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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Sakura no Yoru Nejishiki
Song title
Romaji: Sakura no Yoru
Official English: Sakura night
Original Upload Date
Apr 6, 2021
Yuzuki Yukari Rei
Nejishiki (music, lyrics)
Makiuchi Shinji (sound engineering)
Danjo Sora (illustration, video)
16,000+, 120,000+ and 10,000+
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


Japanese Romaji Official English
焦がれたあなたは もうここに居ないけど kogareta anata wa mou koko ni inai kedo You who I loved are no longer here
あの日と同じ風が 頬撫でる ano hi to onaji kaze ga hoho naderu But the same wind as on that day caresses my cheeks
目を閉じた今もずっと僕の心焼いた me o tojita ima mo zutto boku no kokoro yaita Even now with my eyes closed, my heart is still burning
あなたの笑顔 anata no egao It's your smile

煩い日常は見ないふりで urusai nichijou wa minai furi de Pretending not to see the troublesome daily life
儚い希望だけ積み上げて hakanai kibou dake tsumiagete I'm trying to accumulate only fleeting hopes
もう何度だってあっという間 消えていく mou nando datte attoiuma kiete iku It will disappear many times in a blink of an eye
掴み損ねた昨日が tsukami sokoneta kinou ga I failed to grab to the past

期待外れの日々から連れ出した kitai hazure no hibi kara tsuredashita You took me out of disappointing days
僕の右手を握った boku no migite o nigitta You held my right hand
淀んだ世界を照らす みちしるべ yodonda sekai o terasu michishirube A signpost that illuminates the stagnant world
音も無くふいに消えた oto mo naku fui ni kieta It disappeared without sound

こぼれた涙は もう頬に居ないけど koboreta namida wa mou hoho ni inai kedo The spilled tears aren't on my cheeks anymore
あの日交わした言葉 覚えてる ano hi kawashita kotoba oboeteru But I remember the words I exchanged with you on that day
目を閉じた僕をぎゅっと 何も言わず抱いた me o tojita boku o gyutto nani mo iwazu daita You hugged me with my eyes closed, without saying anything
さくらの夜を sakura no yoru o It's Sakura night

眠たい日常を噛み殺して netai nichijou o kamikoroshite Overcoming sleepy everyday life
儚い昨日だけ繰り返す hakanai kinou dake kurikaesu I repeat only yesterday when I'm lethargic
もう何年も会ってないのに消えないよ mou nannen mo attenai noni kienai yo I haven't seen you in years, but you don't disappear
掴んだ手の温もりが tsukanda te no nukumori ga The warmth of your hands that I grabbed

期待ばかりでいつも動けなくて kitai bakari de itsumo ugokenakute I'm just expecting and always unmoving
色を失う世界に iro o ushinau sekai ni The world has lost its color
「もう一度だけでいいよ、触れさせて」 "mou ichido dake de ii yo, furesasete" "I just want to touch it again"
心の中で囁く kokoro no naka de sasayaku I whispered in my heart

途切れた時間は もう戻せないけれど togireta jikan wa mou modosenai keredo I can't go back the broken time anymore
あの日と違う空見上げてる ano hi to chigau sora miageteru But I'm looking up at the sky different from that day
芽が出ない今もそっと 水をやるよずっと me ga denai ima mo sotto mizu o yaru yo zutto Even now that the buds don't come out, I'll water it gently
また会えるかな mata aeru kana Can I meet you again?

非力な僕を嘆く暗闇から hiriki na boku o nageku kurayami kara From the darkness of mourning the powerless self
失望をコンパスにして zetsubou o konpasu ni shite Driven by disappointment
そう何度だって毎夜だって 手を伸ばし sou nando datte maiyo datte te o nobashi Yes, reaching out every night many times
僕は探し続けてる boku wa sagashi tsuzuketeru I'm still looking for you

涙枯れるまで namida kareru made Until the tears die
焦がれたあなたは もうここに居ないけど kogareta anata wa mou koko ni inai kedo You who I loved are no longer here
あの日と同じ風が 頬撫でる ano hi to onaji kaze ga hoho naderu But the same wind as on that day caresses my cheeks
目を閉じた今もずっと僕の心焼いた me o tojita ima mo zutto boku no kokoro yaita Even now with my eyes closed, my heart is still burning
あなたの笑顔 anata no egao It's your smile

こぼれた涙は もう頬に居ないけど koboreta namida wa mou hoho ni inai kedo The spilled tears aren't on my cheeks anymore
あの日交わした言葉 覚えてる ano hi kawashita kotoba oboeteru But I remember the words I exchanged with you on that day
目を閉じた僕をぎゅっと 何も言わず抱いた me o tojita boku o gyutto nani mo iwazu daita You hugged me with my eyes closed, without saying anything
さくらの夜を sakura no yoru o It's Sakura night

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