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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Sono Ichibyou Suroo Mooshon
English: That One Second Slow Motion
Original Upload Date
August 16, 2008 (album release)
Hatsune Miku
ryo (music, lyrics)
Miwa Shirow (album illust)


Japanese Romaji English
長い長い下り坂 nagai nagai kudarizaka Through this long, long downhill
寝ぐせをつけたわたし neguse o tsuketa watashi With my bed hair still intact
駆け足で転ばないように kakeashi de korobanai you ni In a hurry, about to fall
間に合え いつものバス ma ni ae itsumo no basu I must make it in time for the bus
息を切らせて走る iki o kirasete hashiru Gasping while I run
昨日の雨 水たまりをよけて kinou no ame mizutamari o yokete I avoid the yesterday rain's puddle

おろしたての靴を汚さないように oroshitate no kutsu o yogosanai you ni Trying not to stain my new shoes
気をつけて跳んだ ki o tsukete tonda I jumped carefully
あがる水しぶき、波打つ雲 agaru mizushibuki, namiutsu kumo The water splashes, the clouds wave
ぶつかる 振り向くキミ butsukaru furimuku kimi I bump into someone, and it's you

スローモーション suroo mooshon In slow motion
落とすカバン 目が合う一瞬 otosu kaban me ga au isshun I drop my bag and our eyes meet
ほんの一秒 永遠に続きそうな感覚 honno ichibyou eien ni tsuzukisou na kankaku A feeling a mere second lasts forever
おもわずそらす視線の先にびしょぬれの靴 omowazu sorasu shisen no saki ni bishonure no kutsu I snapped out of it and before me were wet shoes
キミは無言 はっと我に返るワタシ kimi wa mugon hatto ware ni kaeru watashi You were silent, and I turn away

とっさに口をつく言葉 tossa ni kuchi o tsuku kotoba The words I say at once;
「ごめんなさい! 怒ってますよね!」 "gomennasai! okottemasu yo ne!" "I'm sorry! You're mad aren't you?"
早口で言えてない 逃げていい・・・・・・? hayakuchi de ietenai nigete ii......? I spoke too fast to hear; can I just walk away...?
「下向いて走るなよな」 "shitamuite hashiru na yo na" "Watch your way"
めんどくさそうにそう言いながら mendokusasou ni sou ii nagara It's as tiresome as you say
拾ってくれた 水浸しのカバン hirotte kureta mizubitashi no kaban You picked up my soaked bag for me

ポケットに手を入れたまま poketto ni te o ireta mama Getting something from your pocket
「ほら、ちゃんと持て」 "hora, chanto mote" "Here, take it."
差し出されて両手で受け取る sashidasarete ryoute de uketoru I grab it with my hands
わたしの頭をポンと叩く watashi no atama o pon to tataku You bonked me on the head
やられた 思考が止まる yarareta shikou ga tomaru That hurt; my mind went blank

スローモーション suroo mooshon In slow motion
衝撃が駆け抜けていく shougeki ga kakenukete iku The tingling goes deep
ほっぺをつねる hoppe o tsuneru I pinch my cheeks
落ち着いて・・・・・・舞い上がらないで・・・・・・ ochitsuite......maiagaranaide...... Calm down......don't get carried away......
止まらないドキドキ tomaranai dokidoki The pulsation won't stop
スピード上げる心臓の音 supiido ageru shinzou no oto The heartbeat goes faster
キミは歩く kimi wa aruku You walk away and
思わず後ろからシャツを引っ張っていた omowazu ushiro kara shatsu o hippatte ita I tug your shirt in reflex from behind

ひとすじの風 木の葉を揺らして hitosuji no kaze konoha o yurashite A breeze of wind blows the leaves away
雨露が頭にパラリと降りかかる ametsuyu ga atama ni parari to furikakaru The rain dew drips glitteringly on my head
ワタシは見上げる watashi wa miageru I look above
まっすぐにキミの瞳を見る massugu ni kimi no me o miru And look at your eyes in an instant
これは恋なんですか kore wa koi nan desu ka Can this be "love"?

この気持ちに気がつかれないように kono kimochi ni ki ga tsukarenai you ni Hoping you don't notice these feelings
あわてて後ずさりしながら awatete atozusari shi nagara I step back in panic
「なんでもないです!」 "nan demo nai desu!" "I-It's nothing!"
まずい・・・・・・ばれた・・・・・・? mazui......bareta......? Oh no......did he find out......?
お願い 気が付かないで onegai ki ga tsukanaide Please, just don't mind me

スローモーション suroo mooshon In slow motion
耳まで赤く染まる どうしよう mimi made akaku somaru dou shiyou Even my ears turned red; what should I do?
怒らないで 早歩きで先に行かないで okoranaide hayaaruki de saki ni ikanaide Don't get mad; don't walk ahead in a hurry
あとを追いかける ato o oikakeru I'll chase after you
停留所からバスが走っていく teiryuujo kara basu ga hashitte iku The bus is leaving from the stop
「あーあ、遅刻・・・・・・」 "aaa, chikoku......" "Ahh, I missed it......"
とっさに「はい!」って元気よく返事した tossa ni "hai!" tte genki yoku henji shita I blurted "Yes!" with delight

うれしい ureshii So happy

English translation by marvelangga, checked and corrected by Damesukekun
Note: Please be aware that other translations by marvelangga include misleading mistakes that misrepresent the original lyrics. Please check their accuracy before adding their translations to this Wiki. If you are not sure of each of their translations, ask our translators. For further information about recommended, neutral and unrecommended translators, see this tutorial.


This song was featured on the following albums:

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