Song title | |||
"うっかりしんじゃった" Romaji: Ukkari Shinjatta Official English: met a miserable death | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
March 27, 2024 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Len and flower | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
230,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast | |||
Follow up to 失楽園ダイブ (Shitsurakuen Dive). Features REISAI's characters Sanae & Kon. "A song about the reunion between two messily entangled people." |
Singer | Kagamine Len (Kon) | flower (Sanae) | both |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
あなたの本当を知って | anata no hontou o shitte | After knowing your truth |
わたしうっかりしんじゃった | watashi ukkari shinjatta | I carelessly ended up dead |
やあやあ随分変わり果てたんだね | yaa yaa zuibun kawari hatetan da ne | My my, you've really changed for the worse |
また来世で会いましょう | mata raisei de aimashou | Let us meet again in the afterlife |
わたし何も間違ってない | watashi nani mo machigatte nai | I'm not mistaken in any way |
君も何も間違ってない | kimi mo nani mo machigatte nai | You're not mistaken either |
君はいつも正しいよね | sou kimi wa itsumo tadashii yo ne | Of course, you're always correct |
でもふたりひとつ間違ったね | demo futari hitotsu machigatta ne | But we both made one mistake |
あの日出会ったことさ | ano hi deatta koto sa | The fact that we met that day |
……同意 | ......doui | ......I agree |
あなたの本当を知って | anata no hontou o shitte | After knowing your truth |
わたしうっかりしんじゃった | watashi ukkari shinjatta | I carelessly ended up dead |
やあやあ随分変わり果てたんだね | yaa yaa zuibun kawari hatetan da ne | My my, you've really changed for the worse |
また来世で会いましょう | mata raisei de aimashou | Let us meet again in the afterlife |
あなたのその手を取って | anata no sono te o totte | When I took those hands of yours |
わたし確かに救われた | watashi tashika ni tsukuwareta | I was in fact saved |
やあやあその節はどうもありがとう | yaa yaa sono setsu doumo arigatou | My my, thank you for all you did back then |
また来世で会いましょう | mata raisei de aimashou | Let us meet again in the afterlife |
わー!! | waa!! | Waa!! |
ところでさっきから思っていたんですが | tokorode sakki kara omotte itan desu ga | By the way I've been wondering for a bit |
なんでこいつら生きてんの? | nande koitsura ikiten no? | Why are these guys alive? |
あの日確かに殺したよね? | ano hi tashika ni koroshita yo ne? | Surely I killed you that day? |
あの日確かに殺したよね? | ano hi tashika ni koroshita yo ne? | Surely I killed you that day? |
ああ!神様の気まぐれですか | aa! kamisama no kimagure desu ka | Ah! Could this be a god's impulsive choice |
そうかお気の毒様 | souka oki no dokusama | I see, what a shame |
それじゃどうしたいですか? | sore ja doushitai desu ka? | Then what do you want to do? |
どうしたいですか? | doushitai desu ka? | What do you want to do? |
僕が消えればいい? | boku ga kiereba ii? | Should I just disappear? |
それじゃどうしてそれじゃどうして | sore ja doushite sore ja doushite | Then why, then why |
こうやってまた会いに来たのかな? | kou yatte mata ai ni kita no kana? | did you come to meet me again like this? |
「三苗くん…… 三苗くん!」 | "Sanae-kun... Sanae-kun!" | "Sanae... Sanae!" |
「ひ、久しぶり、また会えて嬉しいよ」 | "hi, hisashiburi, mata aete ureshii yo" | "H-hey, it's been a while, I'm happy we
could meet again!" |
「そうだ、これ」 | "sou da, kore" | "Oh right, this" |
「連れて来たよ 三苗くんのお友達」 | "tsurete kita yo Sanae-kun no otomodachi" | "I brought them with me, your friends" |
あなたの本当を知って | anata no hontou o shitte | After knowing your truth |
わたしうっかりしんじゃった | watashi ukkari shinjatta | I carelessly ended up dead |
やあやあ随分変わり果てたんだね | yaa yaa zuibun kawari hatetan da ne | My my, you've really changed for the worse |
また来世で会いましょう | mata raisei de aimashou | Let us meet again in the afterlife |
あなたのその手を取って | anata no sono te o totte | When I took those hands of yours |
わたし確かに救われた | watashi tashika ni tsukuwareta | I was in fact saved |
やあやあその節はどうもありがとう | yaa yaa sono setsu doumo arigatou | My my, thank you for all you did back then |
また来世で会いましょう | mata raisei de aimashou | Let us meet again in the afterlife |
さあお出口はあちらですよ | saa, odeguchi wa achira desu yo | Now, the exit is over there, |
お客様 | okyaku-sama | my dear customer |
最低! | saitei! | You're the worst! |
English translation by Eggaaytm
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