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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
September 17, 2010
niki (music, lyrics)
tikuwadx (illustration)
360,000+ (NN), 110,000+ (YT), 11,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
混ざり合う時の中で最後に mazariau toki no naka de saigo ni Within the intermingling times, at the very end,
に後最で中の時う合りざ混 ni goisa de kana no kito uarizama End very the at, times intermingling the within,
感じることでさ迷い喚くの kanjiru koto de samayoi wameku no The things I feel cause me to lose my way, and I wail.
のす濁をえ答でとこす化魔誤 no sugoni o etako de toko sukamago Misrepresentation with answers my muddy I.

…「嫌だ」と …"iya da" to "I hate it," I say.
…「嫌だ」と (だから) …"iya da" to (dakara) "I hate it," I say, (That's why...)
…「嫌だ」と (だから) …"iya da" to (dakara) "I hate it," I say, (That's why...)
だから… dakara… That's why

時の流れには toki no nagare ni wa Like one can't resist
逆らえないようで sakaraenai you de The flow of time,
当たり前に生きて… atarimae ni ikite… I live naturally...
死んで 泣いて… shinde naite… I die and weep...
そう 流されるの sou nagasareru no Yes, I'll be washed away.
流されるの 流されるの nagasareru no nagasareru no I'll be washed away. I'll be washed away.
流されるの 溺れるの nagasareru no oboreru no I'll be washed away. I will drown.

りわ交と去過が来未る葬 riwajima to koka ga irami rumuuho Past the intersects future entombed the,
葬る未来が過去と交わり houmuru mirai ga kako to majiwari The entombed future intersects the past,
臆病な声が今を描いて okubyou na koe ga ima o egaite My cowardly voice describes the now,
たし隠を何でとこるけ付し押 tashikuka o nani de toko ruketsushio Down it forcing by hid I that it was what?

それは sore wa It was...
それは (弱い) sore wa (yowai) It was... (Weak...)
それは (弱い)  sore wa (yowai) It was... (Weak...)
(僕だ) 愛が (boku da) ai ga (Me...) Love is—

だから… dakara… That's why...
時の流れには toki no nagare ni wa Like one can't resist
逆らえないようで… sakaraenai you de… The flow of time...
弱虫な僕らが yowamushi na bokura ga We scaredy-cats
迷い 泣いて… mayoi naite… Get lost and cry...
そう 流れてくの sou nagareteku no Yes, I'm being washed away.
流れてくの 流れてくの nagareteku no nagareteku no I'm being washed away. I'm being washed away.
流れてくの 生きていて… nagareteku no ikite ite… I'm being washed away. I'm going on living...
それで… sore de… And with that...

だから… dakara… That's why...
生まれゆく事が umare yuku koto ga Like one can't resist
逆らえないようで… sakaraenai you de… being born...
愛されてることに aisareteru koto ni Just when I realize
気がついた時 ki ga tsuita toki That I'm loved,
流されるの 流されるの nagasareru no nagasareru no I'm being washed away. I'm being washed away.
流されるの 流されるの nagasareru no nagasareru no I'm being washed away. I'm being washed away.
生きてるよ だから… ikiteru yo dakara… I am living. That's why...
だから… dakara… That's why...

English translation by BerrySubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

Notable Derivatives

kyaami's cover
Featuring: Namine Ritsu
Producer(s): Kyaami (cover), hara (illustration), Hashima (illustration)

External Links

