a scientist recently said; what a terrible era |
ねえ神様、僕等には この身体は十分過ぎたんだ | nee kamisama, bokura ni wa kono karada wa juubun sugita nda | Hey, God, our bodies were too much for us |
どうしようもない ブレーキが利かない | doushiyou mo nai bureeki ga kikanai | It can't be helped, the brakes are not working |
高スペックなCPUは 都市部の掃き溜めみたいに丸焦げで | kou supekku na CPU wa toshibu no hakidame mitai ni marukoge de | Our high-end CPUs are now burnt like a rubbish heap in an urban area |
ポンコツ同然なんだ 同情は不要さ | ponkotsu douzen nanda doujou wa fuyou sa | And it’s nearly a piece of junk; don't pity us |
暗礁に乗り上げた地球号に 愛着も美徳ももう無いや | anshou ni noriageta chikyuugou ni aichaku mo bitoku mo mou nai ya | We have no affection or virtue anymore to show for Spaceship Earth that has struck a reef |
生憎、天国などは無かった 歴史は二次創作ばっか | ainiku, tengoku nado wa nakatta rekishi wa nijisousaku bakka | Unfortunately, there was no haven; history is full of fan-made works |
かの英雄だとかはどうも 偶像のようだ | kano eiyou da toka wa doumo gouzou no you da | The hero we know seems to be an idol |
強いて言うとするなら人類は 失敗作だった | shiite iu to suru nara jinrui wa shippaisaku datta | "If I had to say, mankind was a poor work" |
音楽ですらもそう歌っているんだ なんて物騒な時代だ | ongaku de sura mo sou utatte iru nda nante bussou na jidai da | Even music sings so; what a terrible era |
どうだっていい事ばかり覚えているのに | dou datte ii koto bakari oboete iru no ni | Although I remember a lot of trivial things, |
大切だった事がどうも思い出せやしないんだ | taisetsu datta koto ga dou mo omoidaseyashinai nda | I just can’t recall a thing that was important |
生涯、あれこれ問わず壊して ただ誰それ構わず撃って | shougai, are kore towazu kowashite tada dare sore kamawazu utte | For all our lives, breaking whatever and just shooting whoever |
明けない夜を過ごすだけが人生なんですか | akenai yoru o sugosu dake ga jinsei nan desu ka | Spending time in the night that never finds the day; is that what my life is supposed to be? |
いつかは優しくなれると言って 実際はどうだ | itsuka wa yasashiku nareru to itte jissai wa dou da | You said I can become a kind person one day, but how did it actually turn out? |
閉塞感さえ 愛くるしくなった | heisokukan sae aikurushiku natta | I’ve come to miss even a sense of blockage |
いっそお前など 消えてしまえなんて祈った | isso omae nado kiete shimae nante inotta | I prayed that I would rather you disappear |
こんな時代など もう大満足なんだ 続きはいらない | konna jidai nado mou daimanzoku nanda tsuzuki wa iranai | I’m very content with this kind of era, I don't need a sequel |
English translation by Anonymous
This song was featured on the following albums:
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