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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Zutto Tomodachi
Song title
Romaji: Zutto Tomodachi
Official English: We'll Always Be Friends
Original Upload Date
April 1, 2016
Hatsune Miku
Madoka Ueno (music, lyrics)
Llie (illustration)
madamxx (mix, mastering)
Keseran (movie)
2,200+ (NN), 1,600+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji Official English
君を愛せてよかった kimi o aisete yokatta I'm glad I was able to love you
そんな私がいてよかった sonna watashi ga ite yokatta I'm glad that me existed
君と過ごした時間は kimi to sugoshita jikan wa The time I spent with you
輝き続けるの kagayakitsuzukeru no Will shine on

君と出会わせてくれた 神様がいるなら kimi to deawasete kureta kamisama ga iru nara If a God exists who brought me to you
私は世界で 一番愛されてる人 watashi wa sekai de ichiban aisareteru hito I'm the luckiest person in the world

その手をつなぐことは  一生ないかも知れない sono te o tsunagu koto wa isshou nai kamo shirenai I may never hold your hand for as long as I live
それでいいの もういいの sore de ii no mou ii no But that's ok, it's all alright
僕たち 何があっても ずっと友達 bokutachi nani ga atte mo zutto tomodachi Because no matter what happens, we'll always be friends

君はたくさんくれたじゃない kimi wa takusan kureta ja nai You gave me so many things
嬉しい言葉 優しい気持ち ureshii kotoba yasashii kimochi Words to make me happy, kind feelings
一生かかっても絶対 isshou kakatte mo zettai I could never repay you enough
返せないの kaesenai no Even if I spent the rest of my life

君と出会わせてくれた 神様はいると思う kimi to deawasete kureta kamisama wa iru to omou I think a God does exist who brought me to you
だってこんな奇跡 他に説明しようがないもの datte konna kiseki hoka ni setsumei shiyou ga nai mono How else would a miracle like this be explained?

あなたの影をずっと追って あなたの光を見て anata no kage o zutto otte anata no hikari o mite Ah, I will chase your shadow, and see your light
あなたが生きた 証に私はなる anata ga ikita akashi ni watashi wa naru I will be the witness that you lived
だって 僕ら ずっと友達 datte bokura zutto tomodachi Because we will always be friends

If I could tell you just one thing
Well, I can't tell you just one thing
Cause you always had a way of making me feel like your smile could light up my rainy day

English translation from Madoka Ueno

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