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Song title | |||
"くるくるめくる" Romaji: Kurukuru Mekuru | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
September 3, 2017 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
daniwell (music, lyrics, photography, video)
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Views | |||
7,900+ (NN), 19,000+ (YT), 3,700+ (YT, UCHU ZENBU) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated) | |||
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
窓の外に浮かんだ 向日葵の花の夢 | mado no soto ni ukanda himawari no hana no yume | Outside the window rose up a dream of sunflowers |
キラキラ光ってみえる 水たまりの真ん中 | kirakira hikatte mieru mizutamari no mannaka | They can be seen sparkling right inside puddles of water |
たゆたう花びらから 微睡む甘い香り | tayutau hanabira kara madoromu amai kaori | From fluttering petals a dozing sweet perfume |
フワフワそよぐ風に 僕の鼓動は高鳴る | fuwafuwa soyogu kaze ni boku no kodō wa takanaru | In the light, rustling breeze my heartbeat quickens |
ゆるやかに 身を任せても 思いを馳せても | yuruyaka ni mi o makasete mo omoi o hasete mo | Though I relax and let myself go, though I give it my thoughts, |
生きてるのか 死んでいるのか | ikiteru no ka shinde iru no ka | I even forget |
そんなことさえ 忘れてく | sonna koto sae wasureteku | whether I'm alive or dead |
夕闇に覆われた 春過ぎて雨の中 | yuuyami ni oowareta haru ga sugite ame no naka | Covered in evening twilight in the rain after spring has passed |
ポツポツと傘を打つ 音だけが鳴り響く | potsupotsu to kasa o utsu oto dake ga narihibiku | the only sound echoing is raindrops on my umbrella |
街灯も見あたらず 足元もおぼつかず | gaitou mo miatarazu ashimoto mo obotsukazu | Neither noticing the streetlights nor sure of my steps, |
フラフラ揺れる波に 静寂は訪れない | furafura yureru nami ni seijaku wa otozurenai | floating in swaying waves stillness doesn't arrive |
おだやかに 何かが変わる 願う前触れは | odayaka ni nanika ga kawaru negau maebure wa | Something gently changes The prediction I wish for |
晴れてるのか 曇ってるのか | hareteru no ka kumotteru no ka | doesn't even tell me |
そんなことさえ 分からない | sonna koto sae wakaranai | whether it's clear or cloudy |
English translation by ElectricRaichu
This song was featured on the following albums:
- うちゅうぜんぶ (UCHU ZENBU)
External Links
- AIDN - Lyrics, mp3 and off-vocal
- Len's Lyrics - Translation
- VocaDB