Song title | |||
"それでも僕らは歌うことをやめない" Romaji: Soredemo Bokura wa Utau Koto o Yamenai English: Even so, We Won’t Stop Singing | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
November 14, 2024 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Gogotea (music, lyrics)
涼夜ちも (illustration) | |||
Views | |||
70,000+ (YT), 10,000+ (NN) | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast / Niconico Broadcast | |||
Commissioned song for the unit Leo/need for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku |
Alternate Versions[]
Leo/need × Kagamine Len ver. |
Upload date: September 28, 2024 |
Featuring: Leo/need, and Kagamine Len |
Producer(s): Gogotea (music, lyrics) 猫目トヲル (illustration) SeeyuAge (video) |
NN / YT |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
夢や憧憬だけじゃ立ち行かないことがある | yume ya shoukei dake ja tachi yukanai koto ga aru | I cannot sustain myself on just dreams and aspirations, |
理想と現実の乖離 佇む路地 | risou to genjitsu no kairi tatazumu roji | Reality has diverged from my ideals; I stand and linger in an alleyway. |
半ば脅迫的な選択を受容するたび | nakaba kyouhakuteki na sentaku o juyou suru tabi | Every time I take on a halfway intimidating decision, |
自我の輪郭がどうも滲んで 敵わない | jiga no rinkaku ga doumo nijinde kanawanai | Somehow, the outlines of my "self" end up blurring, and I'm powerless to stop it. |
翳る夜空 あの流星も遠く思える | kageru yozora ano ryuusei mo tooku omoeru | The night sky is clouded over, and even that meteor seems so far away. |
それでもなお明確な“歌う理由”だけは | soredemo nao meikaku na "utau riyuu" dake wa | But even so, that means having a clear reason to sing is all the more important, |
裏切れないから | uragirenai kara | Because that can't betray me. |
この歌よ、星となれ | kono uta yo hoshi to nare | O song of mine, become a star! |
あらゆる疑念、迷いも | arayuru ginen, mayoi mo | I'll take every single one of my doubts and hesitations, |
その明かりで消し去ってしまうような ただ | sono akari de keshisatte shimau you na tada | As if to dispel them with that light. |
自分の心を騙したくはないだけ | jibun no kokoro o damashitaku wa nai dake | I simply don't want to deceive my heart, |
それすら 我儘 なのかな | sore sura wagamama na no kana | Is that, too, merely a selfish whim of mine? |
「この言葉や旋律は僕らの声で | "kono kotoba no senritsu wa bokura no koe de | "It's precisely because we're singing out these verses and this melody with our voices |
歌ってこそ意味を宿す」 | utatte koso imi o yadosu" | That meaning dwells within." |
いつかは 言えるかな | itsuka wa ieru kana | I wonder, will I be able to say that someday? |
思うようにはいかない | omou you ni wa ikanai | It isn't proceeding how I wanted it to, |
さながら呪詛のようなもの | sanagara juso no you na mono | It's almost like a curse. |
頭では理解してた 世の理 | atama de wa rikaishiteta yo no kotowari | In my head I understand the way the world works, |
言わば洗脳じみた 道徳に曝されるたび | iwaba sennou jimita doutoku ni sarasareru tabi | One might say I've been a bit brainwashed; every time I'm exposed to morality, |
信じてたものが全部揺らいで 仕方ない | shinjiteta mono ga zenbu yuraide shikatanai | Everything I've been believing in wavers, and I can't help it. |
やるたいこと、気の進まないことの差異に | yaritai koto, ki no susumanai koto no sai ni | If only I was able to think of the days I spent agonizing over |
悩む日々も通過点だと思えたら | nayamu hibi mo tsuukaten da to omoetara | The disparity between what I want to do and what I'm reluctant to do as a waypoint to pass through, |
楽なんだろうけど | rakunan darou kedo | Then I'd feel so much more at ease. |
それは容易ではなくて | sore wa youi de wa nakute | That isn't something that is easy, |
常に向き合ってるが故 | tsune ni mukiatteru ga yue | Rather, due to the fact that we're always confronting issues, |
その実、逃げ出したいことばっかだ でも | sono jitsu nigedashitai koto bakka da demo | In fact, all I want to do is run away, but |
未来の欠片を失くす方が怖いから | mirai no kakera o nakusu hou ga kowai kara | I'm more scared of losing a fragment of our future, |
僕らは 僕らを 選んだ | bokura wa bokura o eranda | So that's why we have chosen "us". |
紡いだ点と点を辿る | tsumuida ten to ten o tadoru | Our plans for traveling are to fumble around, |
手探りの旅程 | tesaguri no ryotei | Following the lines woven between point to point. |
どこまで響くのだろう | doko made hibiku no darou | I wonder, just how far |
僕らの 歌声は | bokura no utagoe wa | Will our singing voices resonate? |
やはり僕らは誇示したい | yahari bokura wa kojishitai | Still, we want to show everyone, |
二つとない“自分”の所在 | futatsu to nai jibun no shozai | Where our one and only "selves" are, |
やることは変わらない | yaru koto wa kawaranai | The things we want to do aren't changing, |
歌うことはやめない | utau koto wa yamenai | We won't quit singing. |
ならば妥協はしない | naraba dakyou wa shinai | So, we won't compromise, |
そこは曲げられない | soko wa magerarenai | We won't bend, |
消して自由ではない | keshite jiyuu de wa nai | We will by no means be free, |
だけど孤独でもない | dakedo kodoku de mo nai | But we won't be alone. |
歩む道の形は 心の有り様次第 | ayumu michi no katachi wa kokoro no ariyou shidai | The shape of our path forward depends on the circumstances of our hearts, |
遂げる本懐の終着点 | togeru honkai no shuuchakuten | But we won't lose sight of |
それだけは見失わない | soredake wa miushinawanai | Our last stop, where we will realize our long-held desires. |
だから今、星となれ | dakara ima hoshi to nare | So now, become a star! |
あらゆる不安、迷いも | arayuru fuan, mayoi mo | I'll take every single one of my doubts and hesitations, |
その明かりで 消し去ってしまうような まだ | sono akari de keshi satteshimau you na mada | As if to dispel them with that light. |
夢の端っこを 掴みかけているんだけ | yume no hajikko o tsukami kakete irun dake | We've only just managed to grasp the tip of our dream, |
このまま 終わって たまるか | kono mama owatte tamaru ka | We can't let it end like this! |
「この言葉の旋律は 僕らの声で | "kono kotoba no senritsu wa bokura no koe de | "It's precisely because we're singing out these verses and this melody with our voices |
歌ってこそ意思を宿す」 | utatte koso ishi wo yadosu" | That our intents dwell within." |
今なら 言えそうだ | ima nara iesou da | Now, I feel like I can say that. |
English translation by Shiru
External Links[]
- Google Drive - Instrumental