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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Tabun
English: Probably
Original Upload Date
January 6, 2021 (album release date)
Hatsune Miku
Ayase (music, lyrics)
omao (album illustration)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)

Alternate Versions

YOASOBI's version
Upload date: July 20, 2020
Featuring: Ikura
Haven't (YOASOBI's English version)
Upload date: November 11, 2021
Featuring: Ikura


The following translation was made by shiyuki332, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their twitter.
Japanese Romaji English
涙流すことすら無いまま namida nagasu koto sura nai mama Without even the flowing of tears,
過ごした日々の痕一つも残さずに sugoshita hibi no ato hitotsu mo nokosazu ni Without leaving even a trace of the days you spent here,
さよならだ sayonara da It was goodbye.

一人で迎えた朝に hitori de mukaeta asa ni In the morning I welcomed by myself,
鳴り響く誰かの音 narihibiku dareka no oto The sound of someone that rings.
二人で過ごした部屋で futari de sugoshita heya de In the room the two of us spent together,
目を閉じたまま考えてた me o tojita mama kangaeteta I was thinking with my eyes closed.

悪いのは誰だ warui no wa dare da Whose fault is it?
分かんないよ wakannai yo I don't know.
誰のせいでもない dare no sei demo nai It's no one's fault.
たぶん tabun Probably.

僕らは何回だってきっと bokura wa nankai datte kitto No matter how many times, I'm sure
そう何年だってきっと sou nannen datte kitto Yes, no matter how many years pass, I'm sure
さよならと共に終わるだけなんだ sayonara to tomo ni owaru dake nanda It's just that we will end together with a goodbye
仕方がないよきっと shikata ga nai yo kitto I'm sure that there is no other way
「おかえり」 "okaeri" 'Welcome home,'
思わず零れた言葉は omowazu koboreta kotoba wa Those words which dropped out without thinking,
違うな chigau na They sure are wrong

一人で迎えた朝に hitori de mukaeta asa ni In the morning I welcomed by myself,
ふと想う誰かのこと futo omou dareka no koto Someone I think of suddenly
二人で過ごした日々の futari de sugoshita hibi no The ordinariness of the days the two of us
当たり前がまだ残っている atarimae ga mada nokotte iru Spent together still remains.

悪いのは君だ warui no wa kimi da it's your fault.
そうだっけ sou dakke Isn't it?
悪いのは僕だ warui no wa boku da It's my fault.
たぶん tabun Probably.

これも大衆的恋愛でしょ kore mo taishuuteki ren'ai desho This is love popular among the masses too, right.
それは最終的な答えだよ sore wa saishuuteki na kotae da yo That's the final answer, you know.
僕らだんだんとズレていったの bokura dandan to zurete itta no We gradually became out of sync.
それもただよくある聴き慣れたストーリーだ sore mo tada yoku aru kikinareta sutoorii da That's also just a common story I've gotten used to hearing.
あんなに輝いていた日々にすら anna ni kagayaite ita hibi ni sura Even in the days that shone to that extent,
埃は積もっていくんだ hokori wa tsumotte iku nda Dust continues to pile up.

僕らは何回だってきっと bokura wa nankai datte kitto No matter how many times, I'm sure
そう何年だってきっと sou nannen datte kitto Yes, no matter how many years pass, I'm sure
さよならに続く道を歩くんだ sayonara ni tsuzuku michi o aruku nda We are walking the path that leads to goodbye
仕方がないよきっと shikata ga nai yo kitto I'm sure there is no other way
「おかえり」 "okaeri" 'Welcome home,'
いつもの様に itsumo no you ni Just like usual,
零れ落ちた koboreochita Those words fell out

分かり合えないことなんてさ wakariaenai koto nante sa Something like not being able to understand each other,
幾らでもあるんだきっと ikura demo aru nda kitto I'm sure it's happened countless times.
全てを許し合えるわけじゃないから subete o yurushiaeru wake ja nai kara But it's fine because it doesn't mean we have to forgive each other for all of it.
ただ、優しさの日々を tada, yasashisa no hibi o It's just that, if you feel
辛い日々と感じてしまったのなら tsurai hibi to kanjite shimatta no nara The days of kindness to be bitter days,
戻れないから modorenai kara Then we can't go back, so...

僕らは何回だってきっと bokura wa nankai datte kitto No matter how many times, I'm sure

僕らは何回だってきっと bokura wa nankai datte kitto No matter how many times, I'm sure
そう何年だってきっと sou nannen datte kitto Yes, no matter how many years pass, I'm sure
さよならと共に終わるだけなんだ sayonara to tomo ni owaru dake nanda It's just that we will end together with a goodbye
仕方がないよきっと shikata ga nai yo kitto I'm sure that there is no other way
「おかえり」 "okaeri" 'Welcome home,'
思わず零れた言葉は omowazu koboreta kotoba wa Those words which dropped out without thinking,
違うな chigau na They sure are wrong

それでも何回だってきっと soredemo nankai datte kitto Even so, no matter how many times, I'm sure
そう何年だってきっと sou nannen datte kitto Yes, no matter how many years pass, I'm sure
始まりに戻ることが出来たなら hajimari ni modoru koto ga dekita nara 'If only we can return to the beginning,'
なんて、思ってしまうよ nante, omotte shimau yo I end up thinking like that, you know
「おかえり」 "okaeri" 'Welcome home,'
届かず零れた言葉に todokazu koboreta kotoba ni At these words that fell out without reaching you,
笑った waratta I laughed.
少し冷えた朝だ sukoshi hieta asa da It's a slightly cold morning.

English translation by Shiyuki

Notable Derivatives

Mafumafu's cover
Featuring: Mafumafu
Featuring: BANBANZAI
Plusonica's cover
Featuring: Plusonica


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links

