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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Kaishin no Ichigeki!
English: Critical Hit!
Original Upload Date
July 18, 2018
Hatsune Miku
Amatsuki (music, lyrics)
kain (arrangement)
Kusumi Kuusuke (arrangement)
ChaChagoma (illustration)
Rumina (animation)
SCOTCH (video)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
好きの気持ちは suki no kimochi wa These feelings of love
止まらないのです! tomaranai no desu! Just won't stop!

わんつーさんしー 準備はおっけー! wan tsuu san shii junbi wa okkee! 1, 2, 3, 4, I'm all ready!
期待半分 想像は下手で kitai hanbun souzou wa heta de I'm half-excited My imagination's bad
心の声は聞こえてないかな? kokoro no koe wa kikoetenai kana? So I bet you can't hear the voice of my heart

ひいふうみいよ ピンチをチャンスに! hii fuu mii yo pinchi o chansu ni! 1, 2, 3, 4, In a pinch, gotta grab that chance!
告白日和 妄想はベタで kokuhaku biyori mousou wa beta de It's confession weather, My imagination's totally corny
主役になんてなれずに今日も shuyaku ni nante narezu ni kyou mo Another day passes without me being able to play the protagonist's part

I miss you 魅かれているのに I miss you hikarete iru no ni I miss you I'm so charmed by you
Lovin' you 素直になれない Lovin' you sunao ni narenai Loving you But I just can't be upfront
晴れのち快晴で 雲一つもないです! hare nochi kaisei de kumo hitotsu mo nai desu! It's sunny, clear weather There's not a cloud in the sky
I miss you 弱虫泣き虫 I miss you yowamushi nakimushi I miss you I'm such a wimp and a crybaby
Lovin' you でも変わってみたいの Lovin' you demo kawatte mitai no Lovin' you But I want to try to change that
どうかこのストーリークリアさせて! douka kono sutoorii kuria sasete! Please, just let my somehow clear this story!

かいしんのいちげき!君が笑うから? kaishin no ichigeki! kimi ga warau kara? Critical hit! Is it because of your smile?
わからない宿題がありすぎて wakaranai shukudai ga arisugite There's just too many homework problems I don't understand
教科書には載ってないよ kyoukasho ni wa nottenai yo And they can't be found in a textbook either
ただ ただ 気持ちが向く方へ tada tada kimochi ga muku hou e All I can do Is face these feelings
ふっかつのじゅもんないけれど fukkatsu no jumon nai keredo There's no magic spell to bring me back
セーブやロードできないけど seebu ya roodo dekinai kedo And I can't reload my save data either
フレーフレー僕の恋 furee furee boku no koi Hooray, Hooray; My love!

さぁさぁここから 始めてみようか saa saa koko kara hajimete miyou ka C'mon, c'mon, let's start from here, shall we?
レベル1でも つづきを選んで? reberu ichi demo tsuzuki o erande? Even if it's just level 1, choose 'continue?'
君の心を覗いてみたいなぁ kimi no kokoro o nozoite mitai naa I want to take a peek at your heart...

月火水木金 毎日でも getsukasuimokukin mainichi demo Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, every single day
会えばこんなに 胸は高鳴って aeba konna ni mune wa takanatte Just getting to meet you makes my heart pound this fast
you&me ずっとこのままでいたいな you&me zutto kono mama de itai na You & me, I wanna stay like this forever

もっともっと君をもっともっと知りたい motto motto kimi o motto motto shiritai More and more, I want to get to know you more and more
僕の知らない 君を教えて boku no shiranai kimi o oshiete Please show me all the parts of you I don't know
きっときっと今日は kitto kitto kyou wa For sure, for sure, today
やっとやっと言える yatto yatto ieru I'll definitely, definitely say it
そんな想いで 一歩踏み出して sonna omoide ippo fumidashite With these thoughts, I take a step forward

I miss you 独り占めしたくて I miss you hitorijime shitakute I miss you I want to keep you all to myself
Lovin' you また同じ夢を見る Lovin' you mata onaji yume o miru Lovin' you But I'm dreaming that same dream again
「特別な人」は僕じゃダメですか? 「tokubetsu na hito」wa boku ja dame desu ka? Am I not good enough to be your special person?
I miss you かいふくまほうも I miss you kaifuku mahou mo I miss you There's no magic spell to bring me back
Lovin' you ここにはないけど Lovin' you koko ni wa nai kedo Lovin' you There's none here
どうかエンディング(おわり)まで泣かないで! douka owari made nakanaide! Please don't let me cry before the end!

かいしんのいちげき!君が笑うから? kaishin no ichigeki! kimi ga warau kara? Critical Hit! Is it because of your smile?
取り扱い説明書はなくて toriatsukai setsumeisho wa nakute There's no user's manual
先生でも知らないかも? sensei demo shiranai kamo? I don't think even the teacher has the answers?
ただただ 君の声の方へ tada tada kimi no koe no hou e All I can do is just head towards your voice
ふっかつのじゅもんないけれど fukkatsu no jumon nai keredo There's no magic spell to bring me back
セーブやロードできないけど seebu ya roodo dekinai kedo I can't reload my save file, either.
フレーフレー僕の恋 furee furee boku no koi Hooray, hooray! My love!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!
恋に恋する少年少女たち! koi ni koisuru shounen shoujotachi! Young girls and boys out there who are in love with love!
今日くらいは好きに叫べーー! kyou kurai wa suki ni sakebeee! Just for today, scream out as much as you want!

もうもう止まれない mou mou tomarenai I can't stop anymore, anymore
ありきたりでも一途なラブソング arikitari demo ichizu na rabu songu Even if it's ordinary, it's a love song sung from the bottom of my heart
「それでもいいや」って 「soredemo iiya」tte "That's fine by me," I say
僕は僕のままで君が好き! boku wa boku no mama de kimi ga suki! I am who I am just the same, "I love you!"

かいしんのいちげき!君が笑うから? kaishin no ichigeki! kimi ga warau kara? Is it because of your smile?
わからない宿題がありすぎて wakaranai shukudai ga arisugite There's just too many homework problems I don't understand
教科書には載ってないよ kyoukasho ni wa nottenai yo And they can't be found in a textbook, either
ただ ただ 気持ちが向く方へ tada tada kimochi ga muku hou e All I can do Is face these feelings
ふっかつのじゅもんないけれど fukkatsu no jumon nai keredo There's no magic spell to bring me back
セーブやロードできないけど seebu ya roodo dekinai kedo And I can't reload my save data, either, but
フレーフレー僕の恋 furee furee boku no koi Hooray, Hooray! My love!

フレーフレー君の恋 furee furee kimi no koi Hooray, Hooray! Your love!

English translation by Anonymous, checked and approved by Damesukekun

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