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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Iroha uta
Song title
Romaji: Iroha Uta
English: Iroha Song
Original Upload Date
February 11, 2009
Kagamine Rin
Ginsaku (music, lyrics)
riria009 (illustration)
Acha (video)
2,780,000+ (NN), 27,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
アナタガ望ムノナラバ anata ga nozomu no naraba If it is what you desire,
犬ノヨウニ従順ニ inu no you ni juujun ni I can be obedient like a dog
紐ニ縄ニ鎖ニ himo ni nawa ni kusari ni and let you tie me up
縛ラレテアゲマセウ shibararete agemashou with a cord, rope or chain

アルイハ子猫ノヤウニ arui wa koneko no you ni Or if you prefer,
愛クルシクアナタヲ aikurushiku anata o I can be endearing like a kitten
指デ足デ唇デ yubi de ashi de kuchibiru de and delight you
喜バセテアゲマセウ yorokobasete agemashou with my fingers, feet and lips

どちらが先に 溺れただとか dochira ga saki ni oboreta da to ka Whoever indulges their passions first,
そんなこと どうでもいいの sonna koto dou demo ii no such things do not matter

色は匂へど 散りぬるを iroha nioedo chirinuru o Even the blossoming flowers will eventually scatter
我が世誰ぞ 常ならん waga yo dare zo tsune naran Who in our world is unchanging?
知りたいの もっともっと深くまで shiritai no motto motto fukaku made I want to know more and more profoundly

有為の奥山 今日越えて ui no okuyama kyou koete I cross the deep mountains of karma today
浅き夢見じ 酔ひもせず asaki yumemiji yoi mo sezu I shall not have superficial dreams nor be deluded
染まりましょう アナタの色 somarimashou anata no iro I will be stained in your colors
ハニホヘトチリヌルヲ ha ni ho he to chi ri nu ru o Ha ni ho he to chi ri nu ru o

嗚呼 aa Ah

例ヘバ椿ノヤウニ tatoeba tsubaki no you ni For instance, if like a camellia flower,
冬ニ咲ケト云フナラ fuyu ni sake to iu nara I were told to blossom in winter,
雪ニ霜ニ身体ヲ yuki ni shimo ni karada o I would expose my body
晒シテ生キマセウ sarashite ikimashou to snow, to frost and survive

アルイハ気高ヒ薔薇ノ arui wa kedakai bara no Or if you would rather see
散リ際ガ見タヒナラ chirigiwa ga mitai nara a splendid rose on the verge of falling,
首ニ髪ニ香リヲ kubi ni kami ni kaori o I'll depart the world
纏ワセテ逝キマセウ matowasete yukimashou with my neck, my hair clad in fragrance

骨の髄まで 染まってもまだ hone no zui made somatte mo mada I have yet to be stained to the bone
それだけじゃ 物足りないの sore dake ja mono tarinai no I won't be satisfied with only so much

色は匂へど 散りぬるを iroha nioedo chirinuru o Even the blossoming flowers will eventually scatter
我が世誰ぞ 常ならん waga yo dare zo tsune naran Who in our world is unchanging?
知りたいの もっともっと深くまで shiritai no motto motto fukaku made I want to know more and more profoundly

有為の奥山 今日越えて ui no okuyama kyou koete I cross the deep mountains of karma today
浅き夢見じ 酔ひもせず asaki yumemiji yoi mo sezu I shall not have superficial dreams nor be deluded
変わりましょう アナタの為に kawarimashou anata no tame ni I shall change, for your sake

嗚呼 aa Ah

色は匂へど 散りぬるを iroha nioedo chirinuru o Even the blossoming flowers will eventually scatter
我が世誰ぞ 常ならん waga yo dare zo tsune naran Who in our world is unchanging?
知りたいの もっともっと深くまで shiritai no motto motto fukaku made I want to know more and more profoundly

有為の奥山 今日越えて ui no okuyama kyou koete I cross the deep mountains of karma today
浅き夢見じ 酔ひもせず asaki yumemiji yoi mo sezu I shall not have superficial dreams nor be deluded
堕ちましょう アナタと ochimashou anata to I shall fall, with you

イロハニホヘト ドコマデモ iroha nihoheto doko made mo I ro ha ni ho he to -- wherever, forever

English translation by motokokusanagi2009, with revisions by ElectricRaichu

Notable Derivatives[]

IrohaUta Gackpo
Male version
Featuring: Camui Gackpo
Producer(s): 666。 (lyrics), Orebanana-P (tuning)
Iroha uta
Dasoku's Cover
Featuring: Dasoku


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links[]

