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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (cannibalism); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"おばけふたり" Romaji: Obake Futari English: The Two Ghosts | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
October 26, 2019 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Xitoo (music, lyrics, illustration, movie)
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Views | |||
9,800+ (NN), 83,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
タラテテルラ いますぐ 食べちゃいたいなその目玉 | tarateterura ima sugu tabechaitai na sono medama | Ta Ra Te Te Ru Ra I want to eat up those eyeballs right now |
タラテテルラ もうすぐ ゆるされる時が来るから | tarateterura mou sugu yurusareru toki ga kuru kara | Ta Ra Te Te Ru Ra The time for forgiveness is very near |
成績 おめかしも ばっちり 良い子でしょ | seiseki omekashi mo batchiri ii ko desho | Good grades, good presentation, good person - A perfect person, right? |
そういう風に生きてきた 今夜のためなのだ | souiu fuu ni ikite kita kon'ya no tame na no da | Been living like that, all for tonight |
強火であぶり出し 美味しくいただきます | tsuyobi de aburidashi oishiku itadakimasu | Made visible by hot fire, eat it up deliciously |
灰を噛んで生きてきた 今夜のためなのだ | hai o kande ikite kita kon'ya no tamena no da | Been eating ash all this time, all for tonight |
生まれた時から知っていた あたしの本性はね | umareta toki kara shitte ita atashi no honshou wa ne | I've known since I was born what my true colours are |
誰にも愛されなかったの ひどい話 | dare ni mo aisarenakatta no hidoi hanashi | No one loved me for it, what a sad tale |
タラテテルラ いますぐ 食べちゃいたいなその目玉 | tarateterura ima sugu tabechaitai na sono medama | Ta Ra Te Te Ru Ra I want to eat up those eyeballs right now |
タラテテルラ もうすぐ ゆるされる時が来るから | tarateterura mou sugu yurusareru toki ga kuru kara | Ta Ra Te Te Ru Ra The time for forgiveness is very near |
タラテテルラ よだれは 隠していつも通りなの | tarateterura yo dare wa kakushite itsumodoori na no | Da Ra Te Te Ru Ra As usual, hiding my salivation |
タラテテルラ まだまだ お楽しみはこれからなの | tarateterura madamada o-tanoshimi wa kore kara na no | Ta Ra Te Te Ru Ra The fun is yet to come |
良い子に生きてきた 今夜のためなのに | ii ko ni ikite kita kon'ya no tame na no ni | Been a good girl all this time, all for tonight |
ばれちゃった ばれちゃった これじゃあ台無しよ | barechatta barechatta kore jaa dainashi yo | But I got found out, I got found out; if this continues, everything will be ruined |
言い残すことなんて聞いてあげないんだから | iinokosu koto nante kiite agenai ndakara | Because I won't even hear your last words |
食べて食べ尽くして骨も残さないんだから | tabete tabetsukushite hone mo nokosanai ndakara | Eat it, eat it all up, not a single bone left |
「僕を食べるなら夜明けがいい」動じもせず笑顔で | "boku o taberu nara yoake ga ii" douji mo sezu egao de | "If you're going to eat me, do it at dawn" Staying still, smiling |
骨ばっかりでは不味そうね 外へ出ましょう | hone bakkari de wa mazusou ne soto e demashou | If you're all bones, it doesn't look tasty. Let's go outside |
変わり始めた 運命 今夜はゆるされる日なの | kawari hajimeta unmei kon'ya wa yurusareru hi na no | Fate has started to change; tonight's the night of forgiveness |
それでもまだ この手を 繋ぎたいのはどうして? | sore demo mada kono te o tsunagitai no wa doushite? | Still, why do I want to hold this hand? |
タラテテルラ いますぐ 美味しいものを探しましょう | tarateterura ima sugu oishii mono o sagashimashou | Ta Ra Te Te Ru Ra Let's look for something delicious right now |
タラテテルラ もうすぐ きっとあなたもゆるされる | tarateterura mou sugu kitto anata mo yurusareru | Ta Ra Te Te Ru Ra I think you'll be forgiven soon too |
夜明けになって残った 君の寝息のか細さが | yoake ni natte nokotta kimi no neiki no kabososa ga | At dawn, the faintness of what's left of your breathing while you sleep |
あたしに呪いをかけた デザートはまた来年ね | atashi ni noroi o kaketa dezaato wa mata rainen ne | cast a spell over me; dessert will be next year |
English translation by Anonymous, reviewed and revised by ElectricRaichu