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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Aitai Anoko ni Awasete Ageru
Song title
Romaji: Aitai Ano Ko ni, Awasete Ageru.
English: I’ll match myself up to that child opposite to me.[1]
Official English: me to me.
Original Upload Date
March 7, 2024
Kasane Teto, Koharu Rikka, VOICEPEAK Josei 1 and Zundamon
Haniwa (music, lyrics)
よすみ (illustration)
23,000+ (NN), 390,000+ (YT), 53,000+ (YT, auto-gen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
Spotify Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)


The following translation was made by CoolMikeHatsune22, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
小さい頃から私は、真似ばかりが得意でした。 chiisai koro kara watashi wa, mane bakari ga tokui deshita. Since I was little, I was always only good at imitating.
好き嫌いだってnああnにもしないし、 sukikirai datte naanni mo shinai shi, I wasn't fussy about aaannnything at all,
苦手な科目もありません。 nigate na kamoku mo arimasen. Nor was I bad at any subject.

誰とだって仲良くできる。 dare to datte nakayoku dekiru. I was able to make friends with everybody.
お話をあわせることなんてとっても上手。 ohanashi o awaseru koto nante tottemo jouzu. I was very good at matching my conversations with them.

私は必ず優等生。 watashi wa kanarazu yuutousei. Without a doubt, I was a model student.
だから貴方も、 dakara anata mo, So, I'm sure that you,

きっと気に入りますよ笑 kitto ki ni irimasu yo Must also think highly of me (teehee)

相対な夢を、 aitai na yume o, A dream that is positioned across me (that I want to meet)[2] -
その汚い目で今日を抱け。 sono kitanai me de kyou o idake. With that dirtied gaze of yours, be sure to hold it, hold today in your arms tight.
閉じない嘘を見せるよ。 tojinai uso o miseru yo. I'll show you a lie that won't ever be put away.
ただ信じていてよね。 tada shinjite ite yo ne. Please, just put your trust in it.

哀悲でいた朝を、 aihi de ita asa o, A morning of sorrow and grief -
まだ忘れられないのなら、手を繋ごう。 mada wasurerarenai nonara, te o tsunagou. Seeing that you are still unable to forget, let's lock hands.
枯れない嘘を見せるよ。 karenai uso o miseru yo. I'll show you a lie that won't ever wither.
まだ信じているよね? mada shinjite iru yo ne? You still believe in it, don't you?

小さい頃の貴方は幼い宝石みたいで、 chiisai koro no anata wa osanai houseki mitai de, When you were little, I thought you were like a young, childish jewel,
それはそれは、とーっても美しかったんですよoooooo sore wa sore wa, toottemo utsukushikatta ndesu yooooooo And well - well - I thought you were shining so beautifully back theeeen

今ではすっかり写真のベッドで眠っちゃって、 ima dewa sukkari shashin no beddo de nemucchatte, Right now, you were sleeping soundly on the bed in those photographs,
あの人はそれを嬉しそうに抱きしめている。 ano hito wa sore o ureshisou ni dakishimete iru. And that person is very happily holding it tight in her[3] embrace.

そうそう、そういえば人は、記憶で自分を時間に繋ぎ留めるといいます。 sou sou, sou ieba hito wa, kioku de jibun o jikan ni tsunagi todomeru to iimasu. That's right, now that I think about it, people are always saying that memories are how you could leave your mark on time.
それだから私は、とっても良いことを思いつきました! sore dakara watashi wa, tottemo ii koto o omoitsukimashita! That being the case, I've just had an incredibly amazing idea!

真似ばかりの得意な私達が、 mane bakari no tokui na watashitachi ga, We, who were only good at imitating,
「私達が」 "watashitachi ga" "We"
あわせてあげるといっているんです! awasete ageru to itte iru ndesu! Should bring ourselves up to match them well!

相対な夢を、 aitai na yume o, A dream that is positioned across me (that I want to meet)[2] -
その汚い目で今日を抱け。 sono kitanai me de kyou o idake. With that dirtied gaze of yours, be sure to hold it, hold today in your arms tight.
閉じない嘘を見せるよ。 tojinai uso o miseru yo. I'll show you a lie that won't ever be put away.
ただ信じていてよね。 tada shinjite ite yo ne. Please, just put your trust in it.

哀悲でいた朝を、 aihi de ita asa o, A morning of sorrow and grief -
まだ忘れられないのなら、手を繋ごう。 mada wasurerarenai no nara, te o tsunagou. Seeing that you are still unable to forget, let's lock hands.
枯れない嘘を見せるよ。 karenai uso o miseru yo. I'll show you a lie that won't ever wither.
まだ信じているよね? mada shinjite iru yo ne? You still believe in it, don't you?

小さい頃から私は、(小さい頃から私は、)真似ばかりが得意でした。(真似ばかりが得意でした。) chiisai koro kara watashi wa, (chiisai koro kara watashi wa,) mane bakari ga tokui deshita. (mane bakari ga tokui deshita.) Since I was little, (Since I was little,) I was always only good at imitating. (I was always only good at imitating.)
好き嫌いだってnああnにもしないし、(好き嫌いだってnああnにもしないし、) sukikirai datte naannimo shinai shi, (sukikirai datte naannimo shinai shi,) I wasn't fussy about aaannnything at all, (I wasn't fussy about aaannnything at all,)
苦手な科目もありません。(苦手な科目もありません。) nigate na kamoku mo arimasen. (nigate na kamoku mo arimasen.) Nor was I bad at any subject. (Nor was I bad at any subject.)
誰とだって仲良くできる。(誰とだって仲良くできる。) dare to datte nakayoku dekiru. (dare to datte nakayoku dekiru.) I was able to make friends with everybody. (I was able to make friends with everybody.)
お話をあわせること(お話をあわせること)なんてeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee、、、 ohanashi o awaseru koto (ohanashi o awaseru koto) nanteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,,, I was very good at matching my (I was very good at matching my) conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee、、、
EeeeeeE?? EeeeeeE?? EeeeeeE??
?だからあの子にも、きっとあわせてあげますよ? ? dakara ano ko ni mo, kitto awasete agemasu yo? ? So clearly, I would be able to match up to her, right?
あはは、、笑 ahaha,, Ahaha, , teehee

それでは目を綴じて。 sore de wa me o tojite. Well then, let's sew our eyes shut.
私が百つ数えたら貴方に。 watashi ga hyakutsu kazoetara anata ni. After I count up to 100, I'll.
二度と溶けない嘘を見せるよ。 nido to tokenai uso o miseru yo. Show you a lie that will never disappear.

だからただ貴方は、 dakara tada anata wa, So, please just,

信じていましょうね。 shinjite imashou ne. Put your trust in it.

「これは美しい命だ。 "kore wa utsukushii inochi da. "This is a beautiful life.
私が愛した欠代の無い美しい命だ。」 watashi ga aishita kakegae no nai utsukushii inochi da." A life without flaws or imperfections, a life that I loved."

と。 to. Well,

もうそれでいいんだよ。 mou sore de ii nda yo. That's enough, surely.

曖昧な歌も、 aimai na uta mo, Even if this is just a cryptic song,
貴方と、ただ、歩くように、 anata to, tada, aruku you ni, I'll keep praying,
朽ち荒んで行け、と、 kuchisusande ike, to, So that I'll, be able to simply, walk alongside you,
願うだけ、 negau dake, All the while hoping for it all to wither and waste away

だから、 dakara, So,

抱いていて、花を! daite ite, hana o! Hold it tight, that flower!
まだ覚めないで!!! mada samenaide!!! Don't wake from the dream yet!!!
あぁ!!!! aa!!!! Aah!!!!
嘘を!!!!!! uso o!!!!!! I promise!!!!!!
永遠の綺麗にあわせてあげるから!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eien no kirei ni awasete ageru kara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll fix up that lie, so it will match up well to that eternal beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!

English translation by CoolMikeHatsune22

Translation Notes[]

  1. The title is intentional wordplay between the sentences 会いたいなあの子に会わせてあげる。 “I’ll let you meet with that child that you want to see.” and 相対なあの子に合わせてあげる。 “I’ll match myself up to that child opposite to me.”. Both sentences are read/pronounced in the same way.
  2. 2.0 2.1 There is wordplay going on. 相対 “opposite (towards the subject)” is sung as aitai “want to meet”.
  3. The pronoun has been assumed (by the translator) as she/her in this sentence. In the original line the gender of あの人 “that person” is ambiguous.

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