Hi guys, I just finished uploading my translation of OREMO UTAU, Avogado6's new song. I was wondering if anyone could check it since it's worded quite strangely throughout. I had some particular trouble with these lines:
必死餌に無へ -- "To/in desperate bait, into the void?") Which I translated as "Desperately casting bait into the void" (sort of like, "desperately trying to get attention even though no-one is listening" or something?) I'm a bit iffy on it because desperately should be 必死で, right? So does 必死 modify 餌 (desperate bait)? Why are there two directional markers?? Could it mean "[taking the] desperate bait, I go into the void" or something?? Help!
町夜明け/ダンスホールや/揺れろ幾層 -- I'm unclear where the line ends here. I've only ever seen や used to mean "and", so I take it the intended reading is "Dawn breaks over the town AND the dancehall", followed by "Let's sway, [along with] the layers" or maybe "make the layers sway" (confused about the occasional uses of imperative -o form in this song tbh [作ろ、揺れろ, etc]. If they mean something else and I'm being stupid please let me know lol. Maybe they're like 作ろう/揺れろう? But even then that doesn't change the tone drastically, just from imperative to suggestive so I guess that would be, like, fine).
But if the town line and the dancehall line are different, can や mean "within", because "let's sway inside the dancehall" seems to work better. But then if you separate them, what happens to the stray 幾層? Is it something like "the layers sway inside the dancehall"? Is it meant to be a pun on 行くぞ? Like "Let's sway in the dancehall - come on, let's go"?? Am I losing my mind cause its 2am rn??
Thank you in advance!
P.S. I can't edit the title cause it's autogenerated and I'm bad at code, but I think the English title should be "I'll sing too" (I like that over "I sing too" because it's Calogado's release song, so it's like saying "I'll be singing from now on!" or something)