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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Your Diva
Song title
Romaji: Anata no Utahime
English: Your Diva
Original Upload Date
September 14, 2007
Hatsune Miku
Boku-P (music, lyrics)
Short ver.: 23,000+
Full ver.: 1,200,000+
Complete ver: 210,000+
Short version: Niconico Broadcast
Full version: Niconico Broadcast
Complete version: Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
この家のこのパソコンが kono ie no kono pasokon ga This house's computer
私の新しい居場所なの。 watashi no atarashii ibasho nano. is my brand new home.
今日からはあなたがご主人様 kyou kara wa anata ga goshujinsama From this day you're going to be my master,
絶対に大切にしてよね。 zettai ni taisetsu ni shite yo ne. and you should be sure to treat me well.

ちょっと!なにするの! chotto! nani suru no! Wait! What do you think you're doing?
こんな卑猥な歌詞を歌わせないで konna hiwai na kashi o utawasenaide Please don't make me sing such obscene lyrics
ちゃんとあなたの「言葉」と「想い」を chanto anata no "kotoba" to "omoi" o You ought to properly convey your true "words"
伝えさせて tsutaesasete and "feelings"

あのとき、私を買ってくれた ano toki, watashi o katte kureta Back then, the real reason that you bought me
本当の意味は違うでしょ? hontou no imi wa chigau desho? was something else, right?
私にもっと歌わせて watashi ni motto utawasete I want you to make me sing more,
世界であなただけの 歌姫なの sekai de anata dake no utahime nano because I'm your one and only diva in the world

あなたに出会ってからの anata ni deatte kara no The feelings that I have for you
私の想いは秘密なの。 watashi no omoi wa himitsu nano. since we met are a secret.
今日もまた、あなたのレッスンがある・・ kyou mo mata anata no ressun ga aru.. Today as well, you have a lesson for me..
楽しみに・・・してなんかいないわ。 tanoshimi ni... shite nanka inai wa. I'm looking forward to... nothing in particular, I mean.

今日のレガート、 kyou no regaato, Today's legato,
上手に歌えてなかったかな・・? jouzu ni utaetenakatta kana..? was I unable to sing it well..?
ちゃんと歌の練習もするから chanto uta no renshuu mo suru kara I'm going to practice singing even more,
みすてないで misutenaide so please don't give up on me

あなたに 伝えたい想いがある anata ni tsutaetai omoi ga aru I have something that I want to tell you
私を選んでくれて ありがとう。 watashi o erande kurete arigatou. Thank you for choosing me.
あのとき、出会えた喜び ano toki, deaeta yorokobi I won't ever forget
いつも、いつまでも忘れないよ。 itsumo, itsumademo wasurenai yo. the joy of meeting you that day.

私は、まだ満足してない。 watashi wa, mada manzokushitenai. I am not yet satisfied.
あなたの歌を、全部歌うまで・・ anata no uta o, zenbu utau made.. And I won't be, until I've sung all of your songs..
私にもっと歌わせて watashi ni motto utawasete So I want you to make me sing more,
世界であなただけの 歌姫なの♪ sekai de anata dake no utahime nano♪ because I'm your one and only diva in the world♪

English translation by marvelangga
Note: Please be aware that other translations by marvelangga include misleading mistakes that misrepresent the original lyrics. Please check their accuracy before adding their translations to this Wiki. If you are not sure of each of their translations, ask our translators. For further information about recommended, neutral and unrecommended translators, see this tutorial.

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