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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Conti New
Song title
Romaji: Tankobu Beibi
English: Bump Babe
Original Upload Date
March 26, 2014 (album release)
Hatsune Miku
DECO*27 (music, lyrics)


Japanese Romaji English
たんこぶってなんでしょうか? tankobu tte nandeshou ka So what exactly is this “Tankobu” (lump/bump)?
愛でしょうか? Say Yeah si deshou ka Say Yeah Is it love? Say Yeah
たんこぶってなんでしょうか? tankobu tte nandeshou ka So what is a “Tankobu”?
恋でしょうか? Say Wow koi deshou ka Say Wow Is it true romance? Say Wow

たんこぶってなんでしょうか? tankobu tte nandeshou ka So what is a “Tankobu”?
夢でしょうか? Say Yeah yume deshou ka Say Yeah Is it dreams? Say Yeah
たんこぶってなんでしょうか? tankobu tte nandeshou ka So what is a “Tankobu”?
魅惑のクリティカル装備 miwaku no kuritikaru soubi Is it the critical item you need to lay the charm on someone?

イケてるあいつも 尻軽あの子も iketeru aitsu mo shirigaru ano ko mo That cool guy and that flirtatious girl
みんなみんなたんこぶだ ねえ そうしよう? minna minna tankobu da nee soushiyou? Everyone’s got a bump; let’s do that too, right?

たんこぶベイベ tankobu beibe Tankobu Baby

たんこぶってなんでしょうか? tankobu tte nandeshou ka So what is a “Tankobu”?

僕でしょうか? Say Yeah boku deshou ka Say Yeah Is it me? Say Yeah
たんこぶってなんでしょうか? tankobu tte nandeshou ka So what is a “Tankobu”?
君でしょうか? Say Wow kimi deshou ka Say Wow Is it you? Say Wow

たんこぶってなんでしょうか? tankobu tte nandeshou ka So what is a “Tankobu”?
希望でしょうか? Say Yeah kibou deshou ka? Say Yeah Is it hopes? Say Yeah
たんこぶって***でしょうか? tankobu tte *** deshou ka So is it ****?
疑惑の牛になる奥義 giwaku no ushi ni naru ougi Some kind of secret that will get you quarantined?

可愛いあの子も スカしたあいつも kawaii ano ko mo, sukashita aitsu mo That cute girl and that annoying poser of a guy
みんなみんなたんこぶだ ねえ、そうしよう? minna minna tankobu da nee, sou shiyou It’s like everyone’s got this “tankobu” thing, should we have it too?

たんこぶベイベ tankobu beibe Tankobu Baby

少しは考えてあげよう sukoshi wa kangaete ageyou Hey I’ll think about it for a bit
痛みと同じ誕生日 itami to onaji tanjoubi Seemingly sharing the same birthday as all that pain
たんこぶ 君はもしかして tankobu kimi wa moshikashite This tankobu/lump, could you possibly be my

たんこぶベイベ tankobu beibe Tankobu Baby

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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