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Scop Suresure
Song title
Romaji: Suresure
Original Upload Date
June 14, 2024
Hatsune Miku
scop (music, lyrics)
Nekome Toworu (illustration)
Lye (video)
26,000+ (NN), 410,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Scop - Suresure (Project SEKAI)
Leo/need × MEIKO ver.
Upload date: April 28, 2024
Featuring: Leo/need, and MEIKO
Producer(s): scop (music, lyrics)
Yoruji (STUDIO KAIBA) (video)
Karasuro (illustration)


Japanese Romaji English
ああすれば良かった aa sureba yokatta Ah, if only I had done this,
こう言えば良かった kou ieba yokatta Ah, if only I had said that.
良かったかなんて別に yokatta ka nante betsu ni Well, even if I had done so,
わからないけど wakaranai kedo I don't know if things would have turned out well.

後悔なんてしたくない koukai nante shitakunai I don't want to have any regrets,
でもどうでもよくもしたくない demo dou demo yoku mo shitakunai But I don't want to not care either.
ちょうどいいところ choudo ii tokoro My heart hasn't quite settled into
こころ収まらなくて kokoro osamaranakute The right balance between the two.

答え合わせをさせてよ kotaeawase o sasete yo Let me check my answers against yours,
何がいけなかったですか nani ga ikenakatta desu ka What did I do wrong?
試すようなことしたくないのに tamesu you na koto shitakunai noni I don't want to test you,
確かめたくなっちゃって tashikametaku nacchatte But I've grown insecure and want to be sure.

僕たちはどうして bokutachi wa doushite Why do we mess up
すぐ間違えてしまうんだろう sugu machigaete shimau ndarou And make mistakes so easily?
大切の優先順位 taisetsu no yuusen juni I don't know what's important
わかんなくなる wakannaku naru On my list of priorities anymore.

涙を拭いて歩いた namida o fuite aruita I've wiped away my tears and kept walking.
あのときの選択を ano toki no sentaku o I don't want to doubt
疑いたくなんてなかった utagaitaku nante nakatta The choices that I made that day.
何してんだろう nani shite ndarou Just what have I been doing?

バカみたいだなぁ baka mitai da naa Ah, what a fool I am.

このままで良いのかなって kono mama de ii no kana tte Is it okay to stay like this?
良いわけがないのにね ii wake ga nai noni ne There's no way that's true, yeah?
ねえそれなりってどれくらい? nee sore nari tte dore kurai? Hey, when you said that I did the best that I could, how good was that?
普通なんて?言われても futsuu nante? iwarete mo The same as the average, you say?
取れない不安だけ苦痛になんだよ torenai fuan dake kutsuu ni nanda yo But even so, the uneasiness that I can't shake has brought me suffering.

君はいつもこんなに近くにいんのに kimi wa itsumo konna ni chikaku ni in noni Even though you've always been by my side,
なんでこんな遠くに感じるんだろう nande konna tooku ni kanjiru ndarou Why do you feel so far away from me?
こころの場所なんてそれぞれなのに kokoro no basho nante sorezore nano ni Even though our separate hearts are in different places,
おんなじを求めちゃって onnaji o motomechatte Mine longs to be in the same as yours.

思い通りいかない omoidoori ikanai Nothing goes the way I want it to,
そんなのは当たり前と sonna no wa atarimae to But that's to be expected.
何でもないような顔して nan demo nai you na kao shite Don't make a face like it doesn't matter,
笑わないでよ warawanaide yo Please don't laugh at me.

涙こらえて隠した namida koraete kakushita You’ve shoved down your tears, hidden them, but
君の痛みを話して kimi no itami o hanashite Tell me about your pain.
何にもできずにただ待って nannimo dekizu ni tada matte Standing around and waiting, unable to do anything,
すれ違うのは surechigau no wa Misunderstanding each other,

もうイヤだよ mou iya da yo I'm tired of it!

撫でようとして傷を広げて nadeyou to shite kizu o hirogete I try to gently stroke your wound, but I tear it wider instead,
知れば知るほど わかんなくなってく shirebashiru hodo wakannaku natteku The more I learn, the more I don't understand,
こころってほんと すれすれなんだ kokoro tte honto suresure nanda Our hearts, they're truly just shy of grazing each other,
触れそうで触れなくて furesoude furenakute So close that they're almost touching, but apart nonetheless.

僕たちはどうして bokutachi wa doushite Why do we mess up
すぐ間違えてしまうんだろう sugu machigaete shimau ndarou And make mistakes so easily?

答えのない感情に kotae no nai kanjou ni We want to attach a reason
理由をつたけがるんだよ riyuu o tsutake garu nda yo To these feelings that have no right answer.
ああすれば  こうすればって aa sureba kou sureba tte Ah, if only I had done this, if only I had done that,
わかんなくなる wakannaku naru But I don't know anymore.

涙を拭いて歩いた namida o fuite aruita I've wiped away my tears and kept walking.
あのときの選択を ano toki no sentaku o The choices I made that day
痛みに変えてしまったんだ itami ni kaete shimatta nda Have turned into pain,
何してんだろう nani shite ndarou Just what have I been doing?

とらわれてさ torawarete sa Ah, I'm a prisoner,
バカみたいだなぁ baka mitai da naa Ah, what a fool I am.

English translation by Shiru

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