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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Genoge Nakiso
Song title
Romaji: Ge no Ge
English: Lowest of the Low
Original Upload Date
October 15, 2021
Kaai Yuki
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Shida (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast

Alternate Version

Genoge Nakiso
Roce's cover
Featuring: Roce
Producer(s): Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Shida (illustration)


Japanese Romaji English
贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
覚悟はよろしくて? kakugo wa yoroshikute? Are you prepared?
堂々と裏切らないで doudou to uragiranaide Don’t brazenly betray me
ねぇ nee Please

まだまだあなたで息をして居たかった madamada anata de iki o shite itakatta I wish I was still breathing with you
まだまだあなたで脈打って居たかった madamada anata de myakuutte itakatta I wish I was still pulsating with you

嗚呼!段々々々と目が覚める aa! dandandandan to me ga sameru Ah! Little by little by little, I’m waking up
ほら淡々々とね え? hora tantantan to ne e? See, I’m becoming detached. Huh?
段々々々と目が覚める dandandandan to me ga sameru Little by little by little, I’m waking up
「いずれ恋は終る」 "izure koi wa owaru" “Love will eventually end”

贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
覚悟はよろしくて? kakugo wa yoroshikute? Are you prepared?
未体験の痛みをあげる mitaiken no itami o ageru I’ll let you experience a pain you’ve never felt before

有難がってる 蟻がたかって arigatagatteru ari ga takatte Thankful ants gather
絶賛 絶賛 大絶賛 zessan zessan daizessan High praise, high praise, the highest of praise
味のしない飴 aji no shinai ame A flavorless candy
有りもしない味を見いだして宣言 ari mo shinai aji o miidashite sengen I declare the discovery of a nonexistent flavor
女王様気取り 弱冠気取り joousama kidori jakkan kidori Pretending to be a queen, pretending to be young
彗星気取り 教祖もどき suisei kidori kyouso modoki Pretending to be a comet, a sham religious leader
踊りのBGMにもなれない私 odori no BGM ni mo narenai watashi The me who can't even become a dance BGM
下の下の下 ge no ge no ge is the lowest of the lowest of the low

嗚呼!段々々々と目が覚める aa! dandandandan to me ga sameru Ah! Little by little by little, I’m waking up
ほら淡々々とね え? hora tantantan to ne e? See, I’m becoming detached. Huh?
段々々々と目が覚める dandandandan to me ga sameru Little by little by little, I’m waking up
そこは針の筵 soko wa hari no mushiro Over there is a bed of nails

贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
贅沢者め 贅沢者め zeitakumono me zeitakumono me You extravagant bastard, you extravagant bastard
覚悟はよろしくて? kakugo wa yoroshikute? Are you prepared?
未体験の怒りをごちゃ混ぜに mitaiken no ikari o gochamaze ni I’ll mess you up with an anger you’ve never experienced
あなたみたいな屑は anata mitai na kuzu wa Someone like me is more than enough
私ごときで充分だから watashi gotoki de juubun dakara for a piece of shit like you
戻ってきて 戻ってきて modotte kite modotte kite Come back, come back
「あのね──」 "ano ne──" “Hey, umm—”

English translation by meeema

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