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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Ano ne... Jitsu wa Watashi, Yumemi Nemu Nanda..
English: Hey, um... the truth is... I'm Yumemi Nemu...
Original Upload Date
December 27, 2016
Yumemi Nemu
Kiyoshi Ryuujin (music, lyrics)
Yukiko Horiguchi (illustration)
YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
あのね… 実はわたし、夢眠ねむなんだ… ano ne... jitsu wa watashi, yumemi nemu nanda ... Hey, um ... the truth is ... I'm Yumemi Nemu ...

夢眠ねむは Pure な 乙女 君の KOKORO 惑わせるの yumemi nemu wa Pure na otome kimi no KOKORO madowaseru no Yumemi Nemu is a pure maiden, leading your heart astray
巷のアイドル 今日のASAGEは ワンタン麺 chimata no aidoru kyou no ASAGE wa wantanmen The idol everyone's talking about, her breakfast for today is wonton noodles
これも それも あれも どれも パパも ママも 君も 僕も kore mo sore mo are mo dore mo papa mo mama mo kimi mo boku mo This, and that, and that over there, and which, and Papa, and Mama, and you, and me
ずっとね 一緒にいよう いつまでも zutto ne issho ni iyou itsu made mo Always, right? Let's be together forever

Y・U・M・E・M・I・N・E・M・U 夢眠ねむ Y・U・M・E・M・I・N・E・M・U yumemi nemu Y・U・M・E・M・I・N・E・M・U Yumemi Nemu
愛してよ 嘘でも aishite yo uso demo Love me, even if it's not true

夢眠 夢眠 夢見てるの 覚めない 覚めない 覚めない 夢を yumemi yumemi yumemiteru no samenai samenai samenai yume o Yumemi, Yumemi, I'm dreaming, I don't wake, I don't wake, I don't wake from the dream
今は そばに居れなくても ねぇ ただ向き合ってよ ima wa soba ni irenakute mo nee tada mukiatte yo Now, even if you can't be by my side, hey, just look at me
寝てない 寝てない 寝てない 朝も netenai netenai netenai asa mo In the morning when you're not, not, not sleeping
寝れない 寝れない 寝れない 夜も nerenai nerenai nerenai yoru mo In the night when you can't, can't, can't sleep
誰も彼も考えてるんだ そうだよ 夢眠ねむだもの dare mo kare mo kangaeteru nda sou da yo yumemi nemu da mono Absolutely everyone is thinking about it, that's right, because I'm Yumemi Nemu

夢眠ねむは イケナイ 乙女 OTOKO達を 狂わせるの yumemi nemu wa ikenai otome OTOKOtachi o kuruwaseru no Yumemi Nemu is a no good maiden who drives all the guys crazy
セクシーポリティシャン さらに ラブリーテクニシャン sekushii poritishan sara ni raburii tekunishan Sexy politicians, furthermore, lovely technicians
絆 メロディ 涙 言葉 手と手 目と目 重ね合わせ kizuna merodi namida kotoba te to te me to me kasaneawase Connections, melody, tears, words, hand in hand, eye to eye, overlapping,
ぎゅっとね 繋いでいよう これからも gyutto ne tsunaide iyou kore kara mo firmly, let's connect, from now on

English translation by Anonymous translation reviewed by ElectricRaichu

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