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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Akeome Akeome Akeome Akeome
Original Upload Date
January 1, 2011
Hatsune Miku
Nekomushi (music, lyrics)
Hinanosuke (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
今年もよろしく kotoshi mo yoroshiku Wishing you all the best!
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
また1年よろしく mata ichinen yoroshiku May this year be a great one!

そんな装備で大丈夫か? sonna soubi de daijoubu ka? You sure that’s enough armor?
女々しくて辛いよ memeshikute tsurai yo I’m such a pansy, and I hate it!
去年もいろいろあったけれど kyonen mo iroiro atta keredo A lot of things happened last year,
もっと楽しくなりますように motto tanoshiku narimasu you ni And I hope the new year will be a lot more fun!

大好き詰め込んだマイリスト daisuki tsumekonda mairisuto I’ve packed the Mylist with my favorites;
いくつ増えたのかな ikutsu fueta no kana How many videos did I add?
こんなのもあったななんて konnano mo atta na nante “Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about this”—
振り返ってみたりして furikaette mitari shite I look back upon last year’s events.

あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
今年もよろしく kotoshi mo yoroshiku Wishing you all the best!
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
また1年よろしく mata ichinen yoroshiku May this year be a great one!

選挙選挙 明るい選挙 senkyo senkyo akarui senkyo Elections! Elections! Promote fair elections!
草食系とかマジ勘弁 soushokukei toka maji kanben Like, um, beta male? No thank you!
去年もいろいろあったけれど kyonen mo iroiro atta keredo A lot of things happened last year,
もっと楽しくなりますように motto tanoshiku narimasu you ni And I hope the new year will be a lot more fun!

スタンプ フレンド機能 suranpu furendo kinou Stamps, friend requests,
アプリ ニコゲー その他 apuri nikogee sonota Apps, Nicogame, etc.
余計なこともあるけれど yokei na koto mo aru keredo There are some otoise things,
ここが好きだから koko ga suki dakara But that’s what makes me love this place.

あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
今年もよろしく kotoshi mo yoroshiku Wishing you all the best!
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
また1年よろしく mata ichinen yoroshiku May this year be a great one!

あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
今年もよろしく kotoshi mo yoroshiku Wishing you all the best!
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
また1年よろしく mata ichinen yoroshiku May this year be a great one!

あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
今年もよろしく kotoshi mo yoroshiku Wishing you all the best!
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
あけおめあけおめあけおめあけおめ akeome akeome akeome akeome HNY HNY HNY HNY
また1年よろしく mata ichinen yoroshiku May this year be a great one!

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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