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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Song title
Romaji: Kagami yo Kagami
English: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Original Upload Date
October 31, 2024
Otomachi Una
Hifumi (music, lyrics)
Kkokeiko (illustration)
Tamoto Masahiro (mix, mastering)
8,300+ (NN), 31,000+ (YT), 18,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
濁りきって 映らないさ nigorikitte utsuranai sa It’s so clouded, it won’t reflect a single thing,
否定で淀んだ 水面なんで hitei de yodonda minamo nande As it’s a water surface stagnant with negations.
吐いて 吐いて 毒を書いて haite haite doku o kaite Spit it out, spit it out, and write poisons down.
理由もなく 棘のある言葉で riyuu mo naku toge no aru kotoba de Use nothing but meaninglessly harsh words.

いいね いいね 楽しそうね ii ne ii ne tanoshisou ne That’s nice, that’s nice. That looks like fun.
人生低調 劣等感 jinsei teichou rettoukan My life’s in low gear, filling me with feelings of inferiority.
待って 何で不幸なんだ matte nande fukou nanda Wait—why am I so unhappy?
悪い感情の 内側へ落ちたんだ warui kanjou no uchigawa e ochita nda I have fallen into this evil emotion.

どうして 何もない 私を笑うの? doushite nani mo nai watashi o warau no? Why do you laugh at me for being nobody?
狡いよ 恵まれててさ zurui yo megumaretete sa That’s unfair—you’re so blessed!

悔しくなって 何かしたくて kuyashiku natte nanika shitakute Frustrated, I felt like doing something,
手軽な包丁持って 気まぐれ 切りつけて tegaru na houchou motte kimagure kiritsukete So I took a knife handy to stab some random people,
虚しくも 満たされた munashiku mo mitasareta Which, empty though it is, satisfied me.
癖に変わって 醜くなって kuse ni kawatte minikuku natte It changed into a habit, making me uglier,
それでも 正当だって 歪んでく soredemo seitou datte yugandeku And yet I justify it, only to distort.
その姿 濁る鏡面に映る sono sugata nigoru kyoumen ni utsuru That figure is reflected upon the clouded mirror.
私 綺麗ね watashi kirei ne Aren’t I so fair?

この世で 一番綺麗な人は 誰? kono yo de ichiban kirei na hito wa dare? Who’s the fairest of them all?
この世で 一番醜い奴は 誰? kono yo de ichiban minikui yatsu wa dare? Who’s the ugliest of them all?
手のひらに幽閉 知りたいわって tenohira ni yuuhei shiritai wa tte I confine you in my palms, as I’d love to know.
映る私は 当然 正しいに来まってんの utsuru watashi wa touzen tadashii ni kimatten no The me reflected upon you must be right.

どうして 満たされないの この気持ち doushite mitasarenai no kono kimochi Why isn’t this feeling fulfilled?
惨めな 腹いせだわ mijime na haraise da wa What a miserable retaliation.

魅力があって 素敵になって miryoku ga atte suteki ni natte Someone charming, someone wonderful—
誰もが 羨むような人になりたい dare mo ga urayamu you na hito ni naritai I want to become a person everyone envies.
なれてるはずなのにな nareteru hazu nano ni na But I think I already am one?
届かなくって 叶わなくって todokanakutte kanawanakutte It won’t reach. It won’t come true.
手元の包丁 存在消して 振り回して temoto no houchou sonzai keshite furimawashite I make the knife in hand invisible and swing it.
暗い鏡面に映る kurai kyoumen ni utsuru Reflected upon the dark mirror,
私 綺麗ね watashi kirei ne Aren’t I so fair?

人の不幸は 蜜の味だそうだ hito no fukou wa mitsu no aji da sou da They say the misfortune of others tastes as sweet as honey.
人の幸せは 副流煙だわ hito no shiawase wa fukuryuuen da wa The fortune of others, then, would be secondhand smoke!
吸って 吐いて 舐めて むせ返りそうになって sutte haite namete musekaerisou ni natte You inhale it, exhale it, and lick it, getting almost choked—
見なきゃいいもんを わざわざ覗いてるの minakya ii mon o wazawaza nozoiteru no You’re peeking into something when you really don’t have to.

どうして 意味のない 行為に耽るの doushite imi no nai koui ni fukeru no Why are you devoting yourself to meaningless actions?
「狡いよ 恵まれててさ!」 "zurui yo megumaretete sa!" “That’s unfair—you’re so blessed!”

悔しくなって 何かしたくて kuyashiku natte nanika shitakute Frustrated, I felt like doing something,
手軽な包丁持って 気まぐれ 切りつけて tegaru na houchou motte kimagure kiritsukete So I took a knife handy to stab some random people,
虚しくも 満たされた munashiku mo mitasareta Which, empty though it is, satisfied me.
そのうちきっと 偏りだして sono uchi kitto katayoridashite Sooner of later, I’ll be twisted,
脳内 表情 全部 辛い 妖怪になる nounai hyoujou zenbu tsurai youkai ni naru And my brain—expressions—everything will become a pained monster.
暗い 鏡面の中 kurai kyoumen no naka Within the mirror,
私 醜いわ watashi minikui wa Aren’t I so ugly!
心 映している kokoro utsushite iru It reflects my heart.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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