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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Are hodo kasamura
Song title
Romaji: Arehodo Hosshita Shiawase o, Tebanasu Yuuki o Boku ni Kure
English: Give Me the Courage to Give Up the Happiness I Wanted So Much
Original Upload Date
February 3, 2020
Hatsune Miku
Kasamura Tota (music, lyrics, tuning, video)
Kirche (illustration)
160,000+ (NN), 1,100,000+ (YT), 50,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
裏切られるくらいなら uragirareru kurai nara If I will get betrayed at any rate,
初めから何も持たないほうがいいや hajime kara nani mo motanai hou ga ii ya I’d rather have nothing from the beginning.
寂しくないわけじゃないが sabishiku nai wake janai ga It’s not that I’m not feeling lonely,
それが僕らしいな sore ga bokurashii na but I think that’s so me.

今よりずっと魅力的なひとになって ima yori zutto miryokuteki na hito ni natte I will be a lot more attractive than now
次の未来では君を迎えに行くから tsugi no mirai de wa kimi o mukae ni iku kara and will go pick you up the next future.
昔よりずっと素敵なひとになったねって mukashi yori zutto suteki na hito ni natta ne tte Please tell me I’ve become a lot more wonderful than before
未来の僕をどうか受け入れておくれ mirai no boku o douka ukeirete okure and do kindly accept my future self.

グッバイとさよならは gubbai to sayonara wa Goodbye and farewell
同じ意味なんかじゃないんだ onaji imi nanka janai nda do not mean the same thing.
もう戻らない さよなら僕の惜愛たち mou modoranai sayonara boku no sekiaitachi I’ll never turn back. Farewell, my attachments.
どうか幸せに douka shiawase ni I do wish you be happy.
来世では僕もそんな君の隣で raise de wa boku mo sonna kimi no tonari de In my next life, won’t you please
そっと歌でも歌わせておくれ sotto uta demo utawasete okure let me sing some songs softly by your side?

僕のために傷ついて boku no tame ni kizutsuite You got hurt in my stead
初めから何もないみたいに笑った hajime kara nani mo nai mitai ni waratta and laughed as if nothing had ever happened.
寂しくないわけじゃないよ sabishiku nai wake janai yo “It’s not that I’m not feeling lonely—”
そんな君は嫌だ sonna kimi wa iya da No, I don’t like you being like that.

前からずっと言おうと思っていたけど mae kara zutto iou to omotte ita kedo I’ve always wanted to tell you this,
君が思うより僕は君が愛おしいんだ kimi ga omou yori boku wa kimi ga itooshii nda but you’re much more dear to me than you might think.
あれからずっと考えた答えだったよって are kara zutto kangaeta kotae datta yo tte This is the answer I found after consideration ever since—
こんなに泣いて、僕は何をしてるんだ konna ni naite, boku wa nani o shiteru nda oh, crying this much, what on earth am I doing?

グッバイもさよならも gubbai mo sayonara mo Goodbye and farewell
大して変わらないよ taishite kawaranai yo are not that different.
僕ら二度と聞かない互いの声もじき忘れる bokura nidoto kikanai tagai no koe mo jiki wasureru Eventually, we’re going to forget each other’s voice that we’ll never hear again.
どうせまがい物 douse magaimono It’s merely an imitation, after all.
心から言える kokoro kara ieru I can say that with feeling—
そんな気持ちでは君のことなど守れやしないさ sonna kimochi de wa kimi no koto nado mamoreyashinai sa With those thoughts, there’s no way I could protect you!

あれほど欲した幸せも are hodo hosshita shiawase mo The happiness I wanted so much—
ああ そうさ 手を離すなら今だ aa sou sa te o hanasu nara ima da Oh, yes. Now’s your chance to let go of it!
さあお逃げ 走って行くんだ saa onige hashitte iku nda You shall escape now. Run off somewhere!
今度は僕なんかに捕まらないようにね kondo wa boku nanka ni tsukamaranai you ni ne Be careful not to get caught by me next time, okay?

グッバイとさよならは gubbai to sayonara wa Goodbye and farewell
同じ意味なんかじゃないんだ onaji imi nanka janai nda do not mean the same thing.
もう戻らない さよなら僕の惜愛たち mou modoranai sayonara boku no sekiaitachi I’ll never turn back. Farewell, my attachments.
どうか幸せに douka shiawase ni I do wish you be happy.
来世では僕もそんな君の隣で raise de wa boku mo sonna kimi no tonari de In my next life, won’t you please
そっと歌でも歌わせておくれ sotto uta demo utawasete okure let me sing some songs softly by your side?

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Notable Derivatives

Are hodo kasamura
Featuring: Kasamura Tota
YT (deleted)

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